《Solangelo》Part ten what the hell


"How is that possible?" Nico whispered and turned around to face Will. Like in his dream, he was glooming. How was that possible?

"How is what possible? Look around man, isn't that place gorgeous?"

"I know what it looks like, because...", he lowed his voice, "I dreamt of it."

"You did what?"

Nico sighed. "So when Sam told you that I was dreaming of you, I didn't dream that we had a fight, I dreamt that you took me to this cave and..." he stopped, maybe he shouldn't mention the part with the kissing.

"And what?"

"I don't know. We talked."

Will looked confused. "Okay... That sounds weird. I have no idea why, but yeah. Welcome to the best cave in the world."

Nico found it still strange that he had dreamt about Wills favourite place. But he accepted it. "Are the stones on the ground of the lake really crystals? They sparkle so much."

What the hell, di Angelo? What was that conversation? 'They sparkle so much'? He literally behaved like a five - year old. But Will just nodded and walked to the shore. He kneeled down and picked up one of the crystals.

Then he returned to Nico and gave him the stone. It sparkled in a brown which reminded Nico of fall.

"Keep it", Will smiled, "it'll remember you of... of this place."

Nico expected him to say 'of me', but he tried to not look disappointed. "Thanks! It's gorgeous."

The word gorgeous reminded him of Sam, and he sighed. "Will, we need to talk. I want to know the truth."

Will looked confused. "I don't really know what you're talking about... but yeah, go on."

Nico sighed again.

"Sam", he said.

"The cabin - decorating. The hand - grabbing thing... I want to know what's going on between us. What is our relationship status? Because sometimes , I don't understand, and I learned that knowing the truth and accepting is better then denying. Also, why are you glowing? Is that a thing?"


Will nodded slowly. Then he nodded again.

"Uhm. So, uhm..." he stopped.

"O gods, Nico I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Okay I'm just gonna- gonna forget all awkwardness and I'm just gonna tell you what I think and feel and I don't care what you think of me afterwards..."

"Will wait a second. What are you talking about?"

"...Just don't interrupt me because I won't have the courage to start again."

Nico stared at him. What did he mean?

"Also, this is such a cliché, but I brought you here so we can talk and won't be interrupted... especially not by Sam."

Nicos stomach exploded in butterflies. "What- what do you mean..."

But Will didn't seem to care that Nico was completely confused.

He took his hands, which made Nicos emotional frequency not really better, but at least it saved him from falling

into the pond.

Will cleared his throat. "I need to tell you the truth. I got you the room with Sam because we've been really good friends for a long time and - and I wanted him to, you know, tell me if you talk about me or something..."

"So you wanted him to stalk me?"

"Noooo, I mean... kind of?"

"William Solace I swear to gods-"

There wasn't much light, but Will obviously blushed. Nico didn't knew whether to push him into the small lake or kiss him.

That thought irritated him. It was the first time since Percy that he felt like that and he wasn't sure if this was a bad or good thing.

Will took a deep breath and tried to continue, but he stammered really badly.

"Well... I asked him to see if you'd talk about me. And he did- but I didn't expected him to take it that seriously and interrupt us in like every private chat. Also he told me that he can't really see what you feel, like he usually can, which confused me even more. And I was so insecure about everything."


Nico stared at him. "I actually thought that you and Sam are dating!" Now that he said it out loud it sounded ridiculous.

Will stared at him and then started laughing. "He has a girlfriend you tomato! He's one of my best friends o gods! I'm sorry you thought that. We aren't dating."

Nico went bright red. "O... okay."

Will sighed.

"He just wanted to help me with my questions. Because I've- I've never met someone like you."

Nico felt like it was time to interrupt him. "Are you actually kidding me? I've never met someone like you! You're the first person that's not afraid of my power and you tell me what's on your mind... I guess... That's good." His heart beated so fast that it felt like his chest was exploding.

"I know that we know eachother for just a week or something, but my need to make you happy is incredible.

And you know, after the battle of Manhattan you just disappeared and I desperately tried to find you or at least someone who knows you and I basically asked the whole camp where you went and who you were because - because I felt so attracted to you. Call me a fag, call me weird, call me anything, but it's the truth and I'm not even sorry."

Will was in rage now and gesticulated with his hands.

"But you weren't there and I started to forget. And then you came back and from the second that you appeared on the hill and we made eye contact, I knew that you were something special. I don't really believe in love at first sight, but I knew you were worth it. I suddenly knew that all sorrows I've seen and all the mess was just the beginning of my life- but it's worth fighting for. Love is worth fighting for and I know this sounds incredibly cheesy and I know I'm not good with words but I needed to talk to you, because I mean every word. Please... just please don't hate me."

He stopped and bit his lip.

And Nicos life flashed before his eyes.

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