《Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)》9. Johnny Bravo
Needless to say, I spent more time at Arden's place than I had planned. I didn't walk out of her humongous house until three in the morning. She walked me to my car and begged me to stay, but I declined. I was only going to get about four hours of sleep and that was only if I rushed to get home and fell asleep immediately. Everyone else was in the house, still laughing, talking and smoking. After a while, I had gave into peer pressure and smoked a little as well, but it didn't alter any of my senses. I was able to get home in one piece and when I got in, both Petra and Rose were apparently asleep. All of the lights were off downstairs. Bumping into object after object, I made my way up the stairs and into my room. I fell onto my bed and closed my eyes. Hopefully, I could get a decent amount of rest in four hours.
My phone alarm seemed to begin blaring as soon as I closed my eyes to go to bed. I grumbled at the small portion of sunlight which was coming through my blinds. It felt like I had slept for literally a second. There was no time to moan, groan or complain. I had to be in the studio in an hour, and I still had to take a shower, brush my teeth, eat breakfast and get dressed. The drive to the studio was only fifteen minutes away, but it all depended on the traffic. I moved as quickly as I could as I moved from task to task. For breakfast, I grabbed a slice of toast from Petra's plate and ran out of the door with it in my mouth. I could hear her yelling at me even after I had slammed the front door.
"Flawless," the woman who had been prepping me for the last forty minutes said as she stared at me. She told me that her name was Jude and that she was a big fan of my other shoots. It was nice that someone actually knew who I was for once. What made it even more awesome was that this chick had hardcore tattoos and short, chopped blonde hair and was actually complimenting me. She didn't seem like the complimenting type. To me, she looked more like a tattoo artist than a make-up artist, but I guess you really couldn't judge a book by its cover. "Don't tell anyone but I think you're one of the most beautiful models in the new age. It's just something about those big blue eyes of yours." I blushed bashfully and modestly as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was all dressed in the first outfit that I was going to take some shots in. Unlike most of the photoshoots that I did, I wasn't put in some weird, outlandish outfit. The outfit was normal and like everyday attire. It was actually quite cute, maybe they'd let me have it. "I'm a stylist as well, if you ever make it big time then you should give me a ring."
I got Jude's number just before I heard someone say my name behind me. My eyebrows furrowed at the familiar voice. Why would she even be on set of one of my photoshoots? I turned around in my chair to face the voice and sighed once I saw the blonde girl. "Hey, uh, Mira. You look beautiful," Ellie said awkwardly before giving me a gawky smile. She bit her lower lip quickly as she looked behind me at Jude. "Can we talk in private real quick?" I sighed and thought about whether I should talk to Ellie or not. The last thing I needed was a bad vibe before I did my photoshoot. Ellie looked at me with hopeful eyes. I'd feel like a b-tch if I didn't at least talk to her. Sighing, I stood up from my chair and followed her to a distant corner. I crossed my arms and stared at her as I waited for her to begin talking. "Look, I know you're probably wondering why I'm here. It just so happens that I was called at the last minute to drop by some outfits. They didn't tell me that the outfits would be for you. You looking amazing in it anyway. You always looked good in red." Ellie cleared her throat and stopped rambling for a second. "Mira, I know I may not be the most interesting person and I know you may not like how obsessed I am with fashion, but I miss you." Surprisingly, Ellie's blue eyes began to water up. It was all so reminiscent to when we broke up in the car. "Please, just take me back, Mira. I'll change. I'll do whatever you want me to. If you want, I'll slack off on designing for a while. It can just be me and you. I can show you just how good of a girlfriend that I can be," she urged as she took my hand in hers.
"Two minutes before camera time," a crew member walked up and reminded me just after Ellie finished her plea. I nodded my head and he walked away with a cheerful smile. Ellie gave me the most pathetic look that I had ever seen on her face. She looked so pitiful that I said my answer without even thinking.
"Okay." Great, Mira! Now you had to deal with the whole break up thing all over again. Internally, I punched myself in the face. The second time around wasn't going to be successful at all, unless Ellie did a complete 360 and I couldn't see that happening. I really didn't want that to happen. Ellie had every right to be herself but we just didn't click romantically. It was too late to take it all back although. She had that huge grin on her face and I couldn't make her cry again. I'd just have to suck it up and go along with the ride.
