《》Clueless but not Stupid


Rose for the past few days now knows that something is off about Alice' behavior. For instance she became more cautious or guarded every time they went out. She keeps looking around like she expects them to be mug or something.

The 21 year old feels like this has something to do with the incident with the man that was following them when they went to the foster care. She knows that Alice didn't think that she noticed him but boy she did. She also found it suspicious that Alice didn't return at the office of the foster care employee even though she said that she was going to the restroom.

After signing the papers she left the building and looked for her she decided to check the parking lot and low and behold she was there. She was also talking to the creep that has been following them or if she was to be specific her. Rose knew that she was the target since the man's eyes did not leave her at all. She hid behind the tree and just watched, now she wasn't gonna lie seeing her best friend being a total badass is so cool.

However what shocked her is she immediately found out about the guys identity and he had the oddest name; Corinthian, which is weird but meh, who cares. Were getting side track here then Alice started to call some guys name like a lot of names and titles, Dream, Morpheus...Endless and a whole bunch of things.

To Rose' utter surprise a man appeared out of a torrent of sand and they talked about being even and a life debt. The thing that made her take a step back is that they goth looking guy turned the Corinthian fellow into dust then she curtsied to him...LIKE SHE CURTSIED. After that Rose showed herself and pretended that she just arrived.

The thing that made her...uhm protectiveness spike was when we went to Britain and found out that I had one living relative left. Alice went out so that her, Jed and Unity could catch up after returning she had a determined look on her face and well you know...the rest is history.

Add to the fact that she had a dream about the guy that Alice called Dream in a wide open room that had a throne like chair on top of a long stairway talking to a woman that wears a suit. She could still remember there little interaction.


Rose was just sleeping peacefully when she suddenly appeared in what seems to be an empty throne room. Well she calls it empty since it has no decorations except the stained glass windows. However she wasn't the only one present in the room, beneath the stairs stood the man named Dream and a woman wearing a suit and glasses and she is holding a large book.

She didn't know what to do, should she just leave or try to get some answers. While she was busy weighing her options the Lord of Dreams and Nightmares already noticed her arrival from the very start. He is currently observing her, the King of the Dreaming knows that she is the vortex of this era and he would ultimately have to kill her since she is a danger to his realm.

However looking at her now and seeing her for himself he knows that this girl does not pose a threat it was just circumstance along with fate and destiny that will force his hand in killing her. That made Dream pity and feel bad for the girl add to the factor that she is associated with Alice White just makes this situation even more delicate and complicated.

"Welcome to the Dreaming Rose Walker it's a surprise that you found yourself here." Rose jolted in her place and looked at Dream.

"Uhm...hi sorry for intruding I didn't mean to trespass here. I sort of just appeared here really." Dream merely smiled while Rose explained herself meekly.

"Worry not Rose Walker it is not problem if you want I can show you the library here." Now that peaked Rose' interest however the woman that was beside Dream wasn't to keen at the idea.

"My lord are you sure it is safe that she stays here for a while, think of the danger that she poses to us and you." The statement caused Rose to be confused and a bit hurt Dream noticed this of course and glared at the woman.

"Be at ease Lucienne I know the dangers however the Dreaming is still stable and hasn't been acting strange since she arrived so it is no problem if she stayed for a bit." Lucienne just sighed and nodded at her lord.

"Forgive me little one I did not mean to offend you." Lucienne apologized

"It's fine but I'm confused though what do you mean that I'm a danger to you and Dream?" Rose asked after accepting the apology.


Dream and Lucienne looked at each other then Dream signaled Lucienne to leave and she obliged leaving the two alone. Dream escorted Rose to the steps of the stairs and sat down and the girl followed suit.

"You my dear Rose are a dream vortex." Dream told Rose which made the girl even more confused.

"What's a dream vortex and what does it do?" Rose asked

"A Dream Vortex is a naturally occurring phenomenon, it is neither caused nor created — they simply happen. Every few thousand years a mortal is born with special set's of abilities to travel through the dreams of others, bring down the wall between separate dreams, and even make them come true." This made Rose' eyes widened and her eyes brightened.

"That sounds so cool but I don't see the danger part there, if you say that I am a dream vortex and I have those kinds of abilities how am I a danger to you and to this place?" Rose asked and Dream chuckled

"I am getting to that, all of those abilities may sound amazing however this individual can bring down chaos unto the Dreaming and the waking world as they have the "power to dream entire worlds or destroy them." This special being's presence is enough to weaken the walls separating dreams from each other as well as keeping them away from the real world. This in turn affects the Dreaming in the form of major earthquakes, which creates deep craters on its surface." This information made Rose quiver in fear.

Dream didn't like the fact that she was afraid and he does not know why , usually he does not bother to care what mortals or other living beings feel. However Rose brings forth these protective and more paternal feelings out of him so out of impulsiveness he pulls her in a comforting embrace.

"If it is allowed to continue, the Dreaming, and in turn Dream himself, would be completely destroyed. This will be followed by the waking world suffering a similar fate in the absence of the land of dreams." Now this made Rose look at Dream and it finally clicked in her.

"You have to kill me don't you." Rose stated and Dream just looked at her with sad eyes

This caused Rose to cry and the dream lord just held her there not knowing what to do. He wasn't about to give her false hope on this since he doesn't even know how to save her. Rose just looked up at him again and the next statement that she made caused Dream' heart clench tightly.

"Isn't it convenient to kill me now since I'm already here?" Dream just shook his head and gave her hair a pat.

"No and besides I would rather not invoke the wrath of your friend." Rose laughed at the dream lords comment

"Alice would probably kill you if you did." Dream just chuckled knowing that his savior from what he has seen through Matthew's eyes is that the girl is quite protective of her family and friends.

"She would definitely try and do that after all she has her grandparent's tempers." Rose cocked her head to the side.

"You know Alice' grandparents? Can you tell me more about them Alice doesn't really tell me much about her family except aunt Ava and her so called 'scumbag' of a father as she calls him." Dream looked her and swayed his head no.

"It is up to her to tell you that as it is about her and her family." Rose was about to ask more questions when she noticed that everything started to become blurry.

"It seems your waking up." Dream stated and Rose sighed

"It's a shame I wanted to ask more questions and I didn't even get to see the library." Dream just smiled

"Fear not you can come back again next time." Rose was surprised but at the same time worried

"Wouldn't that be risky since I'm a dream vortex?" Rose asked in an agitated tone

"You are not an active one yet so it is alright and worry not knowing Alice she might be already be thinking of ways to save you from your predicament." Dream assured Rose and she gave him a smile

"Thank you and see you next time." With that she disappeared

Rose has been wanting to talk to Alice for a while now but doesn't have any idea how to broach the subject to her. She knows that avoiding these topics especially her being a dream vortex isn't a good idea. However there is this underlying fear in her that maybe after this talk things may never be the same again. She will talk to her about it but today is not the day.

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