《》Clearing Up Confusions



Mentions of and up ahead so if you don't like that please skip that line so on with the chapter.


Everyone gathered around the drawing room and the two siblings looked at their friend in awe. Dream on the other hand was so amused at the energy of excitement coming out of the two siblings. While Alice was just embarrassed and just wants the ground to eat her whole.

"So sis where did you learn to fight like that?" Jed asked and Alice smiled melancholily at the question.

"Well I learned it from mom and the many classes she signed up from. I started at an early age, I did not immediately started to hold a real sword till I was thirteen." Alice began "I willed a wooden one and mom taught me first the basics on posture, technique and the correct way on how to hold a sword. Not just swinging it around like an idiot."

The three chuckled at the sarcastic description of how Alice was so ignorant in how to properly hold a sword. While Alice would occasionally wince since she remembered how bruised up she would be at the end of every session. Though she would not trade the experience for anything since it did help her.

"When mom became busy with her work and managing our estate here in Greece she signed me up in sword lessons and that's how my training continued. As I aged up I started to sign up to some fighting classes that interested me. Like karate, hand to hand combat, how to use a gun and kung fu." They were surprised at the number of classes Alice took just to defend herself.

"It probably does not help that I am a paranoid freak so...yeah I took that many classes hehehe." Alice sheepishly admitted to them.

"That's so cool! Okay second question how did you learn to control that lightning." Alice snorted at the question while everyone looked at her in confusion.

"Well I found that out when I was 7 years old when I got so angry at not getting the technique right. I was here in Greece for a vacation trip and I practiced my sword technique's at the back. No matter how many times I tried to do it right mom would always find a mistake in my form and that set me off. Which made me obliterated a tree and charred it to ash." Rose' mouth was wide open while Jed looked at Alice liked she was the coolest main character ever. Dream on the other hand did not looked faced since he has seen a handful of half-blood's destroy a lot of things when their angry.

"After that incident I got so shaken that I did not leave my room for a week. Mom got so worried that she contacted my grandparents. Which prompted my grandfather to barge inside my room carry me like I was a sack of potato, brought me outside and told me that he was going to personally teach me how to control and easily use my powers." Alice told them while everyone laughed since they could perfectly see that scene happening inside of their heads.

"My grandmother of course did not want to get left out and tried to teach me telekinesis. However I did not have that in my arsenal of abilities so she opted to just improve my sword fighting as well as hand to hand combat. Which mind you helped a lot though it did not helped that some of my aunts and uncles would come to the manor and just watch me train or more like watch me fail most of the time just to entertain themselves." Alice told them in a peeved tone since she still was a bit salty about that since it was so embarrassing and it does not also help that they now have ammo against her.


"Well that explains how you easily controlled that big lightning bolt. But where did you get the bracelet. As far as I know you never had that before?" Rose asked while looking at the beautiful gold bracelet with a colorful almost kaleidoscope design on it.

"Oh this, it was a recent gift actually from my grandma since she said that I only deserve the best of weapons on keeping me safe. So she charmed it to take the shape of a bracelet so that I always have it on me at all times." Alice answered Rose

"This happened after I saved Dream and returned home 2 weeks later my grandparents demanded that I visit them since it has been a while. Though we talked almost everyday since they are so nosy about everything that has been happening in my life. When I got there we ate snacks drink juice well mine was juice while they drank ambrosia. That's their food and also where our last name was derive from."

"I tell you I spent almost 80% of my time being cuddled by them and it doesn't help that some of my relatives also do this mostly my uncle Ares and aunt Athena and Aphrodite. When I was about to leave that's when grandma gave it to me and boom I have an instant stabbing object now." As the conversation progressed everyone realized how protective and worry warts Alice relatives were.

"I have a question Alice how were you able to recognize the Corinthian? As far as I know you never met him before. I certainly also did not tell you about him, so imagine my surprise when you summoned me and have one of my missing arcana's in your grasp." Dream asked Alice since he always had that question at the back of his head.

"Simple I asked uncle Hermes well I did not directly asked him about the Corinthian. I mainly asked him if he had any idea of who might be behind the recent killings lately since the killer had a way of gouging the eyes of his victims out of their eye sockets." Alice told Dream honestly.

"Since he is a messenger god maybe he had an idea or clue of who could it be and he did. He told me it was the work of the Corinthian and I asked him how he was so sure with that. He said that these kind of killings were already happening since 1916 which coincidentally where you were also looking for your rogue nightmare and also the year of your...imprisonment." Alice said while hesitantly saying the last bit since she knows that Dream might not like to be reminded of that.

