《The Betrayed Pilot (Titanfall x RWBY)》Chapter 26


I felt a bright light on my eyes, and i try to open them but I'm blinded by sunlight. I cover my eyes and i see that the curtains to my room is open and i was sleeping in my bed, i look around my room and i remember what happened last night. I began to feel slightly sick since Velvet wasn't here, i checked my scroll and i noticed that it was almost 12 already.

I shot out of my bed and i went to get ready since i was supposed to start working on Lilith with Winter at 1. I grab all of my gear and clean myself up, and when i reached my desk to grab the plans i was working on yesterday i notice that there was a pile of red Velvet pancakes with a note next to them.

I picked up and read the note; you weren't waking up at all, so i decided to leave you alone for now so you could get your rest, and i even made you some breakfast (or lunch, depending on when you wake up) i hope you like them.

I put down the note and i look at the pile of food, i really didn't deserve someone like Velvet, but it warms my heart that she cared for me so much. I sat down at my desk and i ate some of the velvet pancakes, and i couldn't help but be surprised with how good they are, I'll have to see how Velvet cooks these after everything all over, but that's for another day.

I clean up my room, and i notice that i didn't have much time left, so i put on the rest of my pilot suit and i headed to the hanger where Winter and the rest of Atlas's engineers should be at.

It took me a bit longer to get to the hanger then i would ever care for, but i was only a few minutes late, and when i walked into the hanger i felt like a complete stranger because of just how many people were in here.

"It's about time you arrived Miss Sarah, to think the General puts so much trust in you, but yet you arrived late." I heard the clack of heels on the ground, and i turn to see a slightly pissed Winter. I just nod at her as i move inside and move next to her.

"Yah, yah, no need to tell me that I'm late, but let's get to work, the General did go over the rules and regulations your engineers have to follow while working on Lilith right?" I questioned, but she just scoffed at me, and looked at me like i just insulted her master.

"Of course we are aware of everything, unlike you we are taking this entire situation very seriously and are prepared to work on this machine, unlike y-" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence as i slammed the plans into the table next to her,

"If your done berating me, would you mind?" I then gestured for everyone else to gather closer to me and i raised my voice so the engineers could hear me, "okay people, because of reasons from the General himself it seems like you only got a few days to fix the machine LT-26392, code name Lilith." When i shouted this out i heard some quiet complaints among the engineers.


"Believe me, if i could i would extend the time we had, but he insisted, and while i can assure you that 90% of Lilith is going to look like dark magic to you i have come with a set of blueprints on how to fix almost all of the damage that has transpired to her, so i will hand off temporary blueprints to electricians, managers, etc, any questions." Everyone seemed confused on everything but nobody asked questions. Until one person raised their hand, Winter herself,

"Sarah, while you are the leader in this project, i would appreciate it that you yourself didn't berate the smartest of the Atlas's R&D, these men and women are possibly the smartest minds on this planet." I did nod to consider her words, but then i turned towards her, and whispered into her ear,

"On this planet, possibly, but remember, there's a much bigger world out there, and you will truly understand that after you start to work on Lilith." I lean back and i saw that there was a look of shock and anger on her face. I didn't wait for her to respond as i got everyone to gather and i distributed basic blueprints that i made last night to the appropriate section of engineers.

When they were looking at the blueprints i could tell that they were all thoroughly confused on what the hell they were looking at, and i couldn't help but laugh a little bit at it. But when i stopped i noticed that Winter was next to me, and she seemed even more agitated then before,

"If your going to try to 'help' us the least you can do is at least gives us blueprints that make sense, this is all gibberish, the sizes, materials, everything in these papers defies the law of physics and engineering!" She tossed the paper at me, and i looked at the paper, and everything was correct as far as i was concerned. It was only then that i realized just how these people simply didn't know anything, and my own fault for not realizing this sooner. The blueprints i made used concepts and theories from my own civilization, and i wouldn't even be surprised if these people didn't even knew about Newton, and his Laws. This was going to be troublesome.

"As far as I'm concerned these papers are correct, it's just you and your people don't understand what i know, for now I'll let your people handle the basic stuff, like wiring, and fixing the large scale stuff, like connecting her leg back to her body, i will handle the more detailed and complex stuff for now, until they learn how to read those blueprints." Winter still didn't look too happy, and i noticed that her hand twitched a bit as it reached for her saber, but then stopped midway through.

