《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》Meeting in Person


You and Zaptrap have been chatting for a few months now, and you've been thinking about asking him if he wants to meet you in real life. You probably would have asked him a while ago, but you're worried that meeting in person could ruin your online friendship. Today, though, you're determined to ask him.

Zaptrap: So, do you want to hear about the art of kissing pillows?

Y/u: ...?

Zaptrap: I swear that wasn't me! I left the computer for like 15 seconds and one of my friends sent that!

Y/u: Rule Number 1 of chatting online: never leave your computer unattended. That's something one of my brothers would do.

Zaptrap: So...this is going to sound a little crazy, but...I really want to meet you in real life.

Y/u: Funny, I was just thinking the same thing. Where and when?

You sprint around the corner, slow to a stop, and lean against a wall, gasping for breath. You're late. You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago. You hope Zaptrap doesn't think you stood him up.

You run your fingers through your (hair length) (hair color) hair so it won't look too messy and walk into Buddy's Pizza. You're looking around for someone who might be Zaptrap when a guy in a blue jacket sprints through the door and runs into you, knocking you over.

"Sorry!" he yelps. "I was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago! Are you okay?"

He helps you up. He has reddish-orange hair and green eyes. You stare at him for a minute before realizing that he's waiting for an answer.

"Yeah," you tell him, forcing yourself to snap out of it. "It's okay. I shouldn't have been standing in front of the door. I just got here, and I was supposed to meet someone here ten minutes ago-well, more like fifteen, now," you add, glancing at a nearby clock.


The guy looks at you. "Wait, are you meeting someone you met online? At PerfectMatch.com?"

"Yeah..." You say cautiously. "Wait-are you Zaptrap?"

He grins and holds out his hand. "Yep. And I guess you must be y/u. Nice to meet you. My name's Jay."

"Y/n." you shake Jay's hand, and your stomach grumbles loudly. You both look down and giggle. "How about we sit down and have some pizza?"

Jay laughs. "Fine with me."

The two of you talk and laugh for the next half hour, and the (favorite topping) pizza you ordered quickly disappears. You're telling Jay about the time your dad accidentally put pepper in the salt shaker when you hear somebody honking a horn outside.

You look out the window. "Rats."

Jay looks as well. "Who's that?"

"That's my brother," you sigh. "He's also my ride until Mom lets me take my driver's test."

Your brother honks his horn a few more times. You toss some money on the table to help pay for the pizza and head for the door.

"Well...it was fun meeting you," Jay says. "Catch you around sometime?"

"Oh, hey, I almost forgot!" you run back to the table, scribble your phone number on a napkin, and hand it to Jay. "Call me!" you say over your shoulder as you head out the door.

You don't see Jay doing a happy dance in the middle of the restaurant after your brother drives away.

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