《Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)》7. Anal Beads
Arden offered to drive me home after breakfast and I accepted the offer. She led me into the garage where she had multiple luxurious vehicles. She had all types of cars, sports cars, sedans, trucks, jeeps, SUVs, and even vans. Her garage was just as big as my whole house, and my house wasn't even that small. She told me to pick which car that we should take, and I chose a light bluish sports car. I didn't know what car it was, but I picked it because it was similar to Arden's eye color. The rapper actually handed me the keys and trusted me to drive. "Since you know where you stay and I'm horrible at taking directions, you can drive. Just please don't crash my baby," she told me sternly as she pointed a finger on me. Her telling me not to crash her car—which I wouldn't do intentionally—made me even more aware of all of my surroundings.
I drove cautiously through the neighborhoods and highways. Arden chuckled at me the whole way through and told me that I drove like her grandmother who was seventy-two years old. I just laughed and basically ignored her because I was so focused on the road. If I crashed this thing, I didn't want to have to pay for the cost of it. I'm sure I didn't have the money to meet half of the price, although. When I pulled up in front of my house, I put the car in park and looked towards Arden. She was looking at my house with a smile on her face. "What a nice little house you have, Mira. It's really cute, just like you." She turned to face me with a small smile plastered on her face.
I blushed a bit and smiled as well. "Would you like to come in," I asked politely. We've definitely spent enough time together over the past few hours, but I felt like it was a generous offer. Petra was probably inside and I knew she'd freak out if she was to see Arden in her very own house.
Unfortunately for Petra, Arden shook her head. "It's really nice of you to try to bed me, Mira, but I have a few interviews today. I should actually head to my first one before my manager has a bitch fit."
"I wasn't trying to bed you," I said defensively. Who the hell said 'bed' in the first place!? It's not like we were in the Middle Ages. Arden laughed boisterously and looked up at the car ceiling. "What's so funny?"
"I wasn't trying to bed you," she mocked me.
"You need to work on your Hungarian accent impression," I told her flatly. She just gave me a wide smile before opening the passenger's door. I rolled my eyes at her but not in a rude way. We both got out of the car and I left the driver's door open since Arden was going to get back in.
When we walked past each other, Arden took my hand. "Stop by anytime you want. Don't be a stranger, Mira." She was looking at me seriously so I just nodded my head. "Fucking A! I'll see you soon then?"
"Definitely." I stepped up on the curve and Arden got into her car. I watched as she sped off down the street, straight pass a stop sigh. Shaking my head, I turned on my heels and headed towards my house. When I got inside, I saw both of my sisters sitting at the kitchen counter. They were both eating chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. How nutritious. "Hey, fatties," I joked once I took a seat beside them. After all the blueberry muffins I ate back at Arden's place, I really had no room to talk. My stomach was full and it actually hurt me to watch my sisters eat.
Rose was already dressed in her doctor's scrubs, ready to go to work and do some miracle surgeries on some famous celebrity or rich person. By the way she was looking at me, I knew something was up. A lecture was coming or something equivalent. I groaned and looked to Petra for a hint of just what I had done. Petra took a bite of her chocolate chip cookie and didn't even catch my glare for a hint. "So, guess who came by to give me and Petra a chat last night?" I quirked a brow up at Rose with confusion. She took a bite out of her cookie dramatically. "Ellie." I groaned out loud and covered my face. Could we not just talk about her?
"She came in here and cried over you like a wuss. 'Oh my God, I don't know what I'm going to do without her?' 'Scotty is such an asshole.' 'I thought she liked it when I licked her armpit.' She's such a punk." Petra frowned her face up with disgust. I laughed when I heard Petra repeat everything Ellie said in a douchebag accent, but Rose didn't find it funny at all.
"It's not funny, Mira. You really broke her heart. She stayed over here for hours waiting for you until I finally convinced her to go home and get some rest. Then I stayed up and called you all night to make sure you were okay, but you never answered. Now, you're strolling in at nine in the morning in some guy's clothes. Why are you in a dude's clothes? Aren't you gay?"