She let out a heavy sigh as she looked me directly in the eye, "how certain are you that we are able to finish LT-26392 before the deadline?" I just stared at her as i shrugged, i didn't know myself, but i had to try, at the least i had to repair her enough that i could turn back on her key systems. But for now it was going to be one step at a time.


The rest of the engineers all just gawked at me as they just realized that they were barely even going to be given the chance to even work on Lilith, and i made sure to emphasis this as i grabbed a tool chest and started working on fixing Lilith's Core. Thank god that i changed her core for something less, nuclear.

I continued to work on her as everyone stared, i turn towards them as i started to get impatient with them, "Well get to doing something, standing there isn't going to help" They all then started to run around like chicken with their heads cut off and i laughed at this, but i started to notice that one of the younger looking engineers was then looking through the blueprints and then started to do calculations on another piece of paper. I looked for a bit as he calculated everything and shock came across his face as he realized that the calculations were correct, hypothetically of course.

He looked up to me and i gave him a cheeky smile and i turn away to work on Lilith, and i noticed that the same engineer then pulled out a welder and started to weld some pieces back into the place they should be in. It was good to see that there was still hope for this planet with people like him able learn about the unknown and then use it to their advantage.

For awhile it was just me and the random engineer who was working on Lilith, but eventually more and more people began to start working on her as well as they realized what the blueprints actually meant. I did have to stop every so often when i saw someone doing the wrong thing, and i had to show them what was supposed to happen, but other then the occasional blunder everything moved along smoothly.

I was just about to finish the interior of Lilith's core until i heard heels tapping the ground getting closer to me, "I-I don't understand?" I turn towards Winter to see her thoroughly confused, and i couldn't help but smirk at her.

"As i said winter, there is more out there then you actually realized, but i will give it to your people, they took the problem i gave them on accident in stride, there is hope for this planet. And because of their drive to learn more, Lilith will be alive again. I say it's a good deal in the end for the both of us." I turn away from Winter as she started to slowly walk away.

For the rest of the day i continuously worked on Lilith until it was night and everyone looked like fatigue was starting to settle in them. I then told everyone to finish whatever your doing and save the rest for tomorrow. It was a slow trickle until everyone finished everything and they walked out, leaving only me and Winter behind.

"I don't know how you did it Sarah, but the fact that with a simple blueprint you were able to teach our engineers more in a matter of hours then they could in years." I shrugged at her comment, i really only just showed them the basics of engineering, i could not imagine how they would take the actual theoretical engineering. But i will keep that piece of information to myself.

I then turned towards Winter and tried to answer her the best i could, "Well even if they were able to learn from my blueprints, there is still a lot of work left to do until i can even operate Lilith again, i just hope everything works out in the end. Come on let's get out of here." We both started to lock up the hanger and we both left each other.

I then started my walk back to my dorm, for the main part the entire trip back was a blur until i opened the door, and i could feel the fatigue start to set in. But when i opened the door i saw Velvet was standing in the center of the room,

"Sarah your back, how was working on Lilith?" I didn't answer her question as i hugged her and fell onto my bed, and i could hear her start to stutter on her words, but I talked before she could compose herself first,

"Can you sleep with me tonight, it's just been a long day." I didn't hear a reply for awhile, and i broke from my hug to see that Velvet was blushing a bright red, but eventually she mustered enough courage to face me,

"It's about time you asked me yourself, I prefer that over you passing out on top of me." My face started to turn red at her words, but i just break away from her as i went to change out of my pilot suit into something a bit more comfortable to sleep in. But i did turn towards Velvet before i went into the bathroom to change,

"And please don't bring that up, it's embarrassing for me because i passed out on you like that." I didn't let her reply as i quickly went to get changed. When i was done and i walked out i noticed that Velvet was already comfortable in my bed, and she looked just as tired as me. I turned off the lights to my room as i slipped into bed with Velvet and i went to hug her.

"I love you Velvet, never forget that" I didn't hear her respond because with those words i fell asleep.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*slides out of chair*

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