

The 6 Olympian siblings were sat down in there respected seats along with the wives of Poseidon and Hades. They were all gathered in the throne room to discuss the recent sightings of monsters that were thought to be sealed and trapped in Tartarus. The king and queen of the gods were both stiff and gripping their respected thrones with a tight grip.

Everyone in the room could see that it took all of their self restraint not to teleport down the mortal plane and slay every single monsters that dare lay there hands on Alice. Zeus looked at Hades and started to speak.

"Why have you called for this meeting brother." Hades stood up and looked at the occupants on the room.

"As we all know our niece Alice is currently being chased by monsters that were supposed to be sealed by Alice' great, great, great, great grandfather Vincent Ambrosia when he finally finished hunting down the last monster." Hades stated which was agreed by the other occupants in the room.

'However it seems that someone has freed them from there prison. Now the furies that attacked our niece says that there master is currently imprisoned in Tartarus and is planning on freeing himself with outside help." This caused all of the other 5 siblings to stiffen and look at each other.

"No it is not our father as I have not felt any sort of movement on the pit. I know for a fact that the furies lied and the culprit is a monster that escaped from the hands of the Ambrosia'." Now this instantly made Zeus explode with rage and thunder clouds were forming and lightning could be seen flashing and can be heard thundering over the skies.

"Who do you believe to be the culprit brother? Who would dare harm my granddaughter?" Hera asked in a chilling tone.


"I believe this is the work of Echidna." This made the others stew in their seat trying not let their emotion get the best of them.

"Your reason is plausible brother, we have not seen her since the battle between her and Tobias during 'The Purge' to exterminate all monsters." Hestia stated

"How are you sure though that she is alive for all we know it could be any other immortals that have a grudge against Zeus and Hera?" Demeter asked Hades

"There is that possibility sister however my suspicions were confirmed when I looked at there eyes. There was a stranger hue of reddish green added to the color of their eyes. And as we all know there is only one monster with that kind of eye color." This did not ease the apprehension felt by the gods in the room.

"If this is true, then we can't do anything to help as by doing so would mean that we are breaking the ancient law of not interfering with mortal affairs." Poseidon said which did not help Zeus and Hera at all.

"Our only solution is to warn and inform Alice of this threat and it will be up to her to exterminate this threat." Amphitrite told the others which they nodded.


Ava led Rose and Jed to the infirmary and when they got there they saw a tall blonde man with beautiful sun kissed skin and gorgeous defined features checking over Alice' condition. When he saw the three of them enter the room he gave a warm smile.

"Ava are these the youngsters that you were talking about?" Ava smiled and nodded

"Lord Apollo meet Rose and Jed, kids meet Lord Apollo son of Lord Zeus and Lady Leto and twin brother of Lady Artemis." The kids gave a bow while Apollo greeted them and gave Ava a pout.


"Now I know where Alice gets her manners from. Didn't I tell you to stop with this lord thing." Ava merely laughed and Apollo just gave a sigh and thought. "Like mother, like daughter."

"I'm done checking up on Alice and she is stable now all she needs is rest in order to completely heal herself." Ava thanked Apollo and the god merely waved it off since he is helping family and left them alone since he has duty's to attend to.

The kids went near the bed and saw that Alice was peacefully sleeping and they could see the large bandaged are on her right side. "Which ever creature did this to her must be extremely powerful" Thought the two siblings, Ava was on the other side of the bed and sat down on a chair.

"What kind of creature could have done this." Jed said out loud

'Based on the size and markings it is cause by a fury, they live on the underworld and under the bidding of the king of the dead. However judging by hoe furious Lord Hades was it seems that the furies that attacked Alice might not have been under his command." Ava told the two and that made them worry even more.

"Do you think that Alice can kill them should they try this again?" Ava nodded her head

"Of course, she was only gravely injured since she was out numbered and furies are quite fast." The two just nodded and continued to sit there and watch hoping that she would wake up.

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