《》Great! More Visions


Everything was so blurry the last thing I saw was my uncle Hades and aunt Persephone arriving, then after that everything went black. I felt like I was floating in space, it was quite relaxing honestly. However the next thing I knew I was bombarded with images or more like I just had visions again. For heavens sake I nearly just died and now the Fates want to make me see shit?!

Lovely...just lovely, anyways I first saw a woman in a bedroom but from the look on her face it seems like she wanted to be anywhere but there. Then a man entered and the woman begged him to set her free but he rejected the notion since he needs her for inspirations. After that the woman was calling to the ladies of meditation, remembrance and song, I also found out that the woman's name is Calliope.

One of the nine muses and a daughter of Zeus, Ugh! I should have seen that coming it still surprises me how "busy" grandfather was. Anyway, the ladies appeared and they told her that they can't intervene since she was lawfully bound at mount helicon. Which was so sad and no other gods could intervene since most of them are dead and only the most famous pantheons and gods remain but even they are bound by the ancient laws.

They told her that only the Endless can help her but she didn't agree since she despises him after what happened with their son Orpheus and that he in turn loathes her. Alice has to admit Dream sucks at romance and relationships, God! reading about them is one thing hearing them from a former flame just proves how his relationships don't last.

Then the image faded into another scene where Alice saw that Dream was with Calliope and they talked and then it turned into a mild argument since Dream wants to punish the guy but Calliope just wants to be free from him. Though Alice noticed a weird 'tension' around them and Alice wished that she had popcorn right now.


The images then moved faster she saw Dream flood Richard Madoc's head with ideas to the point that he went insane, then Richard set Calliope free and then she saw Calliope leave the house from what seems to be a long time since her imprisonment. Alice thought that the vision would end but then it turned into another scene.

She saw a head up in a pedestal being taken care of by a...nymph? Alice was so confused so she analyzed the head and that's when it finally hit her this head must be Orpheus. From the features alone he has some of Dream and Calliope's looks. However Alice was a little dumbfounded since from what she read and heard from in her last vision Orpheus was torn apart in Thrace by the followers of her uncle Dionysus.

So the only explanation must be that it must be a curse from him, well that was easily fixed she has to asked her uncle to free him, even if she has to beg she will. No one mortal, divine or omnipotent should live like this. Then it all turned to pitch black and a few minutes later she slowly opened her eyes and saw a beautiful marble ceiling. When Alice looked to her left she saw her mom sleeping while holding her hand.

She smiled and gently caressed her mother's hair which caused the woman to wake up from her sleep. Ava was surprised by the sudden touched and looked up and she saw her daughter awake and smiling at her. She could not help herself but embrace her child and just hold her tightly. She nearly lost her only child and it terrified her how useless she was.

"Stop crying ma, I'm fine now besides I have a feeling this won't be the last attempt on my life." Alice told her mother bluntly since there was no other way to say it.


"I know, it's just this incident was a wake up call to me. That maybe it is time to pick up my weapons again and fight." This made Alice looked at her mother in shock

Out of all things to come out of her mother's mouth she did not expect THAT, she knows that her mother did not learn to pick up a sword because she has a love for the art of fighting but because she saw it as a necessity to keep herself safe. However Alice put a stop to that when she was finally skilled enough to protect both of them.

Her mother was not a fighter she was a nurturer of life so when she was forced to take a life it always shaken her to her core. So Alice pleaded for her to stop and she did. However for her to say that now, she really might have been afraid to lose her.

"But ma, please reconsider you might be saying this because of what happened tr and think about this carefully. I know how you hate bloodshed and killing, I don't want to you to force yourself take up your bow and spear again." Alice reasoned with her mother but Ava hushed her daughter's protests.

"I know of your reservations about this but I already had plenty of time to think about this, and I am certain of my decision of returning to the fray once again." Alice intently looked at her mother and saw how firm and well thought out this decision was so she relented.

"Alright but promise me that when everything gets too much for you, that you will stop alright ma?" Ava chuckled and nodded and Alice beamed at her mother.

"So where are we?" Alice asked and looked around the room to get an idea of where they were.

"Your in Olympus dear one." Alice heard a masculine voice and turned her head towards the door.

She saw her uncle Apollo standing behind her grandfather, her mother gave a bow and Alice tried to stand up.

"No need to stand Alice just stay where you are." Zeus told her and she reluctantly agreed

Apollo then went beside her and started examining her wounds and asking her questions to which Alice answered. While Zeus approached Ava and gave her a hug and Ava returned the gesture.

"Have you calmed down now Ava?" Ava gave her grandfather a reassuring smile but that did not seem to ease the thunder god's worries.

"I am and I have also decided that maybe it's time for me to return to the fight once again." That announcement caused Apollo to look at Ava in astonishment while Zeus looked like he was about to get a heart attack.

"WHAT?! Ava, dear one surely you are jesting? I thought you hate bloodshed?" Zeus asked and Apollo also agreed with his father's statement.

"I know this is a shock but you must also see the advantage. My daughter can't fight this battle alone and besides no other beings can help us now since all of you are bound by the ancient laws." The two gods really can't dispute that factor so they reluctantly supported her choice.

"Alright but you will be the one to break the news to your grandmother, knowing her she will not be pleased." Both mother and daughter stifled a laugh already imagining Hera's face.

"Don't worry I will besides when has she ever denied me." Ava told her grandfather in a teasing tone which caused him to laugh while Apollo smiled and Alice just shakes her head at her mother's words.

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