《》Destroying the Vortex


Alice, Rose and Jed were inside the ancestral home of the Ambrosia's. The Walker's were confused since their friend wanted them to immediately take a flight to Greece. However they trusted her so here they are currently walking towards the back garden and looking utterly gob smacked at the beauty and grandiose of the mansion.

When they arrived Jed and Rose saw Dream and two women who looked very beautiful by the way. Don't be surprised that Jed knows Dream, Rose introduced him to Jed when Rose accidentally summoned his brother into the dreaming. The girl was not surprised since being a vortex it was to be expected.

Jed adored the guy he finds his voice very relaxing and quite enchanting it could literally make feel safe and lure you to sleep. He also feels safe and protected in his presence so that was a plus, Dream also grew fond of the boy as his innocence and curiosity endeared the Endless to him. It also reminded him of his son and the memory of him caused Dream pain as it made him realized how he failed him and what a failure he was as a father.

"I'm glad you could spare us your time today my lord, my ladies." Alice said while giving a deep curtsy while the two siblings did an awkward bow.

"Stop this nonsense little one your going to hurt my feelings, I told you to call me gran why are you so stiff towards me..." Gaea told Alice while wiping tears from her eyes.

Alice immediately went to her gran and consoled her and explains that it was a habit that she is trying to break around immortal relatives. However the primordial of the earth did not budge and just turned her head away, although she secretly liked it when her grandchild acts cute and sweet around her.

While that fiasco was happening Dream and Nyx were with the Walker siblings, the two were hugging Dream very tightly and Dream reciprocated the hug.


"Little ones I wan to introduce you to my mother the primordial of night Nyx." Dream introduced "Mother these are-" Nyx cut off his sentence.

"No need to introduce me to them son I know my own grandchildren after all." That bomb shell caused everyone to look at her except Gaea liked she's grown a second head.

"Gr-grandchildren?! Bu-but that's not possible!" Rose exclaimed clearly confused and overwhelmed.

Jed just grinned happy to have a grandmother and she was a goddess...immortal or something. He quickly ran over to her and gave her a massive hug, Nyx of course did the exact same thing and gave him a huge kiss on the cheek.

"Aren't you going to hug me dear? It is quite rude to keep your elders waiting." Rose awkwardly went to Nyx and gave her a hug.

Though she had to admit it was nice to know that she and Jed weren't alone anymore that they have a family to depend on. Even though from what she has read that they were quite the dysfunctional one. Then again her life wasn't exactly normal so this was fine for her.

Dream just looked at his mother bewildered since he was certain that the children were not his since he was imprisoned for a century. It was still hard thinking about how powerless and weak he was inside that glass prison. He already punished those who imprisoned him and took back his tools from the people who had them.

However this was not the time to think about this so he asked his mother how could the children be related to them.

"Mother who fathered these children?" Nyx looked at him and gave a strained smile.

"You will see later for now I believe we have a vortex to destroy." Dream agreed and Gaea went beside Nyx.

"Since we are going to take the vortex out of you here in the waking world and not in the Dreaming this will hurt. Are you sure you can handle this?" Gaea asked and Rose nodded not hesitant at all.


"I am." Rose stated so they laid her in a bed of flowers that Gaea created.

The two primordial deities summoned there power and pointed it at Rose's chest and Dream was beside her to give her his support. Alice and Jed were off to the side since they weren't going to be of any help at all. When they started to force the vortex out Rose could feel it resisting which in turn cause her massive amounts of pain.

"AHHHH! PLEASE HURRY IT HURTS!" Rose yelled while crying in pain

Jed wanted to tell them to stop but Alice stopped him since this was the only way to destroy it without killing Rose herself. Dream was telling her comforting words and it pained him to see Rose in this much pain. The cries of her grandchild made Nyx' heart break into pieces and it also prompted her to hurry up and Gaea wanted to end this as well as the girl's cries made her sad.

Drawing more power they forced the vortex out which was shaped like a heart. Alice and Jed were a bit confused since they did not expect it to look like that. They expected something a bit different, Dream on the other hand did not expect the shape of the vortex and looked over to his mother to confirm his suspicions.

The primordial of night just nodded of her head and that caused Dream to frown and trying to suppress his anger since he did not want to scare his niece. Rose was breathing heavily and she looked at the vortex and was in awe that a thing like that could hold so much power. The two primordia's draw more of their strength and power which made the earth rumble and move and the sky to darken around them.

This display of power mesmerized the three mortals since they were once reminded that these deities essentially shaped their world and the universe. After drawing huge amounts of power they hit the heart which tried to resist the power but was not that strong enough when it was not in the Dreaming. So it broke into pieces and turned into dust since the two women did not want any sort of remnants of it.

When that was over Gaea healed any damage that might be present on the girls body while trying to take the vortex out. While Alice and Jed were beside Rose and gave her a big hug and were relieved that she was finally safe.

"Thank you so much grandma and lady Gaea for helping me." Rose thanked the two.

"It was a pleasure dear and enough of this lady stuff call me aunt we are family after all." Rose gave her a smile.

"It was not a problem Rose besides you are my grandchild and I would do anything for family little one." Rose and Jed smiled at that and gave Nyx another tight hug, while Gaea and Alice smiled at the little heartwarming scene.

"Mother, Lady Gaea, children I'm afraid I must go now, I have matters to attend to." Gaea nodded while Alice gave Dream a hug and the siblings gave him kisses on the cheek on the other hand Nyx gave her son a kiss on the forehead.

"Please don't take it too far when reprimanding him and worry not I will try to visit him to 'talk' about his behavior." Nyx whispered in Dream's ear.

Dream nodded and left in a torrent of sand and Alice was thinking of what could make Dream leave so fast and who could Rose and Jed's ancestor be that came from Nyx.

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