She pulled me into a hug before kissing my lips passionately. I just smiled as I heard my name getting called by the director. "I'll wait. We can get lunch afterwards," Ellie promised. After nodding my head, I rushed off towards the set. I really needed to start thinking about my decisions before just blurting out random answers that I didn't mean.
The photoshoot went longer than expected. According to the photographer and the director, my poses and shots were immaculate. They were apparently so immaculate that they just couldn't stop taking pictures. I didn't mind it since I was getting paid by the hour for this gig and also I was expectant to see my face on some huge billboard in a few weeks for the make-up company. From this single session, I wasn't just going to obtain money to put in my pockets but I also was going to gather a bit more fame. Now more companies would ask for me to model their clothes, or wear their make-up, and then I'd be in commercials, movies and everything else. With so many gigs, I could finally be able to move a few blocks away from my inquisitive sisters and live in a bit of peace.
Once the photoshoot was done, Ellie took me out to dinner. She talked immensely about how well I did and how stunning I was. Every compliment was accepted with a blush, but I still felt horrible. She truly still had feelings for me and I was dating her out of pity. I was being dishonest and that was totally out of my character. I liked to be upfront with my feelings but Ellie always made me feel so guilty. "Wow, I just can't get over how amazing you looked. You're like a goddess, Mira," Ellie said before shoving a fork full of mashed potatoes into her mouth. I cut into my salmon and gave her a polite smile. "The past few days you and Arden's outfit has been the only things on my mind. I've been missing you like crazy, but I had to make sure all of the materials for her outfit was getting imported as well. Thankfully, everything's already in." Ellie looked up from her plate and towards me. "You didn't have fun at her party, did you?"
Okay, Mira. This was your time to be honest. Tell Ellie that you actually enjoyed yourself and that you even hung out with Arden again last night. "The party? What? No. It wasn't even fun," I lied right through my teeth. What the hell was wrong with me!? I chewed on my salmon awkwardly and looked away from Ellie. I was such a liar. Not only did I have fun hanging out with Arden, but I also saw her naked and helped her get shampoo out of her dumb little eye. I let her sip liquor of my body and I slept in her freaking bed! Of course, I had fun but I couldn't hurt Ellie and tell her all of that.
Ellie didn't question my answer and she smiled as if she had just won an award for being the top fashion designer. "Well, let's try again. Tonight, I'll take you to one of her parties. I can make sure you have a good time." My face immediately turned red. If Ellie stepped foot in Arden's place then something was going go down. Somehow she would find out everything that had happened in the last couple of days. I began shaking my head at Ellie as she chuckled. "Come on. It'll be fun, Mira. I can show you how I'm not so boring."
"Fine, sure," I said quietly. I could only imagine what was going to happen later in the night.
I held the unknown b-tch by the hips as I pressed her against the wall. It was another night for one of my out of control parties. Behind me, I could hear vulgar, boisterous music playing. People were screaming over the music to talk to their mates but most conversations didn't go over well. Everything was just too loud, just how I liked it. The brunette grabbed me by my waist and used her force to switch positions. Now, my back was against the wall as she tongued me down. My hands slipped down to her ass and I grabbed it roughly as I brushed my tongue against hers. I didn't get the girls name but she came on a bit eager to f-ck me. Casually, I was just walking around my party and making sure everyone was having fun when the b-tch just grabbed me and started kissing me. Who was I to stop it? Her hands ran through my hair and I groaned as I opened my eyes. I hated when b-tches touched my hair. I grabbed her wrist tightly and she instantly pulled away from the kiss. "What the f-ck is wrong with you," she yelled with offense over the music.
"Don't touch my f-cking hair. I'm like f-cking Johnny Bravo. My hair is flawless so you're going to keep your slutty hands off of it, got it?" Brunette girl snatched her wrist from my grasp and gave me a nice little shove towards the wall. I sucked on my teeth before grabbing her by that tight ass dress of hers. Now, it was time for me to switch roles. I grabbed her and pushed her so now she was against the wall. "Do you know who the f-ck I am?!"