"These are Arden's clothes, Miss Know-it-All. Ellie and I got into an argument and I ended things. She's boring and annoying. The only reason I was with her was because I thought that I was happy, but I realized that I wasn't. She dropped me off at Arden's party. I stayed at Arden's party all night, but we didn't do anything. She took care of me, we ate breakfast and now I'm here." Of course, I didn't tell Rose about the shower with Arden or that we did body shots. I loved her, but I didn't want her to know everything. Plus, that was TMI.
"Holy crap! You went to one of Scotty's parties!? They are supposed to be the hottest parties in Hollywood! Did you have fun? Who was there? Was my husband there? Justin Becker!?" Petra would lose it if she knew I played beer pong with Justin. She would probably scream to the rooftop and her brain would most likely malfunction and break down. "Can I go next time you go? Please, Mira, please!? I'll be eighteen soon!"
Before I could give Petra an answer, which was going to be no, Rose answered for me. "You're not going to one of her parties. I heard it was nothing but drugs, sex, and fighting. That's nowhere for you nor Mira to be, but I can't tell your stubborn sister anything because she's twenty-three and careless!"
I couldn't believe what Rose was saying. This was my first real party since we've moved here. Last night I did get a little careless, but I didn't do anything that I regretted and I enjoyed myself. There was nothing wrong with that. Just because she was all proper and socially correct didn't mean that Petra and I had to be as well. "Are you kidding me!? I wasn't being careless! I was just having a good time! Plus, the party really was fun and I didn't have conflicts with anyone. Everyone was seriously there just to enjoy themselves, so stop assuming sh-t about things that you don't know, Rose!"
Petra covered her mouth as she looked at both of her big sisters with wide eyes. Fights between Rose and I were always messy. Sometimes they'd literally turn into fist fights but at the end of it all, we were still sisters and we loved each other—a little bit too much in Rose's case. I hated how she treated me like a child. If I was Petra's age then all of this would be different, but now I was an adult who had every right to make my own decisions and mistakes. "First off, I'm just trying to save you from getting hurt or getting yourself addicted to drugs! The last thing I need is for you to be like all those other models on cocaine! I'm just being an older sister and telling you what our parents would tell you if they were still alive today. Scotty XXX or Arden, whomever you call her, is a bad influence. All she wants to do is have sex with you Mira. I really don't see what's wrong with Ellie, other than the armpit licking thing. She's a really sweet girl."
"Exactly. I don't want a sweet girl."
Rose huffed as if she didn't understand me and she stood up from the table. "Whatever. It's your life. I have to get to work." My oldest sister stood up from the table and made sure she pinched me as she walked past me. "F-cking dumbass," she muttered. I was going to call her one back, but then I realized she was a cosmetic surgeon so I'd just make myself seem even more stupid.
Petra tried to bombard me with questions as soon as Rose left, but I ignored them all and went up to my room. All I wanted to do was be alone, but of course I couldn't get what I wanted. As soon as I laid back on my bed, my two best friends, Kendall and Fran called me on three-way. As soon as I answered, they assaulted me with just as many questions as Petra. "So my insider told me that you had fun at the party last night! Dammit, I should've went with you. My date wasn't even fun! Nothing even happened, but I heard you did body shots with Scotty," Fran said through the receiver. Her voice was so loud that I had to hold the phone a few inches from my ear. "F-ck! I wish had went!"
"Yeah, I didn't go because Ellie was going to be there with you, but then I found out that you were alone and with Scotty the whole time," Kendall said once Fran finally gave her space to talk. "So, what's the deal? Did you break up with Ellie or something? If so, I just want to say congratulations. She was so f-cking weird. I mean she liked licking your armpits and she enjoying eating your ass."
"Wait, Ellie ate Mira's ass," Fran asked in confusion. My cheeks flushed even though both of the girls weren't even present in the room.
