《》Meeting Orpheus


When the mother and daughter stood before the council of the gods they were a bit unnerve but not out of fear but because of the power these beings exude. Of course they gave a deep bow (Ava) and curtsy (Alice) which made some of them groan out in frustration or frown. However all them knew that this is one habit that seems to be impossible to break out of for the mother and daughter.

They mainly told the two of dangers they will be facing from now on and the increasing amount of monsters that will be coming after them. They also told them that Echidna is the one behind the monsters and Hades assured them that he will investigate how Echidna has been able to free the monsters from Tartarus. When that was settled Ava finally told them about her plans to pick up her weapons and fight again.

This made all of them except Zeus and Apollo stop in their tracks and just look at Ava in disbelief. The announcement was so shocking Dionysus to spat out his wine, Aphrodite to drop her mirror and Ares looking ready to kill. However the most unexpected reaction of all was that Hera was quiet too quiet and was just looking at Ava with an intense stare.

This caused some of them to uncomfortable sit in their chair while looking between grandmother and granddaughter. Ava met her grandmother's gaze head on and the goddess just sighed while shrinking down to human size and gave both her grandchildren a kiss on the forehead.

"While I have fears about your plan Ava I will not stop you as I know that you have thought them through. However I just hope that the two of you return to me alive and well." The three hugged each other.


The mother and daughter said goodbye to the Greek pantheon and left but then Alice remembered Orpheus so she told her mom to go on ahead and she entered Olympus again. When she returned to the council room she saw that only aunt Hestia and her uncle Hermes remained. Which was perfect since the god she was looking for was present.

"Uncle Hermes can I talk to you?" Alice called out which garnered the attention og the god and he went near her.

"What can I do for you little niece?" Hermes asked

"Well I just want to know if you know the location of Orpheus son of Dream and Calliope?" Hermes eyes nearly left their eye sockets when I asked my question.

"How the hell did you know Orpheus was -" Alice just looked at him like he was stupid or something.

"Uh - hello uncle did you forget my ability to have visions or maybe your age is catching up to you?" Hermes glared at the sarcastic remark.

"Very funny. Yes I do know where he is, he is residing in a temple in Greece dedicated to him specifically." Hermes told her

"Can you take me there?" Alice pleaded and Hermes just smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Of course now grab on tight, the ride is going to be very fast." Alice did just that and they zoomed of.

Now would Alice recommend this to anyone at all because hell she feels like she was about to throw up anytime soon. Thankfully the hell ride ended and they arrived at a beautiful traditional Greek temple. It got the whole shebang it was all made in marble, it had it's signature columns supporting it and it's classic style roof.

She thanked her uncle then Hermes left after that she went inside and saw multiple nymphs disguised as humans. When Alice further entered the place one of the nymphs saw her and was about to turn her away but stopped when she saw her eyes.


"Ar-are you an Ambrosia?" That startled Alice and made her look at the nymph in question.

"Why yes I am, how did you know that?" Alice asked

"Your eyes. It is rare to see that shade of grey in mortals and you resemble the Lord's Zeus and Lady Athena's eyes." Alice chuckled since it was true grey is a rare color for a human

"Thank you, it's nice t know that I inherited some good features from my grandfather, but as much as I would love to chat that is not the purpose of my visit." Alice said in a serious tone.

"How can I be of service my lady?" The nymph asked

"May I know where in this temple I can find Orpheus?" This made all the near by nymphs on hearing range from the two stop and look at Alice in surprise.

"I do my lady please follow me?" Alice nodded and followed the nymph into the deeper parts of the temple.

Then they stopped at a door and the nymph looked at Alice again.

"He is beyond these doors my lady." Alice smiled and thanked the nymph.

The nymph curtsied and left her, she looked at the door took a deep breath and opened the door. When she was inside she saw just like in her visions a head in a pedestal. She approached the head and in turn Orpheus opened his eyes and pierced Alice with an intense look.

"It's good to finally meet another member of the family, I'm Alice White a legacy of Zeus and Hera." The introduction made Orpheus smile wistfully since the last time someone visited him it was his cousin Tobias Ambrosia.

"It's nice to see that Tobias' family still exist to this day, what brings you here little cousin or is it niece." Alice just snorted at the statement

"Call me whatever you want, and I came here because of a vision." This caused Orpheus to look at Alice with saddened eyes.

"It is sad to know that ability is still past down in Tobias' bloodline." This surprised Alice since she thought it was gift/curse by the Fates.

"Wait this is a family thing?! I thought this was a gift to me by the Fates since - I don't know they were bored?" Orpheus laughed and Alice smiled noticing how rough and unused Orpheus voice was when he laughed, it must have been a while since he experienced pure joy.

"Your description isn't wrong, since that was the reason why they gifted Tobias the sight of seeing the events that already happened or currently happening." Alice nodded at that statement.

"So what did the vision let you see?" Alice just sighed

"Well I saw that your mother was impris -"


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