《My Amber Flower》~Taking the Fire Out!~


"What! You couldn't find her!" "Taria..Altaria.."

I started to worry about Viper, after the gym..we'll look for her immediately. Let's go and get that badge!" "Taria!"


"So your my next challenger, my last one put up quite the fight" she said "you must mean Ash right? He is something else..but I'm here for my badge" I said holding out my pokeball "let's do this then.."

"The battle between Amber the challenger and Flannery the gym leader, is about to begin. Both trainers will use three Pokémon each, and the battle is over..when either trainers side is unable to battle. And only the challenger can exchange Pokémon, and begin!"

"Meg, lets go!"

"Manetrick, your up!"

"Meg, Flamethrower!"

"Dodge..and use Discharge!" Manetrick jumped up above the fire, and releasing a discharge "Smog let's go!"

"Shock Wave" the lighting combined with the clouds, making it hit Meg

"Meg is unable to battle, Manetick wins!"

"Great job, now Mag lets go!"

"Return bud, Corphish your up!"



Both moved cancelled out "Crab Hammer!"

"Double team!" Many Mag's appeared "use the sun!" I shouted, Corphish jumped up and saw one with a shadow "Bubblebeam now!"

"Dodge it!"

"Aqua Jet now!" Corphish was surrounded by water as it hit, knocking out Mag "Mag is unable to battle..Corphish wins!"

"Now job-!" Corphish started glowing a bright colour, he grew bigger gained a star on its head "Craw!"

"A Crawdaunt!" I was amazed by Crawdaunt "congrats..but let's see if you can beat this, go Torkoal!"



"Sludge bomb!"

"Counter with bubblebeam!"

"Crawdaunt!" Crawdaunt used a different move "that's Rock Slide!" The move hit Torkoal trapping it "Overheat!"

"Don't let it attack! Grab hammer, finish it off!" I shouted as Crawdaunt smashed the rocks into pieces "Torkoal!"

"Torkoal is unable to battle..which means, Amber's the victor!" I smile as I returned Crawdaunt "congratulations Amber..here's the Heat Badge!"

I grab it as I smile "alright! I got..the Heat Badge!"

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