"A f-cking asshole," she screamed before slapping me right across the face. Okay, maybe I deserved that. Once again, she pushed me but this time she walked right past me and into the crowd of people. I turned and watched her walk away as I rubbed my jaw. F-cking women. You would think I would understand them since I was unfortunately a woman, but they never ceased to amaze me with their b-tchiness.
My eyes scanned the crowd for some other desperate girl who'd be willing to f-ck me. Who am I kidding? All of the girls in this party would f-ck me if I gave them the chance. Most of them were just too afraid to approach me. Even girls who came with their boyfriends wanted me. It wasn't unknown for me to grab a girl from her guy while he wasn't looking, take her up to the designated 'f-ck room' upstairs, give her the orgasm of her life and then send her back to her dude. It happened weekly and it just may happen tonight. All I needed was to find someone which fitted my standards. As I looked towards the crowd, I spotted two girls holding hands. The blonde had on a backwards cap as she was whispering something into the brunette's ear. What the f-ck was Mira doing here with that boring Ellie b-tch?
Why the f-ck did I care in the first place? Mira wouldn't give it up to me easily. It'd take time to work on her. She'd be a hassle, so why did I care? It was probably the f-cking accent and the way that she spoke. She almost hypnotized me with every sentence. Each word sounded like a blessing and each syllable she made drove me crazy. I wanted to f-ck her so hard. There was no way that Ellie was taking care of her sexually. I mean, Mira said that she licked her f-cking armpits and I doubted the Hungarian actually liked that. I needed to show her what it felt like to get f-cked until you could no longer form words. F-cking Mira was the main thing on my mind when it came to her, but I also liked her for friendly purposes. She was pretty awesome and she would be even more awesome if she got a bit crazy. The night before last, she let me do body shots on her and she drank quite a bit, and from the way she acted, it seemed out of her character. She was overly shy at first, but she came around. Then last night, she hanged with my mates and smoked a little, and her company was definitely appreciated. I loved to hear her laugh even when it was at me. Wait? What the f-ck am I talking about? Her laugh shouldn't even concern me. All I should be worried about was how I was going to get Ellie out of the picture so I could get into her pants.
I bit down on my bottom lip and let a few thoughts run across my mind. Finally, something clicked and I knew just how to get Ellie away from Mira. I smirked and started to walk towards them, but then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, only to face one of my mates, Anthony. "Yo, that chick that I was telling you about...the Dominican broad, Carla?" I nodded my head since I knew exactly who Anthony was talking about. I had never seen her but Anthony gave me a very explicit description about what he did with her behind closed doors. It was so explicit that I almost f-cking puked. The last thing I wanted to hear was a detailed description of a blowjob. "You remember how I told you how she sucked the life out of my d-ck?! She's here and she brought one of her lesbian friends. I'm not saying super saiyan tremendous head is guaranteed, but if she gives head like Carla then she might be a good lay for you tonight. She's not that bad either. She has like one bad tooth, but you can look past that, right?"
"No, I'm good," I told Anthony before looking behind me towards Ellie and Mira. They were now dancing with each other to a slow song that the DJ had decided to play. The fashion designer's hands were on Mira's ass and it honestly infuriated me. Her hands had no business being there. Girlfriend or not, Ellie was a f-cking loser. The only thing she could do was design clothes but other than that, she was a nobody. Why would Mira want to be with someone like that? I'm hell of famous, hot, sexily problematic and I could f-ck her better than anyone else could. What more could you want?
"Come on, man, I see you looking at that Hungarian girl. She's not f-cking with you, man. You're too rough around the edges," Anthony told me with discouragement.
"Your mom's rough around the edges, motherf-cker," I told him as I faced him fully. He seemed to take that comment to heart. I didn't know why. It was a pretty lame comeback. I could've done better than that! I cursed myself in my head as I stared at Anthony head on.
"Are you calling my moms bald," he asked with his eyebrows scrunched up.
I wasn't calling his mom bald, but I ran with the idea. "Balder than your ex girl's p-ssy on my lips," I shot back. A little smirk played on my face. Now, that was a good one. I went at his ego and from the look of his face, I succeeded. He probably didn't know whether I was joking or not. Of course, I was joking although. I wasn't that much of an asshole. All of my mates' girls were off limits. I turned back around to look at the two girls once again, now Ellie was kissing Mira as they rocked to the rhythm of the song. Okay, that was it. It was time to breakup their boring ass relationship. "Ay, mate. Go get head from Carla or something I have other business to attend to," I told Anthony without taking my eyes off of the kissing girls. He said something but I didn't hear it. I began pushing through the slow grinding crowd to get to Mira and her irrelevant girlfriend or whatever she was.
