《》Shocking Turn of Events


Rose, Jed and Alice are on a plane to Britain for the program that Rose' mother joined when she was still among the living. They were joined of course by Rose' friend Lyta Hall and Alice has this odd feeling in her gut again it's not a feeling of danger, no it was feeling that this woman is important for something in the future. Alice don't know what role she will play but the feeling in her tells her she is going to be a key player.

Of course Alice has yet to have any visions as of late yet there were times where she was going to get a vision only for it to get block. Alice knew who was trying to block her gift of sight but the question is why. The entity has been doing this for a while now and she could not find the answers to her question.

However she does believe that this has something to do with Dream of the Endless after she freed the immortal things have been odd with her gift lately. So the vision must be related to him and the immortal that must be blocking her sight does not want her to interfere. When the plane landed the four of them took a cab and off they went.

The program is a about a family history interview to people in color, whether you were black, orange or white. It doesn't matter it is for all colors and races, when they arrived at the establishment and it was quite old. It was one of those medieval manors but this building is showing it's age.

All of them got out the car and they were greeted by a man.

"Miss Walker." The man greeted and presented his hand for a handshake.

"Hi, I'm Rose." Rose introduced herself and shook his hand.

"I'm Lyta Hall, you must be the lawyer, Mr. Holdawell?" Lyta asked while shaking the man's hand.

"It's Holdaway, miss and we call ourselves solicitors in this part of the Atlantic." Mr. Holdaway said to Lyta.

"Sorry." Lyta apologized

"I'm Alice White a pleasure to meet you Mr. Holdaway." Alice introduced and shaked his hand

"A pleasure miss White."

"I'm Jed, I'm Rose' brother." The boy introduced himself and the man nodded in acknowledgement.

"Is this the foundations headquarters?" Rose asked

"No this is a private care home for the elderly." Mr. Holdaway answered


"My client is a resident, shall we go in?" Mr. Holdaway asked and started to head in.

They all followed him inside and they went up to the second floor. then they stopped at the second door to the right. Mr. Holdaway knocked on the door and a voice answered.

"Come in, please."

Mr. Holdaway opened the door and an elderly woman stood up but Alice was taken a back by her appearance. She looked over at Rose then to the elderly woman, Alice did this 3 times and HOLY SWEET JESUS did they looked so similar.

"Hello everyone thank you for coming. That would be all Mr. Holdaway." The woman addressed the solicitor and he gave a nod and left the room.

"Please come in, I'm Unity Kinkaid." Unity introduced herself.

"A pleasure to meet you." Rose told the woman.

Everyone sat down at the chairs but Rose' attention was then grabbed by a dollhouse. She went up to it and inspected it.

"Is this yours?" Rose' asked and Unity looked at her and smiled.

"Yes, it was gift given to me by my father." Unity answered

"It looks brand new though." Jed said and went near his sister to get a better look at the toy.

"That's actually why your here." That caused all 4 of them to look at Unity and Alice has a guess as to where this might lead.

Unity told us everything to how she caught the sleepy sickness at age 12, to how she lived a glorious life in her dreams and met her golden eyed man. She also told us how she found out that she gave birth to a baby girl while she was asleep. Now that part intrigued Alice how was it possible that while she was asleep she fell pregnant while living in her dreams.

She also revealed that her daughter gave birth to a child and that child was in fact Rose and Jed' mother. This shocked us well it didn't really fazed Alice much I mean the first minute she saw Unity her resemblance to Rose was so striking it wasn't hard to miss. Which makes Rose and Jed her great grandchildren.

This news delighted the two and they immediately hugged Unity. Lyta became quite emotional and Alice was just happy that her friends weren't alone anymore. Alice and Lyta excused themselves so that the two could catch up and bond. Alice decided to attempt to see the vision that is being block from her.


Lyta decided to tour around the area, Alice went to a secluded area and took a deep breath. Her eyes turned a hazy electric blue she saw images appear before her but they were murky. Then it was suddenly cut off and that pissed her so she lashed out.

"My lady Fate's why is it that you block my gift of sight? When you yourselves gave me this ability, are you hiding something from me my ladies?" Alice asked the question but nothing happened.

Alice just sighed and was about to leave the empty lot but then a bright light appeared behind her. She turned around and saw the Fate's or as they like to call themselves the Kindly One's. Alice gave a deep curtsy as a sign of respect to the powerful immortals.

"Do stand up Alice dear, there is no need for that kind of greeting." The Crone told her and Alice heeded her words.

"My ladies I'm surprised that you appeared to me. Will you answer my question?" Alice asked while trying to calm her frantically beating heart.

"Yes and no dear child." That made Alice laugh and it confused the three ladies.

"That's good I would have been worried and afraid that something was wrong if you didn't answer my question in riddles." The Fate's smiled in amusement

"You can only ask three question's from each one us dear." Alice smiled and gave her thanks.

"Thank you my ladies, my first question is...does the vision you have been blocking from me related to the dream king?" The maiden smiled impressed at Alice' astuteness

"Yes dear one it does in fact he is a key aspect of this vision." Alice was happy that her suspicions were confirmed.

"Second question, will Lyta Hall play a vital role in this vision also." The mother grinned and nodded.

"Yes dear one this woman will give the dream king an important gift that will help his realm." Now that intrigued Alice what could Lyta possibly give Dream, unless of course she gives the Endless a...

Alice eyes widened and she looked at the Fate's which in turn just gave her a knowing smile. Fucking hell this just got even worse, just...how in the fuck could that happen... She just shook her head and turned her attention to the oldest of the 3.

"Last question is Rose a dream vortex." That shocked the crone out of all the things she could have asked she was least expecting that.

"Yes dear she is well her grandmother Unity Kinkaid was supposed to be the vortex of this era but someone meddled and took advantage of the dream kings imprisonment." Alice was shocked and alarm bells were ringing in her head.

"My ladies I cannot thank you enough for answering my questions, I also am honored that you took the time to grace me with your presence." Alice told the Fate's sincerely and they in turn merely chuckled.

"It's no trouble dear one after all you are quite interesting." The maiden told Alice

"As a legacy of Zeus and Hera you already grabbed our attention it is quite rare for them to make a child together, after all they are quite problematic." The mother told Alice while rolling her eyes.

The sky rumbled and the Fate's merely ignored the sky god while Alice just gave her grandfather a peace sign. Which in turn made her grandfather pleased as she felt her head being ruffled.

"Sorry about him my ladies he has a knack for being a bit dramatic." The Fate's merely waved there hand not caring about the little display of power from the sky god.

"He has always been like that little one the only thing that changed is that when your great, great many times over grandfather was born, he swore never to cheat on Hera again." The crone said in a astonished tone

"True and he hasn't broken that vow since your family is quite the miracle worker my dear." The maiden told Alice and she just scratched her hair in a sheepish manner.

"Well we have to go dear and I hope you can continue to entertain us." The Fate's said and left immediately.

Alice just giggled and left the empty area to go back to the private care home. Maybe the three were done catching up and it would be nice to get to know the woman that is related to her friends. She also was going to make sure that non of them die because Rose was a dream vortex. Rose and Jed were more than just friends now they were family she wasn't about to let one of her family members die.

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