《Solangelo》Part thirteen lol


After a day of cleaning up and hanging around in the infirmary, Nico got tired. He went to Will, who was checking the health of some Hermes-kid. "Will, are have you finished yet? I want to go."

The Hermes-guycoughed and Will grinned. "Just a minute. Can you pass me the paracetamol please?"

Nico walked over to the closet with the medicine and the other stuff. Paracetamol, paracetamol... obviously this thing here. He grabbed the bottle and threw it in Wills direction, who catched it and stared at Nico. "This is not paracetamol, death boy! It's printed on the front, look again."

With a blush, Nico looked through the stuff and handed Will another glass bottle and watched him healing. The son of Hermes didn't say a word the whole time, which was kind of strange, but Nico didn't mind the silence.

"You can go. Just keep it low, ok?" said Will to the guy and the boy stood up and shook Wills hand. "Thanks, man. See you. Nico-", he nodded at him and Nico waved his hand after him. "Amico."

Then he faced Will, who looked at him with a smirk. "Amico?"

"Thats Italian for friend, stupid."

"I know, you just... haven't spoken Italian, like, ever."

"I just feel like it." Nico jumped up from his chair and walked over to Will. "I feel happy, you know? It's because of you. You make me so happy it's incredible."

Will blushed. "That's the best thing I can do for you." He kissed him on the cheek and Nico wrapped his arms around his chest.

Will lay his chin on the top of his head and they stood like that for a minute. To his own surprise, Nico enjoyed that physical contact with Will. It made him believe that everything was going to be okay.


But after a few more moments, he got bored. "Can we leave? Let's, I don't know, do something outside."

Will looked surprised but also happy. "Sure! I just have to tell one of my siblings that they look after the few patients."

He grabbed Nicos hand and pulled him out of the room.

After that, they walked to the pavilion where dinner was about to be, because it already was late in the evening. (

Will went to sit down at the Apollo-table and Nico fell on the bank next to Jason.

"Yooo, what's up?"

"Hey Dude! Where have you been the whole day? I've been asking people but no one knew."

Nico hesitated. "I've been helping Will in the infirmary."

"Cool! Have you renovated your cabin already new? You've told me you want to do it."

"Yes... Will helped me." When Nico said that, he realized how weird that all has to sound. He've been doing so much with the son of Apollo, hopefully Jason wouldn't notice.

The son of Zeus raised an eyebrow. "Cool... So you and Will are fine? No more distracting yourself? You're happy?"

Nico blushed. "I...I actually am. I'm glad I stayed." He glanced over to the Apollo table where Will was sitting and laughed with his siblings.

Jason grinned. "Nice to hear. And of course that has nothing to do with the certain son of Apollo you're looking at."

Nico was about to give a sassy answer, when a voice behind him said:" Well, that sounds nice. Jason, are you going to eat that?"

And next to them stood Leo Valdez.


Litterally the whole camp went silent for a minute when they noticed Leo standing there and chewing on one of the grapes Jason had taken.


Then, a very high and very loud scream was heared and Piper jumped over the Aphrodite table in a very inelegant jump, chimed at Leo and buried him in a gigantic hug.

She started crying and squeezed him so tight that they both fell to the ground.

The rest of the camp was still in shock. Nico didn't know what to say and Jason looked like he was about to faint. Then he slowly, slowly stood up and looked down at Piper and Leo, who rolled around on the floor. Piper had wrapped her arms around Leo's chest and cried, but quickly stood up and wiped her tears away. "LEO - FRICKING - VALDEZ. how DARE you to just APPEAR here and act like you HAVEN'T DIED??! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS HOW MUCH... HOW MANY..." she stopped and blinked her tears away. Jason still stood like a statue, but suddenly, he reacted. For a moment, he looked like he was about to slap Leo right in the face, then he gave him the biggest hug imaginable. "Idiot! You're such an idiot, Valdez."

Nico saw Leo's smile. "I know, man. That's the reason you love me." He hugged Jason back and that brought life to the campers. Many more started running to the three friends and others cheered and applauded. "That seems like party!", someone yelled.



"Team Leo!"

Everybody seemed to have the best time of their lifes, but Nico suddenly noticed the girl standing in the shadows behind Leo.

She stared at the whole mess and the bunches of people hugging Leo and she didn't seem to appreciate it. More like, she looked like personificated confuseness. And Nico had never seen her before.

He cleared his throat. "Guys."

No one reacted. He was about to try again, when Leo suddenly freed himself from all the hugs. "Folks!", he yelled, "I've brought someone. This...", he grabbed the girls hand and and pulled her into the light, "is Calypso, my... Uhm, my girlfriend I guess?"

Calypso looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "I actually am. Nice to see that you have friends here."

Leo grinned at everyone. "Isn't she gold?"

The others looked confused and like they wanted to start asking millions of questions at the same time, but at that moment, Will appeared. "I'm so happy that you're here again, Leo. But to be honest, you look really tired, so what about you rest for now and tell us the story later? You and Calypso need to get some sleep, you look kind of done with everything."

Nico totally admired Will for that and needed all of his self esteem to not stare at him with a dreamy gaze.

Leo for his part just looked thankful. "Thanks, man! Calypso can sleep in my cabin, right? Love you all. Good night."

He yawned and before anyone reacted, he already had grabbed Calypsos hand and pulled her of the stage.

Piper and Jason locked eyes for a second, then they runned after them. "Apparently, we're your best friends so we come with you."

"Right. I'm not hungry anyways."

Together, they walked off.

Nico let out a breath and turned around to the others. "Well, that was a surprise, right?"

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