When I got to the two, I wrapped an arm around Mira's shoulder and pulled her into me. The two's lips detached and they both looked confused as I put a huge smile on my face. After the initial shock, the sexy ass model looked at me with her blue eyes wide. She seemed shocked to see me, as if it this wasn't my house or my party. I looked over to Ellie, who was already pissed off at me. Her face was a bright red and her lips were straight. "Hi, Mira. How are you tonight," I asked Mira before kissing her cheek. My arm was still draped around her and I knew a simple kiss on the cheek would drive Ellie wild. That's why I looked straight at her as I did it. Her eyebrows seemed to frown pitifully as she watched a blush form on her girlfriend's face. Mira gave me a muddled look but her blush remained on her cheeks while Ellie clenched her fists. I wish she would throw a punch at me. I would f-cking beat her ass and put her to shame in front of the hundreds of people that were in attendance of my party. "So, how's my outfit going, Els? It's really good to see you again," I said casually. "I didn't pay you ten grand for nothing."
"Get your hands off of my girlfriend," Ellie told me boldly as she took a step towards Mira and I.
A chuckle came from my lips. So, the two were back together or something? I looked at Mira and then back to Ellie. "I thought you two broke up."
"We're back together," the angry designer said through gritted teeth.
Once again, I let out a chuckle, but this one was more demeaning. I shook my head as I stared at Ellie with no fear what's so ever. All of this was actually quite amusing. I loved starting some shit. I've been a troublemaker ever since I came out of my mother's womb. "It's funny how she's back with you after she took a shower me, the other morning," I blabbed, just to make things even more interesting and to see the hurt on Ellie's face. Instantly, her face fell and she looked towards Mira. The Hungarian looked away from her girlfriend. "You find me attractive, right, Mira," I asked her as I stared her down. She wasn't looking at me or Ellie but I asked the question anyways. "You told me that, remember?"
An arrogant smirk fell upon my face and to my surprise, Mira took my arm and removed it from around her. She walked over to Ellie and grabbed her arm. I clenched my jaw for a second before giving them both an incredulous smile. "You don't have to take her back out of sympathy. You know she doesn't make you happy, Mira," I argued with that same smile of disbelief on my face. How could she grab onto the arm of Ellie when she had me? Sure, I'm a certified player and my goal was to f-ck her, but Mira still held a special place in my heart. She was sweet and I didn't want to hurt her. I just wanted to make her life more sex-filled and enjoyable.
"Why don't you mind your f-cking business," Ellie asked as she removed Mira's grip from her arm. She walked up towards me so that we were inches away from each other. Her stare was unwavering but I could still see a bit of insecurity and fear in her orbs.
"Why don't you stop licking armpits and learn how to f-ck your girl," I countered back.
"Did you tell her that I licked your armpits," Ellie swiftly turned to ask Mira with fright. "Wait, did you tell her that I wasn't good in bed, too!?"
"Not entirely," Mira said so softly that she could barely be heard over the music. She looked down at her hands as she played with her fingers. Part of me felt bad for putting her on the spot, but I was helping her dodge a bullet. She didn't need Ellie.
"What do you mean by 'not entirely,'" Elsa yelled as she was now in Mira's face. That's when Mira turned red and began yelling herself. This was working out way better than I expected. I watched everything play out with a villainous grin.
"I mean that I told her that you licked my armpits! The other part she just assumed and actually, her assumption was right!" Damn, that was cold. I tried to contain my laughter as I eyed the argument.
"So, I can't pleasure you!? Is that what you're saying!?"
"I'm saying you're weird when it comes to sex and I don't like it!"
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When Hailey Evans, an aspirant employee of the marketing department in one of the most wealthiest companies in the states finds herself in trouble with the arrogant, cold hearted CEO Ian Kingston, she pulls a trick no one has ever done.And in return he gives her a disastrous kiss that turn her world upside down. One party.One kiss.And the next thing she knows, she's a billionaire's fiancé.
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