

While trouble is brewing for one legacy of the king and queen of the Greek gods. Rose was currently in Lyta' apartment with Lyta and Jed and received a supposed to be impossible news.

"YOUR PREGNANT?!" Both Jed and Rose yelled and Lyta smiled while nodding.

"How the hell did this happen though? I thought you aren't seeing anyone?" Rose asked utterly confused.

"I'm not this child was made by me and Hector." This made the two siblings look at each other then back at Lyta like she finally lost it.

"Look, I know it's hard to believe but I tell you it all happen in a dream." Now that caused Rose to worry a little since her uncle told her just recently that many dreamers, denizens, nightmares and even the decease to latch on to a dream vortex and can make their dreams come true.

"Hector and I were living in our dream house stood in a beautiful green field and in that house we made new beautiful memories. In that dream I also found out that I was pregnant and when I woke up my baby bump was still there." Lyta explained but by the end of it she sounded so sad that Rose and Jed noticed it.

"Isn't this the cause for a celebration? Why are you sad?" Jed asked and Lyta just turned her gaze onto the window.

"The king of dreams and Death herself appeared in front of Hector and I. They both explained that since Hector did not die in his dreams he could not stay in the Dreaming." Rose looked down as it was true even though her uncle explained it to her it always makes her sad. However life was never fair in the first place.


"They allowed s a few hours together before Death took him to the after life. It hurts but I can't really blame the two entities when their only doing there job." Lyta said while tears was streaming down there face.

"It doesn't stop there you know, the king of dreams also told me that since my child was made in the Dreaming as what he calls his realm. He said that there is a possibility that my son might live in there." That surprised the two.

"Does that mean he will take the child?" Jed asked worriedly he knows that his uncle would never do that. His uncle might be strict but he was not cruel though Jed can't say that confidently since he doesn't know his uncle that well yet.

"No he only said that it is up to my child if wants to live there or here. He also said that he will always go back to the dreaming since the baby might be attracted to it." Both of the siblings nodded accepting the explanation.

However Rose could not help but feel apprehension since Alice did tell her that Lyta will play a vital role in a vision that involves her uncle. That worries the girl so she excused herself and went to the kitchen to call her big sister. The problem was Alice has yet to accept any of her calls which NEVER happened so this caused the girl to panic a bit and decided to call her aunt.

"Rose dear, you called?" Rose could here her aunts voice on the other line sounding quite upset.

"I just called since Alice won't accept my calls, do you perhaps know why? Also are you crying right now?" Rose asked since she has this uneasy feeling in her chest.


"Oh Rose, A-alice is currently here o-on Olympus. I'm scared Rose I might lose my child." Rose froze while listening to her aunt's cries.

"Is it possible if Jed and I can go there to see how Alice is doing?" Rose asked while trying to not think of her sister/friend from dying.

"Of course I'll come and get you myself." Rose thanked her aunt and ended the call.

Rose went back to Lyta and Jed who was now talking about lighter and happier topics. She told Jed that their aunt Ava will be coming here to fetch them. Jed asked why and Rose just told him that she will tell him later. Even though they were all talking Rose' mind was elsewhere so she really could not focus on the people with her.

When Ava arrived, Rose and Jed said goodbye to Lyta and got inside the car. Then Rose finally told his brother what happened to Alice and her brother turned white. They never really associated there friend with death so the news of her nearly dying was quite the wake up call that she was still mortal.

They arrived at the empire state building and that confused the two but they just continued on following their aunt. They went to the front desk and when the receptionist saw their aunt she immediately gave her something and the three of them went to the elevator and Ava swiped a card underneath the buttons the the elevator went up at a fast pace.

The two siblings immediately grabbed onto something to stop themselves from being flung all over the place. When they heard the elevator do the *DING*, the door opened and the sight before them was so beautiful.

"Rose, Jed welcome to Olympus home of the Greek pantheon gods."


Photo does not belong to me it belongs to the blood of zeus wiki fandom on google.

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