《》Saving Jed


When the two girls arrived at the house where Jed was being fostered, Alice noticed that it was quite secluded from the city. Not that there was something wrong with that it's just Alice has this feeling in her gut that something was off. The vibe that she got from the house wasn't good it felt oppressive and suffocating which gave her chills.

"Rose I want you to keep your guard up." Alice told her friend which made Rose look at her in a confused manner.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Rose asked worried which made Alice shook her head.

"No but there is this off feeling that I have been getting in this damn house." Rose just nodded and walked to the front of the house cautiously.

Alice was walking right behind her and she noticed that there were a massive amounts of liquor bottles in the trash. It was accompanied by other garbage almost as if someone was trying to hide these huge amount of alcohol. That just made Alice even more suspicious of what type of people was Jed fostered off to.

Rose knocked on the door they waited a few minutes before it opened. The man that opened the door was disheveled and it was obvious that he doesn't take care of himself much. Alice can also smell the alcohol off of him and Rose noticed it too the two women discreetly looked at each other. Silently communicating that in a few minutes things could get ugly.

"Hi I'm Rose Walker and I'm here to see my brother Jed." Rose told the man and he frowned which made the younger woman even more alarmed.

"I don't have a kid named Jed in my house so the two of you can go." The man bluntly turned them away.


This just made the suspicions of the women solidify that this man is not a good or honorable one. Alice noticed a woman behind the guy which made her assume that this must be the man's wife. The woman made eye contact with Alice and made a hand gesture. The woman presented her palm, tucked her thumb then the fingers closed over it.

This made Alice eyes go wide and nudge Rose's side subtlety and the younger woman turned her attention to Alice then noticed the woman behind the guy and the sign that she was doing. This made Rose angry and disgusted at the guy in front of her. Rose punched the guy in the nose which surprised the man and made him stumble. Alice then kicked him in the family jewels which prompted him to fall into the floor.

Rose then grabbed the nearest thing she could get her hands on and smashed it into the guys head and it made the man go unconscious. Alice then called the police and now the three women were waiting for there arrival. Rose went over to the guy's wife and she could see the relief in her eyes.

"How long has he been...abusing you ma'am?" Rose asked albeit hesitantly the woman just looked at her with sad eyes.

"Since the 2nd year of our marriage...that was when he showed his true colors." Rose just grabbed her hand to offer her support while Alice looked at the woman in empathy.

No one should experience this kind of abuse and suffering. It was cruel and quite unnecessary really then again humans do have a nasty habit of being self destructing creatures so there's that. The woman then ran over to a door near the dining area and opened it and out came Jed, Rose' younger brother.


"It's safe now Jed we're free of him now." The woman said and hugged the boy.

"How are you so sure of that?" The boy asked and the woman merely pointed at us.

The boy turned around and froze when he saw his sister and another woman with her. He ran over to Rose and hugged her tightly. It was a happy reunion for the two siblings even if the circumstances aren't so good.

"I'm happy to see you again Rose, it's really good to see you again." Rose smiled at her brother and squeezed his cheeks.

"Well you don't have to just see me anymore, I have custody of you now so I can finally take you home." The news made the boy smile and hugged her sister tightly.

The police then arrived and took the unconscious Barnaby into the police car and also asked Sarah, Barnaby's wife to come along with them since they need her statement and to also file a case against the moron. Jed hugged Sarah and the woman promised the boy that he will visit him from time to time. With that the police left along with Sarah and Barnaby, there were officers that remained to search the house of any other evidence or for illegal items.

The trio left already tired of today's events. Alice asked if they should head back to her house or if she should drop the two at Rose's apartment. Rose said they should head back to her house since she wants to introduce Jed to Ava. When they arrived Ava immediately enveloped Jed in a motherly hug.

The boy was more than happy to stay in the woman's arms since it felt very safe and it felt like he had a mom again. The two stayed at the White's and joined them for dinner, it was somber at first since Jed talked about his time there but Rose promised her brother that those days were behind him now. Jed also got to know Alice and her mom his new aunt Ava, he got closed to them immediately since he found Alice' humor to be very funny. His aunt Ava was a bit odd but over all she was a ball of sunshine.

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