《Solangelo》Part six amazing


On the next day, Nico woke up early. He was quite confused, because he used to sleep way to long, but now, the sun was just rising. He wondered a few moments why he was awake that early, then he heard a tapping noise on the window and when he looked outside, he saw - Will Solace, who grinned like hell and his eyes were shining like the sun.

Nico glared at him for a second, then he opened the door. "Will Solace! Not everyone is awake at sunrise, you know."

Will smirked. "Yeah, but if you really want to re-decorate your cabin, we should start as early as possible. Also I often wake up at sunrise, dang Apollo, and I was bored. So hi."

Nico sighed. "Don't you actually have to be in the infirmary?"

Will shook his head. "I asked Sam, who has fully recovered, to watch after the others. And my siblings."

Nico was wondering why Will did all this just for him but he didn't say anything. Instead of that, he realized that he was wearing his black "my chemical romance"- pyjama and he hadn't brushed his teeth yet. He blushed.

"Uhm... Okay, well, you can come in and... give it a look? I'll brush my teeth and... put on something else."

Will mumbled something that sounded like "I like my chemical romance" but Nico decided to ignore that one and hushed into the bathroom. He was about to put on a black Tshirt, like always, but something else catched his eye - an orange Camp - shirt, like everyone was wearing.

He stared at it for a second, then put it on, together with black skinny jeans and already felt better.

When he got back out, Will was sitting on his bed and looked at the walls. Nico sat next to him and Will turned his head around. "Soo, I've been thinking. What about moving that table to there, so the view at the window is better and the light can come in..."


He started talking, and Nico tried to listen, but he somehow got lost in the way Will moved his hands while explaining, or how his curly hair shook when he was looking around, or how his eyes were full of joy when he was talking about perfect angles for carpets.

"You know, I'm into aesthetic stuff... Nico, are you paying attention to what I'm saying?"

Nico quickly tried to concentrate. "Sure! Uhm, just go on."

Will leaned back and continued talking and once again, Nico just looked at him. He thought of the way Sam and Will had been talking- so intense, like they were close friends... or lovers. Nico tried to tell himself that he didn't care but when he looked at Will, who lay on his bed, stared at the ceiling and told him something about his aesthetics, he just had to smile.

Which wasn't the way he planned it. Will was just a friend. They were friends, nothing more.

He cleared his throat and interrupted Will. "How about, we just start doing something? All this theoretic stuff is boring, let's do something."

"Let's do me."

"What the- Solace! Focus. What did you just say about this table? Move it in front of here right?"

Although, Nicos stomach was full of butterflies, he ignored it and kept behaving normal. It was a joke, don't freak out.

Together, they moved the few beds and tables and chairs, until the room looked better in Nicos opinion. Both of them hadn't said a word in half an hour, but now Will turned around and said: "So, it's still to dark. Black walls are ridiculous. How about gold or green? Like, gold stands for rich and green for poison, things that Hades relates to too, you know what I mean?"


Nico nodded. That idea was surprisingly good.

"I'd go for gold. And I want something on the ceiling. Little moons or skulls. That's cool. How good are your drawing skills?"

"I'd say, quite well." Will smiled.

Nico put up his thumb.

"Then let's go for it. Wait- we have to put the things outside then. We just arranged everything!"

Will laughed. "Now you know why I wanted to make a plan before we start."

Nico turned around, and shoved Will playfully. "You could've told me that before we start!"

"Yeah but you wouldn't have listened to me anyway, so it doesn't matters."

"Who says that I wouldn't have listened? You're so straight with your opinion o my gods."

Will smirked. "I have my problems with being straight."

Nico stared at him for at least ten seconds. Then he blushed. Then, when he realized that he blushed, he blushed even more. "So... so, uhm..."

"Nevermind", said Will and turned around to start shoving one of the beds out of the cabin.

Nico still stood there and looked dumbfounded. He still didn't knew what just happened. But in the exact moment when he wanted to ask Will what he meant with his "problems being straight"- Sam appeared.

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