《My Amber Flower》~Meteorite~


On my way towards, Lavarich town..a familiar Red Helicopter flew past me. I knew it was Team Magma

I land and return Altaria into her ball, I hide seeing what they were doing *A Meteorite..maybe that things connected to Groudon.*

I heard another Helicopter fly in "could that me Aqua.." I saw some Aqua run in two different direction "great..I have two teams to deal with..I need to find someone and fast!"

I tried to think of what to do now..I watch closely as I saw both commanders glance at me "they know I'm here..alright let's fight then, Grovyle and Manetrick lets go!"

"Mightyena Golbat go!"

"Go Crawdaunt, Walraine!"

I saw the professor run away with the rock "Altaria..go and protect that professor!" I said sending her out, she followed him as I went back to Aqua and Magma "Magma and Aqua..you won't be getting that Meteorite!" I shouted

"Even if we don't..we'll still have you and..that is what will matter here! Go Crawdant, attack her Grovyle"

"Grovyle, Leaf Blade!"

"Mightyena, Shadow ball!"

"Manetrick, Shock Wave"

The battle commenced..each Pokémon attacked and attacked each other, Aqua returned there Pokémon and retreated "return you two!" I said running away from Magma "go and grab her"

There mightyena grabbed my sweater pulling me towards the commander "tie her up..and don't let her escape" "sir!" Once they tied me up, I only stared at him "Maxie will be proud to know that..his daughter is safe and sound." He said as I looked away

"You'll untie me if you want to live" I said as my left hand glow "don't even try..it won't do you any good" I sighed as I listened to him, my hand kept glowing and burning..but it didn't hurt at all


"Is my hand trying to burn the rope?" I questioned as I saw the Meteorite flying in.

I saw them put the Meteorite into there machine pointing it at the lava, they activated the machine shooting the laser at the Volcano *what are they trying to do..this could be my chance to learn more about there plan!*

I watched carefully on what they were doing *cmon..almost got it..* I heard something from the machine, it was Ash and Pikachu trying to get it opened "stop him!"

"Altaria, Flamethrower lets go!" I shouted as she protected Ash and Pikachu, once I broke free the Professor tackled the commander "Team Magma..your plan will not work today!" I shouted jumping down

The professor pushed the machine down into the lava, destroying it "drat..let's move out! You there, grab the girl and let's go!" "Sir!"

I jump onto Altaria flying up high "forget it! We can get her next time, let's go!"

I saw both teams fly away from the Volcano "they'll pay.." Altaria started flying towards Lavarich town again, I checked my hand seeing the Groudon mark growing even more towards my arm "it's started to form something..but what?"

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