《》Stalker Alert!


Desire is not sure for the life of them why they were doing this again. They were the personification of desire itself, the emotion that drives nearly everything that mortals do. That created peace, conflicts and hell even wars were caused because of it.

Yet here they were now, hiding behind a tree in some god damn forsaken park and observing their grandchildren interact and entertain themselves. They have been doing this for 3 weeks now and they loathe to admit it their grandchildren were clever, sassy and quite smart.

Though they weren't to surprised they were THEIR grandchildren after all. These 3 long weeks had allowed the children to worm their way into Desire' heart. Though he did not like that the method of observing them makes Desire look like a... stalker and certainly they were anything but that.

Desire continues to observe their grandchildren however they have been getting this strange feeling of danger which makes them look at the surrounding area more times than Desire could count. It did not help the fact that the weather was a bit gloomy...

"ROSE! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Desire looked at Jed when they heard his yell

Desire' eyes widened as they saw a manticore standing a few feet away from their grandchildren looking ready to attack.

"Not on my watch you foolish creature." Desire immediately went into action as they saw the manticore approaching their grandkids at a fast rate.

Desire appeared in front of their grandchildren and looked at the monster with their alluring golden eyes. The manticore was looking at the personification of the emotion of desire and currently is trying to resist the power of the Endless. Sadly it did not work as Desire is not even holding back and so the manticore was in their full control.


"I know what your mistress is trying to do, I can feel it her desire to kill Alice White and all the remaining Ambrosia's as well as those who associates with them." Desire said

Rose and Jed looked at the stranger in front of them, they haven't met before but now they were worried since this person knows about Alice and her family. For all they know this could be an enemy and they just escaped danger just to be thrust into a more dangerous one.

"However I do not appreciate that your mistress targets MY grandchildren." After that Desire increased the allure that they were emitting which caused the manticore to fully submit to the Endless' whim.

"So go ahead and tear yourself apart." Desire commanded.

Desire covered their grandchildren' eyes as they did not need to see how the manticore tore itself apart. Limb by limb, flesh being torn away from the body and all of those other horrific things. When Desire was sure that the manticore was dead, they guided their grandchildren out of the nasty sight of the creatures corpse. Desire will clean it up later right now their priority is their grandchildren.

When they were far enough Desire took their hand away from the children's eyes. When Jed and Rose opened their eyes they saw a beautiful man with golden hair and golden eyes. The two looked at each other in surprise since their great grandma said that their great grandfather had golden eyes.

They also know that he was not human since Nyx claimed them as their grandchildren, add to the fact that their grandfather was also Dream's younger sibling.

"Are you... our grandfather?" Jed hesitantly asked while Rose was a bit apprehensive since she knows from what Dream tells her that he and their grandfather did not get along.


Also it hurts and scares her how the only reason that they even exit is that he intended her to die so that Dream would spill family blood. Desire could see the hurt on their granddaughters face and it just makes them feel even more angry at themself. So he just hugged them tightly and whispered.

"I know that... I am not a familial person nor am I fit to even be a grandparent. However I've seen my errors and my wrongs, I'm not here to ask forgiveness. All I ask is that you don't close your heart to me and let me make it up to you."

Jed thought about what their grandfather said and it is only fair that they give him a chance, I mean it can't be worse than being locked in a basement full of rats. Besides he was family and they don't have too many relatives.

"Okay. Bit if we see you doing anything shady I'm calling grandma Nyx." The statement caused Desire to laugh and just give Jed a kiss on the cheek.

They then turned their attention on Rose who has yet to utter a single word. Gold meets black and the two just looked at each other. Rose just nodded and gave Desire a shaky smile.

"I am willing try and get to know you but it doesn't change the fact what you tried to do using me... I am willing to forgive but that isn't now I'm afraid." Rose told their grandfather honestly

"Of course dear one I know, now why don't we get out of here and go see a movie?" Jed shouted in happiness and Rose just looked amused at her brothers antics.

"Can you wait here I need to clean up the... mess that I made back there just give me a few minutes." Desire said "Sure we'll wait here." Rose replied

Desire immediately disappeared and the two just stood there waiting, they decided to pass the time by playing with rock paper scissors. They stopped when they saw their grandfather had returned.

"Are you two ready?" Desire asked

"Yup" The two simultaneously answered and the trio left.

Meanwhile in some parts of the corner of the earth. Echidna was fucking pissed she nearly had the two Walkers, she was THIS close to killing them. But that wretched Desire interfered which the mother of all monsters did not anticipate.

"This changes things" Echidna growled

However there is still one more person she could kill to compensate the two, she turned her attention to a photo of a woman who held a close resemblance to Alice.

"See you soon little Ava"

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      To Be Continued...
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