《Solangelo》Part twelve wooo


When they walked down the hill together, Will didn't let go of Nicos hand. It was quite nice, but Nico wasn't sure what was their relationship status now. They didn't know eachother that well and none of the had asked the question. (

He wasn't sure if he should mention it, but then he realized that honesty would be important.

"Will... What shall we tell the others? Are we dating? Are we... boyfriends?" He blushed.

Will made an "awww"- sound.

"You're too cute, di Angelo. I don't really know to be honest, uhm, let's tell them... we're dating."

Nico took a deep breath. "Okay."

"You're okay with that, aren't you?"


But Will noticed his hesitation. "We don't have to tell them yet if you don't want to. I can wait."

Nico sighed. "Maybe... Maybe, like, in a week? Or when they know me better? I mean... Son of Hades and gay isn't the best image if you know what I mean..."

"Fuck the images. But yeah, I get what you mean." Will looked at him and groaned. "Gods, I'm still dizzy from the shadow travelling."

Nico laughed. "You are amazing", then he let go of Wills hand. He needed to find the perfect moment for him to tell the others.

Will didn't say anything, and because of that, Nico liked him even more. Together, they went down to the camp. "Sooo... Uhm, what now?" Will asked and ruffed his hair.

"I don't know... what if I helped you in the infirmary?"

Will gasped. "You would do that?"

Nico had to smile. "Dude, you were basically the first person who was allowed to touch me without getting karate chopped. Also we just kissed so I guess that's okay."


Will blushed. "Well then."

They went over to the infirmary. Will hold the door open and grinned at Nico. "Come in, my dearest!"

"Why thank you, Mister", Nico played along and Will hold his hand out and Nico took it. They walked through the dark hallway like they were about to go to a wedding. "Why is it so dark in here? Where are your siblings?"

Will, who still hold Nicos hand like they just went to prom, shook his head. "I have no idea. But... we are alone."

He smirked at him and before Nico could react, he felt himself being pushed against the wall and Wills lips on his.

For a second, he wanted to pull away because someone could walk in at any moment, but all his brain said was 'mmmmmmore', so he decided to throw that idea away and passionatly kissed Will back. Will pulled him as close as possible and Nicos hands found their way to his hair.

And then, the door opened, and outside stood the one and only - Annabeth Chase.

Nico almost shrieked and pushed Will away. Will, who looked confused, quickly turned around and blushed when he faced Annabeth, who stood in the door and stared at them. "Annabeth! Can I... Can I help you? We were... we were just, uhm, cleaning up."

Nico elbowed him. Because he was so short, he accidently hit Wills stomach and the other boy choked. He wanted to elbow him back and almost hit Nicos face, but he quickly stepped aside and smiled at Annabeth, who looked confused yet kind of amused. "It's so nice to see you guys, I haven't seen you in what feels like ages! I wanted to ask if you have seen Percy? I can't find him."


Will and Nico looked at eachother. "I don't. Maybe he's hanging out with Jason."

"Oh, ok. Thanks anyway. Imma go and seek for Jason", she laughed.

Will holded her back. "Uhm, Annabeth... whatever you're interpreting into this... just don't tell anyone, okay?"

Annabeth grinned. "Sure. I haven't seen a thing. See you around!"

She left.

Will breathed out. "That was awkward."

But Nico squeezed his hand. "Thanks for telling her that. And sorry for that elbowing", he laughed.

Will groaned. "Whatever makes you happy, di Angelo."

"Almost elbowing your crotch? That's so selfish."

"In which way is that selfish?"


"Ohhh I want to know." Will looked with a gigantic smile. He looked like the sun.

And his eyes were like the universe.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Nico blushed. "Oh, uhm... It's fine. Not important."

Will nodded slowly and for that, Nico admired him even more. He made him so happy.

He was about to kiss him again, but then he remembered that they were in the infirmary and people could walk in and maybe they wouldn't be as understanding as Annabeth.

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