《Solangelo》Part eight mhm nice


Nico heard nothing but "I don't love you like I did yesterday", which didn't made his mood better, and he felt nothing than the soft ground under him.

With a sigh, he turned around so that he was lying on his back and stared into the sky. It was just afternoon and not very late, so he doubted that someone would question where he was. Not that anyone would ever anyways.

Will slid into his thoughts.

Nico didn't understood that boy. Why had he offered him help, just to invite like 10000 people afterwards? They propably stopped decorating now.

He held his hands in front of his face. Why did he always have to scare people away? He'd been so comfortable with Will, and he propably ruined that now.

Nico sighed again. Always the same.

Always this way.

"Disenchanted" started to play and more tears started streaming down his face. Nico didn't try to stop them.

He didn't knew how long he was lying there but after a while he got tired, cold and a little headache so he decided to return to his cabin and just stay in bed for the next few days.

Slowly, he walked through the woods and stopped at the entrance into the camp. He didn't wanted to meet anyone, so he started running again and chimed into his cabin and- suddenly stopped.

Will, Sam and Butch hadn't stopped decorating. They've finished everything. And the result was amazing.

Nico turned around and gasped a bit. The walls were completely covered in a dark shade of gold and decorated with little skulls. The ceiling was black with golden stars. And pinned over every piece of furniture were fairylights- black fairylights. They glowed darkly and made the whole thing extremely artistic. On the table in the middle stood a fruit bowl with pomegranates.


Nico hadn't had noticed at first, but the stars on the ceiling were glowing as well. He had no idea how Will managed to do that, but it looked gorgeous.

It was so beautiful that he actually wanted to cry. But before that happened, Will walked into his cabin and looked surprised when he found Nico admiring the view.

Nico gulped, didn't knowing what to say. "Thanks" didn't seem enough for such a pleasure.

He gritted his teeth and moved his hands through his hair.

"I'm- I'm sorry Will... This whole thing... It's amazing. Thank you so much."

He took a deep breath and wanted to continue, but Will shook his head. "It's fine."

"It's not fine, dude. This here is awesome! I still don't understand why you're doing this for me."

Will smiled, but it looked kinda sad. "I keep distracting myself. I mean, I wish it would work out. It's just- easier with you, you know? I know we argue often but talking to you helps me forgetting my problems and my bad kinda stuff and my misery... Because we are so different its ridiculous, but I know that you aren't perfectly fine as well so it feels better, you see?"

Nico didn't know what to say. Who would've thought that a boy like Will Solace had any demons?

"Everyone has demons", said Will silently as if he had red Nicos' mind.

"Probably", Nico mumbled and then he cleared his throat. "Sit down if you want to. Take a pomegranate. Talk to me."

Will smiled, a little bit shy, then he sat on one of the beds. Nico sat next to him and looked into his eyes. "What's wrong, Solace?"

Will looked like he actually didn't wanted to tell him, but he took a deep breath and started.


He told Nico about his past, which wasn't fun, about the many siblings that he lost in the battle of Manhattan, the people he didn't manage to heal and died.

He told him that he once enjoined archery, when Michael Yew teached him, who was dead now.

He told him that he couldn't handle all the deaths he'd seen.

"I'm not just a doctor, you know. Seeing your friends and family die destroys you."

Nico listened and listened and although the things that Will was talking about weren't nice or comfortable, he enjoyed sitting here with him. Will trusted him, and the thought of not having messed it up made his heart beat faster.

When Will finished, Nico didn't knew what to say. So he took his hand and squeezed it.

He didn't knew where the sudden courage came from, maybe it was just the fact that the boy next to him wasn't perfect to. They were just two teenagers with the same feelings.

And he had nothing to loose.

So he put an arm around Will and the son of Apollo rested his head on his shoulder.

Nico couldn't tell if it was a romantic thing or a friendship one. He just knew that he had to help Will in that moment and that sometimes, gestures like that could say more then words.

So they just sat in silence.

And enjoyed eachothers company.

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