In Serial

Journeys in the Fairworld: The Brigand of Potham (Complete)

8 91 45
Author: Type:Male

Harlow Barnstabrake is the most popular young man in the village. There is nothing he can’t do, and he usually does it better than anybody else. But when a terrible crime is committed, Harlow must face real danger for the first time. To unravel the mystery, Harlow must also team up with Fanny Howard, the most boring girl in the village. Will Harlow and Fanny bring the culprit to earth without getting themselves killed?

Journeys in the Fairworld is a fantasy anthology series set in The Fairworld, a magical realm existing in parallel with our own world which is governed by a group elfin beings known only as “The Good Folk”. These mysterious entities work in secret to keep the peace between the myriad of peoples and nations which dwell in The Fairworld. Complex relationships and bitter rivalries emerge against a backdrop of constrained resources and conflicting values to produce a world of high adventure and tangled mysteries.

This novel is a completed work (although there still may be a few outstanding errors here and there), and is about 52,000 words long. If you want to read more stories from Journeys in the Fairworld, please checkout “Journeys in the Fairworld: The Gatekeeper”, which is also available here on Royal Road Legends.

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