《Solangelo》Part nine I can't


Nico didn't know how long they had been sitting like that.

Finally, Will said: "I don't really want to interrupt, but... I actually came because I wanted to show you something. Come with me?"

Nico took his arm away and nodded.

Will stood up and left, and Nico followed him, secretly asking himself where they were going.

Will kept walking and didn't say a word. Nico just wanted to ask where they were going, when, of course, Sam appeared, together with Piper and Jason.

"Guuuuys, what's up? Where are you going?" Sam fist - bumped Will and then turned around to Nico. "Oh, our dramaqueen is okay again? Man, why the hell..."

Nico stared at him with an open mouth. How could someone be so rude?

He was about to give a sassy answer, when he caught the look in Jasons eyes. He didn't say a word, but Nico understood him very well - 'don't do anything. We'll let you have your romantic date'.

Nico gave him a death glare, like 'what are you talking about??' and was about to say "Come one, Will, let's go", when all of a sudden, Piper, Jason and Will started talking at the same time.

"Not now, Sam. I wanted to show him something", said Will and gave Sam a look that Nico didn't really understood.

"Guys", said Piper in charmspeak, "How about some swordfighting lessons? I'm still terrible. Jason, Sam? Let's go?"

"Let's get some food. I'm incredibly hungry", said Jason and then he looked at the others confused. "Uhm, I mean... Sword fighting. Cool."

Sam raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything, which Nico was thankful for.

To his surprise, Sam turned around and they walked off. Nico heard something like "Gods, Sam, I thought you were the son of Aphrodite, was that necessary?", which he didn't really understood. Obviously, Piper had seen something that the others hadn't, but what? No way that it had been something romantic. Will and him didnt have something romantic. They were friends.


"Uhm, I'm sorry. I think I can understand why you don't really like Sam... If you don't know him, he can be really, let's say, annoying."

"Kind of", mumbled Nico, then he took a deep breath and raised his voice. "It's okay. Everyone needs a friend like that! Now show me what you wanted to show me. I'm curious."

Will looked happier again and then, he took Nicos hand.

Nico almost tripped, but thank the gods he just told himself to keep calm and walked next to Will.

What did that mean now? Clearly, Will wouldn't have taken Nicos hand if he were in a relationship with Sam.

He didn't mention it, he just kept walking as if they weren't holding hands, which totally confused Nico, but he didn't say anything.

Will walked faster and faster and pulled Nico with him.

They entered the forest.

"Where are we going, Will?"

"You'll see. I go there when I want to be alone, but... let's be alone together."

Nico smiled at the reference from one of his favourite bands.

"We could stay young forever", he continued the song.

"Scream if from the top of our lu-u-u-ung, yeah" sang Will and Nico laughed.

"I don't mind your singing voice, Solace", he said and Will squeezed his hand. "Why thank you, death boy. Same as well!"

Nico bumped Wills shoulder with his own, and together they lurched through the forest. "Are we there yet? I'm tired."

"Don't complain, you shadow - travelled a statue through Europe, you can do a walk like this."


"You'll like it, I promise."


"Doctors orders."

Nico raised an eyebrow. "That has nothing to do with the actual topic?"

Will smirked. "Sam was right, you cannot tell if we love or hate eachother."


Nico, who realized that they were still holding hands, blushed again. "You're so weird, Will."

"Normalness leads to sadness. And pretending to be happy keeps the demons away. Try it out! Also, I'm actually pretty hyper when I'm happy."

"So you're happy now?"

"Yeah! I mean, uhm... yup, you could say so."

"Because of me?" Nico didn't knew where that came from. It just escaped his lips.

Will grinned. "Was that so obvious? Well, I am happy because you liked the decoration and you looked so cute when you were worried..."

Nico gasped. "Cute? Me?? I'm the son of Hades! I summon zombies, fear me!"

Will laughed. "Nah, death boy. I could never fear you. I have seen you sleep, and you literally looked like a peaceful pet, I really had the urge to pet you."


Nico had never met someone like Will Solace. No one had told him before that they had the urge to pet him, him, the ghost king! The situation was so ridiculous that Nico started to laugh, to his own surprise.

"Why are you laughing? I meant this whole thing seriously."

Nico started laughing so hard that his stomach started hurting.

Will had to grin. "Nice to know that I made you laugh. Also your laugh is so cute!"

"Stop...it!" Nico gasped and held his stomach. He tried to normalise his breathing again and took one or two deep breathes and wanted to say something sassy, when Will started looking excited. "We are there! Come on!", he started to run and pulled Nico with him, who had his problems keeping that speed after his laughattack.

"Will, wait..."

He wanted to pull away, but Will ran deeper into the forest and suddenly, they fell into a hole.

"What the- O gods, help?!"

They slid down what felt like a slide, but Nico couldn't really tell because it was pitch black.

"Wiiiiiilliam Solace, what are you doiiiing?" It got colder and colder and suddenly, they fell out of the slide and bumped one the ground. Nico landed on something soft and heard an "ouch!" He realized that he'd landed on top of Will and he tried to stand up, but the fact that it was totally dark didn't made it better. Then he heard Will laughing. "Thats always fun! Come one Neeks, you can't say you didn't enjoy it."

"I didn't. Make light, I can't see anything", Nico snapped and heard a little sigh. He felt Will breathing and was glad that it was dark now, because he blushed. Then he felt Will moving under him and quickly stood up and lurched a few steps away. "Okay", said Will and Nico heard him coming closer. And he noticed a little glow... like in his dream. Where were they?

"Will... is that you glowing? Where are we?"

Will took his hand again, which sent another rush of butterflies through Nicos stomach. "We're at my favourite place. Close your eyes."


"Yeah. Do it for me."

With a sigh, Nico closed his eyes. It got brighter, and when he opened them again, he saw the place they were at- the cave from Nicos dreams.

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