

Nyx teleported herself inside Desire' domain he saw her child lounging in his oddly shaped chair. Watching some mortals in their date honestly Nyx doesn't know what happened to this child of hers but she is sure she had a part in why he turned up to be like this. The primordial will admit she wasn't the best mother to her children and it was only through years of reminiscing and careful thinking that she realized she failed them all.

"Desire, my child it seems you are doing good these past few millennia's." Desire jolted up from his seat and turned to around his eyes were wide open when they laid eyes upon their mother.

"Mother lovely to see you, though I must I admit even though big brother told me you were coming, I am still surprised that you actually came." Nyx sighed when she heard Desire' statement which made Desire frown and looked at their mother confused.

"I suppose given how I tend to break my promises, it is normal you would think that." Now the statement made Desire lash out.

"I don't know what's going on, first Dream acted strange when he came to visit me and now you mother. Can the two of you just return to how yo usually act..." Nyx listened to her child rant and she was surprised Desire' tone was laced with frustration and a bit of awkwardness.

"Why? Isn't it your deepest desire that your brother admit his wrong doings to you? Isn't it also your desire to have me visit you as I have done now? We both have done so, so why is it that you are complaining now?" Desire could not answer their mother's questions which made Nyx approach them and gave them a kiss on the forehead.

"Or is it that you fear this side of us because you are not familiar with it?" Now that struck a cord in Desire' emotion since what their mother asked hit too close to home and Nyx of course noticed this.

"I know that the relationship you have with your brother is not ideal but then again it is to be expected since your father and I aren't really the best of parents." Desire' was shocked that their mother admitted to this fact.


"However I hoped that all of you would be able to reconcile and have a much more stronger and closer bond to each other." Nyx told Desire of her deepest wish.

"What really is the purpose of your visit mother, I know for a fact that it isn't just about my strained relationship with my siblings." Desire asked changing the topic as they grew uncomfortable with where the conversation is going.

"You're right, I came here to talk about your grandchildren." Desire merely rolled their eyes and Nyx frowned at the action.

"I know for a fact that you have no love for them but I did not expect you to be this cruel to involve your on flesh and blood in your machinations." Nyx rebuked Desire in a harsh tone which made them flinch.

"Get to the point mother." Desire growled tired of hearing this little talk.

"What I want from you is simple, get to know them and you never know they might grow on you." Nyx bluntly told her child which made their eyes widened.

"WHAT! Why should I do that, you do not get to order me around!" This made Nyx angry and unconsciously called forth her powers.

The entire domain was covered in black and stars shined all around them. Desire' face turned pale white as they had just angered their mother. Nyx gave her child a hard look and yelled.

"?! Is that what you think? I merely asking to try and get to know the children that you sired all because you were , and a to fix your problems with your brother in an adult fashion!"

"If you want it to be an order then so be it! " After that Nyx left in a flurry of stars and darkness and Desire collapsed in a heaped on the floor.


On the mortal plane things are a bit more hectic, more so on Alice' side of things anyway as at the moment she is currently being chased by 3 furies disguised as pigeons in the eyes of the mortals. Alice can't kill them here as she was literally out in the open in the bustling streets of New York. She was looking for an alley way or any secluded spot in the area where there are no people present.


And by the might of her grandparents she could not find a single area where there are no people present. She was about to give up when she finally, FINALLY! found an abandoned park. Alice did not hesitate to enter and the bloody fuckers were following.

When she was sure that no one could absolutely see her and she was deep within the park she turned around and touched her bracelet. It turned into twin swords and the furies gave a screech.

"Tell me on whose orders are you following!?" Alice demanded from the monsters

"We follow the will of the king of the underworld Hades!" One of the furies screeched and Alice' eyes darkened.

"Why don't we find that out shall we?" The furies did not care and just lunged at her.

Alice dodge of course but was hit by another attack to her right. She acted quickly and sliced of the fury's legs. She slashed it's legs which made it falter and that gave her an opening to cut it's right wing which made the creature fall then Alice killed it by decapitating it's head.

The other two wailed out a scream of furry when they saw their sister fell, which caused them attack her in a more earnest and fast pace manner. Alice of course dodge but she knows she can't keep this up with her injuries. So she made as much distance from the furies and called out in the open space.

"I Alice Ambrosia asks the King of the Underworld, Lord Hades to accept my call I am in need of answers my lord." Alice kneeled to the ground both her swords used as her canes to keep her upright.

The furies widened they did not expect the woman to dare try and summon the King of the Underworld. They knew the consequences of their action should the god of the underworld answer the call. So they swiftly approach the woman and when she was just within arms reach they were all flung back by a black mist.

There stood in front of Alice was Hades the King of the Underworld who was accompanied by his wife Queen Persephone who was looking over her niece's injury and it worries her since it was a big gash on her right side. Alice was losing a lot of blood at a fast rate and she looked up and saw that her summons were answered.

"Th-thank you for coming my lord and my lady." Alice said while trying to stand up but Persephone stopped her.

"Do not stand niece your injury might react stay in your position, APOLLO! I need your help brother!" The queen of the dead called to his brother and he answered.

"Hey sephie wha-" Apollo did not finish his sentence when he saw his niece on the brink of death and he immediately went to work.

When Hades was sure that his niece was going to be alright he turned his attention to the creatures in front of him being held down by four undead soldiers.

"Now tell me on whose orders do you follow and make no mistake should you lie I can make your fate even worse than death." Hades commanded in an eerily calm tone which caused the furies to shake in fear.

"IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOU DO TO WAS! ONCE OUR MASTER IS FREE FROM TARTARUS HE WILL KILL YOU ALL!" Hades was angry and opened the earth below them and they all drop down until they hit Tartarus.

Hades now knows who the culprit is however it does not bode well for him and his family and most especially his niece.

"We best go to Olympus and Apollo can continue healing our niece there. I have some grave news that my brother needs to hear." The two nodded and all of them flashed out of there in a haste.

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