《Solangelo》Part eleven what


When their lips touched, a shiver rushed down Nicos spine. Will stood in shock and for a terrible moment, Nico thought that he'd push him away. He wanted to let go and apologize, but at that moment, he felt Will harshly breathe in and wrapping his arms around him. Will pulled him closer and Nico closed his eyes. He put his arms around Wills neck and tingled his hands into his hair. He inhaled his scent and it was just like in his dream, although he had no idea how that was possible.

Everything smelled like vanilla and sun and summer.

Nico couldn't think clear with Wills hands around his hips and his lips that tasted like cotton candy and the feeling that for once, everything was right.

Finally, when he had no more breath, he pulled away.

He hadn't realized but Will glowed even much more now. That meant that he was happy.

Nico could see all of the crystals in the cave and it reflected in Wills eyes. The son of Hades wrapped his arms around Wills torso and leaned his forehead on his collarbones. Snuggled together like that, they slowly sat down on the ground and sat there for a while in comfortable silence cuddling. After a while, Will took Nicos face between his hands and looked hin into the eyes. "Are you alright, death boy?"

Nico sighed with half closed eyes. "Perfectly. What about you?"

Will smirked. "How could I be not okay?"

Nico had to smile. With a small sigh, he leaned his forehead against Wills and looked at him through his eyelashes. Their hands lay tangled together on Will's lap and Nico felt the blood rushing through his veins.

For once, he was okay with physical touching. It gave him a warm feeling in his chest and made his heart beat faster.


Will stubbed his cheek. "You taste like pomegranate, death boy."

Nico blushed. "Thanks?"

Will just smiled.

"Is it bad that we made out in a cave? I mean... we don't know eachother that well yet..."

"Oh. Uhm. I... I think we can just get to know eachother if you know what I mean", Will wispered and Nico felt his breath against his lips.

"I guess so", he mumbled and then he kissed him again softly.

He felt Will smiling against his lips and had to smile to.

Then, a question came into his mind. He wasn't serious about it but...

"What's your zodiac sign, Will?"

Will looked at him like 'what the hell?'

"Is that question important enough to interrupt a kiss?"

"Pleeeease tell me" Nico begged.

Will sighed. "Oh death boy..."

"Excuse me?"

"Uhmmm I think it's Aries?"

"Oh! Okay... cool."

"Does it match with yours?"

"It does! I had this post...", Nico blushed, why was he talking about astrology? "I mean... Yeah, quite well."

Will laughed.

"So if you're into that... cool."

Nico grinned. "Kind of.

Suddenly, Will shrieked. "O gods, it's so late! Do you... Could you shadow travel us?"

Nico felt Wills hand in his. He squeezed it. "Of course."

He stood up and pulled Will with him and Wills glow was almost gone now bit he felt the other boy standing next to him. He was very warm and still smelled so good.

"Concentration, Nico", he mumbled and wanted to dissolve, but Will interrupted.

"What did you say?"

"You're distracting me. Keep quiet."

"I'm...", Will stopped, his voice shivering, "I've never shadow travelled before... Does it hurt?"

Nico had to smile about that. "Nooo! It's kind of uncomfortable, that's true, but it's not painful. Just hold on and don't let go for gods sake ok?"



Nico closed his eyes and concentrated. He felt the darkness surrounding him and Will silently whining.

A few seconds later, they stood in the camp on the hill.

Will pulled his hand out of Nicos grip and lurched a few steps away.

"Will, are you okay?"

"Sure", Will gasped. "I'm fine, see?"

He tried to walk over to Nico again, but it didn't happen- because he threw up on the grass.

"Gods! I see you're okay, stupid! Sit down and calm down. Everything's fine. Sun. Apollo."

"Don't... mention my dad please", Will hired and Nico grinned. "Sure."

"I guess I'm just more the sunny type, you know."

"Wow that's really great if we're together", Nico snapped and Will sat up quickly. "Thats not what I meant! I'm sorry."

"It's okay, don't worry. Do you feel better again?"

Will nodded. "Let's go down there. But I'll have to take your hand because I'm not safe with my own feet."

He took Nicos hand and another rush of butterflies flew through his stomach.

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