"Only once, or twice, maybe five times but I didn't do it back. I mean, don't see the point of getting it done unless you're a guy but whatever. I let her do it and I probably shouldn't have because she came crying to my sisters about how we broke up and she told them that she wanted me back," I confessed over the phone. Fran instantly began laughing at the fact that I allowed Ellie to eat me out anally and Kendall let out a few giggles as well, even though she already knew. "It's not funny! She watches way too much porn and she wants to do literally everything that they do."
"Next thing you know, you're going to tell us that you let her use anal beads on you as well," Fran responded before letting out a whooping laugh. When I didn't say anything that's when Fran began laughing louder and I even laughed just from how crazy her laugh was. It sounded like she was going to fall over and die. "You f-cking idiot! You let her use anal beads on you!?"
"You're so submissive, Mira," Kendall said as she continue her cute giggling. "You'd be perfect for Scotty."
"It was only once and I didn't like it at all! It felt weird." I shuddered as I remembered the experience. "It'll never happen again. Not even for a million dollars."
"Well soon you'll be making millions," Fran had told me. She was done with her laughing fit and now she seemed a bit distracted. I bet she was painting her toenails or trying to keep up with the conversation but also the Kardashians at the same time. "You're really getting big in the modeling world, Mira. Soon you'll be making more money than Rose."
"I hope so. I love my sisters but I think it's about time that I get my own place. Rose is always in my business, and Petra, well, she's not a problem but I would still like my privacy. Tomorrow, I have a pretty big shoot for a make-up company. They want to test me out and if I do well then I may become the face of their brand." I heard something drop on the other end of the phone and then a yell from Kendall. "What the hell?"
"I f-cking fell and I spilled spaghetti all over the place," she explained. Both Fran and I laughed out loud. I could picture Kendall just sitting on her kitchen floor in a pile of spaghetti. "That was the last of it all! It was f-cking leftovers!" Fran and I continued to laugh at our friend's misfortune. It sounded as if she was going to cry.
We talked on the phone for at least two more hours about anything that we could think of. Kendall and Fran both knew how to keep the conversation fresh and they never pried too deep into my private life. They were my best friends, although, so of course, I would tell them more stuff than anybody else. Once I got off of the phone, it rang again almost instantly. The number was unknown and I hesitated to answer it, but I did. It could be someone trying to help me get further up in the modeling business so it was worth taking a risk and answering my phone. "Hello," I asked in the receiver. It was quiet on the other end for a second but then I heard the familiar, sensuous voice.
"Hey, kitten. It's Arden." My heart fluttered for some reason, but it wasn't in a romantic kind of way but more of a nervous way. Don't get me wrong, Arden was nice and overly attractive but I didn't want a relationship with her. It was obvious that she wouldn't be faithful and I wasn't going to put myself through the drama. "Tonight, I'm throwing another party and I was wondering if you'd want to come kick it."
"Kick it? Are we going to be playing football or something?" Her laugh startled me and I frowned. All I did was ask her a question and she was laughing if I told her a classic joke.
"Kick it is slang for hanging out," she informed me, which made me feel so stupid. When it came to slang, especially American slang, I was a bit lost. Usually Fran and Kendall kept me up on the new trendy words and phrases such as: on fleek. "You're seriously f-cking hilarious, Mira. It's really cute. Just come by tonight around eight. It's not going to be a big party like last night, just me, you, Justin, Kyndall, Anthony and possibly Shane." I didn't know who Shane was but I assumed he was cool if he was hanging with Arden and her squad. That's another hip slang term that I learned to pick up.
"I have a photoshoot tomorrow morning so I can't stay for long, but I'll come by," I informed her. Arden drew a deep breath and then began coughing as if she had choked on something. She was probably smoking as she talked to me.
"Good sh-t. I'll see you in a few, kitten."
I know this chapter was pretty boring. I would've made it longer, but I'm sleepy and I already met my goal words so here.
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