《My Amber Flower》~Lavarich Town! Good News!"



"Lavarich town! Finally I'm here..guess I should head to the centre and get some rest." I said walking through the town *maybe I should ask about my Vibrava..*

I walk into the centre and asked some of the trainers "what! Are you serious?!" "Yup..a Vibrava with a pokeball flew by a couple days ago" I couldn't believe it..someone say my Vibrava!

"Thanks so much! You don't know how much I've missed her" I said "she headed east..towards Norman's gym" I was excited to head there now "thanks so much! Altaria..Cmon out!" I said running out and sending her out.


"Go to Norman's gym and look for Viper k" I said as she flew off "Viper..I'll see ya soon, girl!"

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