"So I asked him to show me what he looked like...and I have to say for a nightmare he was hot!" Alice exclaimed which earned her a round of laughter from Rose and a disgusting look from Jed while Dream looked at her with reprimanding eyes.

"Sorry but it's true I mean honestly, if I did not knew that he was an enemy I might have dated the guy." Which just earned her a painful squeeze on the cheek from Dream.

"Ow! This is physical abuse man, I could sue you for this." Alice dramatically told Dream which made the Endless just roll their eyes on her while the two siblings just looked at them amused.


"How about your family sis were you always so close to them like now? Do you also have other prominent family members that we don't know about I know that Tobias Ambrosia was lord Zeus and lady Hera's only twice blessed child but other than that your family is still a mystery to us." Rose asked genuinely confused

"Well let's see my ancestor Tobias Ambrosia had as any other demigods lives are had a difficult and dangerous life. Since at the time monsters were still quite present and lurking waiting for the time to kill any demigod child of any god or goddess. Even though it was difficult my ancestor persevered with the help of his parents of course." Alice told them

"At this time my grandparents relationship was pretty strained since you know of my grandfathers track record of infidelity and affairs with many mortal women, nymphs, goddesses as well as a few titan goddesses." All of them nodded since it is quite known that Zeus was quite the man whore back in the day.

"However when Tobias was born that's when things took a turn. The two would spend an incredible amount of time together although reluctantly. Since they did not want to fight in front of their second child since they saw how it affected and changed my uncle Ares as he is now, so they would try to act civil with one another." This peaked everyone's interest since this was basically tea being spilled on them.

"After a while they slowly got comfortable with each other again and when they were in a room together they could honestly hold up a few minutes of civil conversation and everyone noticed this of course and they believe that it was the baby's presence that made the two try to fix their marriage."

"It was difficult to open up to each other but eventually they did talk about the issue of their marriage. The affairs, cursing demigods, how the both failed as parents and how it also did not help that the start of their marriage wasn't exactly consensual." Everyone winced especially since they knew that Zeus r*ped Hera which prompted the goddess to marry the king of the gods.

"Though with a lot of talking, yelling at each other and marriage counseling with Aphrodite. I know shocking but keep in mind this is still part of her domain as a love goddess to help couples through their troubling times. Eventually they fixed it and made new vows which they haven't broken ever since." Alice said to them.

"They reconciled with their children and siblings, though that was also a process since there was a lot of hurt and history that happened between each and everyone of them. However they got through that and now they have all reconciled with each other. So my grandfather was lucky to have grown up to a loving and not a dysfunctional family, he went on to marry a loving and kind woman who was not a demigod." Dream perked up at the part where the Greek gods fixed their issue by being open and talking to each other, he thought maybe that's what him and his siblings need...to actually talk to each other.

"They also went on to have children who also married and had kids and their kids having kids and then we reach to me and my mom. The lives of my ancestors weren't easy since a majority of them inherited powers which caused them to be a target to the monsters. However they did not back down and killed them all erasing them from the world. That is until today which indicates that some of them survived or lived." Alice said which opened the Walker's eyes more to how messy and dangerous it was to be a child of a divine or immortal.

The two then turned to Dream and he just looked at them waiting for them to speak and voice their question.

"Uncle Dream you never really told us who our grandfather is...Is it alright if we get his name?" Dream sighed he was reluctant to tell his niece and nephew about their grandfather but an encouraging look from Alice prompted him to tell them.

"His name is Desire and he personifies the desire of mortals. We used to have a good relationship with each other but that ended because of my pride and lack of...as humans call it...lack of emotional intelligence. So in turn most of my siblings don't like me mainly Desire and your aunt Despair which is your grandfather's twin. I have a passive relationship with Destiny, Destruction and Delirium." Dream admitted and the siblings were sad that at the thought of their family not getting along.

"However I have a close bond with my second eldest sibling which is your aunt Death. I will introduce you two to her when she has the time." The Walker's seemed excited at the prospect of meeting their aunt.

"Well I hope it is soon uncle and we also would not mind if you could tell our grandfather to visit us from time to time. We would love to at least meet him even if it is only once." Jed told his uncle which made Dream nod his head reluctantly.


Hi this chapter was dedicated to the many plot holes of my story and I would like to give a shout out to LairaCapulet for telling me of these mistakes that I overlooked thank you so much. Also sorry for the late updates since I have been busy at school so expect me to only update on weekends. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter and if there are still some plot holes please let me know.

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