《Solangelo》Part four omg


When Nico woke up this time, he felt a warm hand on his forehead. The hand slowly moved down to his neck and Nicos heart started beating faster. He opened his eyes. On the edge of his bed sat Will Solace and smiled his big, nice smile when he noticed that Nico was awake.

"You say that you're bored all the time, when in fact you're sleeping all the time", he said and Nico smiled lightly. Will handed him a piece of toast and said: "Eat it. You're already stronger, you can leave tomorrow."

"Oh." Nico wasn't sure if he should be happy or not. He would see Will in the camp, but they were so close right now. He suddenly decided that he could trust him. And that he wanted to tell him about his dream and the thing with Percy. He took a deep breath and said: "Will, uhm, I need to tell you something."

Will nodded "Do it."

Nico cleared his throat."I know that I've been pushing people away my whole life, but..."

At this exact moment, Sam rushed into the room and yelled "What's up, friends? Everyone's awake? Oh, wait- have I interrupted you two?"

Nico couldn't believe what just happened. He finally found the courage to tell Will what he was feeling, and although he wasn't really in love, because they just got to know eachother, he liked him very much. And now, Sam had to ruin it again.

Will didn't looked happy either. "Sam, we were talking. Also, why aren't you in your bed? You're not allowed to leave it yet."

"Sorry, man. I'm going, see?", he lay back into the bed.

"I'm sorry, Nico. Let's continue that somewhen else, okay?" said Will and Nico sighed. "Sure. Wasn't important anyway."


Will left the room and Nico threw himself back into the pillows. "Do you wanted to tell him something?" asked Sam and at that point, Nico was incredibly annoyed.

"Guess what? None of your business."

Because there wasn't anything else to do, he closed his eyes again.

He woke up what felt like a few seconds later, but he heard that Will was in the room. And he was talking to Sam.

"I don't know", said Wills voice and Sam didn't reply, so Nico guessed that he nodded. But then he said: "He's so different. Normally, I can feel things like emotions or stuff, that's the Aphrodite package. But he seems so angry."

"Yeah. I don't know what to do. Sam, promise me that you'll stay by my side."

"Of course. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you."

Nico gulped. The two were so close to eachother, propably closer than him and Will ever would be. Nico took two deep breathes and blinked his tears away, then he said up and fake - smiled at the two other boys. Will sat on a chair next to Sam's bed and had an apple in his hand. Sam smiled at Nico.

"Hey, you're awake! Do you feel better again? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

Nico shook his head, then nodded, then shook his head again. "It's ok. Will, can you check my health? I seriously want to leave soon."

Nico would've loved to stay longer but he couldn't take that anymore. It seemed that Sam and Will were flirting all the time and Nico was better of to forget Will and to move on.

He didn't made eye contact with Will, otherwise he would've seen the hurt in his eyes.



Will came to his bed and placed his hand on Nicos forehead again. Nicos heart started beating again faster but he tried to ignore it.

"Congratulations! Your health is fully restored. You're allowed to go now."

Surprised, Nico looked at him. "Really? Wow. Well. Uhm, that's cool. Then... thank you for everything we'll see eachother, right? Bye, Sam."

He slowly stood up and walked past Will, who didn't looked after him.

Nico started to walk faster as soon as he was outside. He just wanted to get into his cabin.

When he was there, he threw himself on his bed. He was hurt and confused and didn't knew what to do. He didn't wanted to give up on Will, but everything was so complicated.

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