《》No More Secrets


Today is going to be the day that Rose finally get some answers from Alice. Like how does she know Dream? How did she knew that she was a dream vortex? Lastly what is Dream's connection with Alice' grandparents? She arrived at the White' house around 10 am her aunt Ava gave her a warm welcome and told her that Alice was out doing some errands.

Rose told her aunt that she would just wait at Alice' room and that's where she has been at for the past 20 minutes. Then the door opened and out came her best friend/sister who looked at her with warm eyes and a sweet smile. She gave the woman a hug and the two sat down at the edge of the bed and Alice looking at her expectantly.

"I'll get straight to the point...how long have you known that I was a dream vortex?" Alice eyes went wide after hearing the question.

"Wait you knew you were a dream vortex?" Rose nodded but did not elaborate until she hears an answer to her question first.

"Well I've known since we were on England, you see I have this ability to see when danger is near." Rose was surprised and was about to ask another question when her sister raised her hand.

"No I am not a seer I can't see the future, I can only see events that already happened and are currently happening. Like now your nearly becoming a active dream vortex." Alice told Rose

"The vision was blocked however by the Fates since all I could see were blurry images. So I summoned the Fates to asked why they are blocking it." Rose wasn't surprised that the Fates could do that since they are literally responsible for every fate of every living being.

"They allowed me to ask 3 questions and I found out that Dream is the center of all of this and that Lyta will also play a key role in this and lastly that you were a dream vortex." Rose is amazed that with just 3 questions Alice have pieced all of that together.


"Well that answers a few things - I've known that I was a dream vortex when I accidentally dreamed of the Dreaming and Morpheus and I had a talk about it." Alice was not expecting that but what did she expect she was a vortex so it was bound to happen.

"This is quite the turn of events but from the look on your face you have more questions to ask?" Rose nodded at the question

"How did you meet Dream?" Alice stiffened at that and wondered if it was alright to tell Rose since this was quite a vulnerable part of Dream that she was about to tell.

However she did owe her an explanation and if Dream did not approve of this then she will know in the next few days. The divine do have a tendency to curse mortals that overstepped their boundaries but fingers crossed Alice hopes that she didn't cross that after this.

"Well I first saw him at my visions I saw him trapped in a glass cage surrounded by an enchantment circle. In that vision or dream - I'm not sure what but he told me that he was in England trapped in a mansion owned by a man named Alex." Alice said "Later on I found out that the mansion was owned by Alex Burgess and with that I went on a cover mission and rescued Dream." Rose' mouth went wide open her siter literally just did a mission impossible.

Thankfully she came back unscathed but for heavens sake what Alice did was reckless, dangerous and most importantly it was so cool and fun. Rose wanted to sulk and Alice noticed this and she promised that when something interesting comes up she will allow Rose to come with her. Rose was a bit apprehensive in asking her last question since this is quite personal but she is so curious so with a deep breath she asked away.


"Dream mentioned you inherited your temper from your grandparents, how did Dream and your grandparents know each other?" Rose saw reluctance in Alice eyes and she was about to take her question back when she started talking again.

"The grandparents that the dream king mentioned isn't my mother' parents or that of my sorry excuse of a father." Alice began and Rose was listening carefully. "He meant my divine grandparents that are the parents of my ancestor Tobias Ambrosia the Lord Zeus and Lady Hera."

"WHAT?! So wait your a demigod? Wait no that's the wrong term -" Alice butted in

"The term your looking for is legacy dear. I'm a legacy of Zeus and Hera though It's not a shock since my grandfather was...ahhhh quite busy back then." Rose snorted since the term busy was an understatement.

"However to know that Hera is also my grandmother shocked me since their last child was the goddess Hebe though I'm not sure if I'm correct about that." Rose was so impressed at Alice' family history I mean who wouldn't want to have gods as your great many times over grandparents.

"So basically your related to very gods in the Greek pantheon and from the way you talk about them you seem close with them as well." Alice nodded and Rose was jumping up and down from excitement.

"Can you introduce me to them? If it's alright of course I am quite the geek when it comes to Greek mythos." Alice chuckled at Rose' antics

"They already know who you are I might have mentioned you a couple of times when I have the time to talk or visit them." Rose didn't know what to respond they already knew her like that just blows her mind.

"That's even better so introductions won't be necessary then...it is alright to meet them right?" Alice nodded and gave Rose a kiss on the forehead.

"Of course I'm sure they would be delighted in meeting you." Rose gave her a grin

"So are there any other mythical beings your related to?" Now that made Alice think for a while and she gave an unsure no.

"No...but considering that my family is so old and that our history could be traced back in the Roman Empire I believe that I could be related to more beings but with the passage of time that knowledge seems to be lost now." Rose agreed since keeping track of your family history is quite tiring and complicated.

"I can't wait to tell Jed about this he would freak out. Unless if you want me to ke-" Rose was cut off by a voice at the door.

"It's fine Rose dear you can tell your brother and if you want your grandmother even we trust you 3. Just keep it a secret to the others if you don't mind since we are related to Zeus and Hera we have also become a target by their enemies." Rose saw her aunt Ava and she agreed since she did see the danger of more people knowing.

The three women just chatted and enjoyed their time, Ava also told Rose to bring her whole family at the apartment since she missed conversing with Unity. Rose of course agreed and will pass the message along to her grandmother and brother. After that Rose left with a satisfied smile since now everything is out in the open. She feels like she just got closer to her sister friend and her aunt.

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