《Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)》6. Shampoo
Steam filled the extravagant and spotless bathroom as I took a shower in my bareness. At first, I was a bit skeptical about using Arden's shower, toilet and everything else but everything was just so clean. Unlike her bedroom, her bathroom was spotless with not a speck of dust or dirt anywhere. It was like it had never been used or as if it was up for auction. Everything sparkled, glimmered and shined. The only downside about the bathroom was that it was very modern. It took me the longest time to figure out how to flush the toilet. The toilet didn't have a tank and it basically appeared to be held up by just the atmosphere but of course it was connected to a wall. However, there wasn't a flusher which caused me to be highly confused. After a while of just waving my hands all over the toilet to find a sensor it finally flushed. The sink was fancy but thankfully it was easy enough to operate.
I found some cloths from a stack of clean linens and got into the shower. That's when it took me about five minutes to find out just how to turn on the water and how to actually make it hot. Arden sure did like complicated stuff but I guess she was just splurging on the most luxurious things since she had such a sum of money. The soap that Arden had was definitely men's soap so for the remainder of the day I would have to smell just like her, but I didn't really mind. She smelled marvelous. There was something more than a certain type of soap or cologne although, it was more of a natural scent.
As the water pelted on my skin and the soap slid down my body, I began humming. Singing or humming in the shower was something that I did just about every time that I took a shower. It has always been a habit. When I was younger, my parents would bang on the bathroom door and tell me to keep it down because I would sing so loud. I would be in the shower singing my heart out and I'd sing so deafening that I'd wake up Petra—who was then a baby—out of her slumber. Needless to say, I wasn't the favorite child. My parents treated all of us equally, but of course Petra got the babied since she was the youngest and since Rose was so accomplished she kind of outshined everyone. I was just the average daughter. Mom would always call me her arany virágszál which meant golden flower, although. That caused a bit of jealousy between my two sisters. Even if I wasn't the youngest or smartest, I still got my moments when my parents seemed to favor me the most and those moments stuck with me like glue.
"If only your voice was just as beautiful as your body." I snapped out of my thoughts and my eyes opened wide. Instantly, I tried to cover every part of me but of course it was impossible. Behind me, Arden stood in the nude just like me with a teasing smirk on her lips. I glanced my eyes down to our feet to keep myself from gawking at her. "I need a shower too, kitten. Don't worry. I won't touch you. I won't even look at you." Arden closed her eyes tight and tried to feel around for the shampoo. I laughed as she ended up nearly falling down from trying to grab air. "F-ck, can we just agree that we all have the same parts and it's okay to look," she asked with her eyes still fastened shut.
My eyes scanned her perfect body up and down. She was pretty fit to be a rapper. Her body could actually belong to an athlete. I bit my lower lip a bit timidly before letting out a sigh. "Fine, you can open your eyes," I told her and her eyes opened instantly. Those unique eyes of hers scanned my body just like I had scanned hers when she couldn't see me. My cheeks flushed and I turned around so my bum was facing her.
I could literally feel her eyes on my skin. "Why'd you turn around? You can look. You can touch too if you want," she suggested. My body didn't have to turn to face her to know that she was giving me a suggestive smirk. I could hear it all in her voice. How did I even get here? Just yesterday, I was dating Ellie and now I was single and taking a shower with an Australian rapper who just may be sex obsessed. My decisions have been quite poor lately but I'd be telling a fib if I was to say all of this didn't give me some kind of rush. Taking a shower with a stranger and letting them look at my body, it just made me feel bad, in a good way.
"I barely know you," I told Arden in response to her suggesting that I could touch her. I heard her chuckle and I decided to turn around and face her to see what was so funny. "What's funny," I asked her with confused eyes. Her eyebrows rose and she gave me a soft smile.
"Nothing, kitten. It's just that who really needs to know anyone to have sex nowadays? It's a whole new era. I have had sex with multiple women whom I've never gotten a name. We just gave each other a look and we both knew what we wanted. You've never done anything like that, Mira?" I swallowed hard. I had pulled a stunt like that once before but it was a big mistake. Hooking up with a completely random person just wasn't my thing. I at least needed to know their name, what they did for a living and if they were who they really said they were. Arden actually qualified with all three of those required elements plus she was dangerously gorgeous but I didn't want to have sex with her. Not now at least. Arden's smile grew into a grin. "Don't get me wrong, but I like that. I like how you're traditional." She licked her lips. "No touching unless you change your mind. For the record, I do like your landscaping down there. Very...artistic." I gasped and pushed Arden playfully. Her short damp hair swung as she laughed and a speckle of shampoo flew right into her left eye. "F-ck! Sh-t!" I tried not to laugh as Arden kept the shampoo stained eye shut and the other wide open.
"Oh my God," I said as I giggled. "Here, let me help you!"
"I'm f-cking blind! I'll never f-cking see again! I'm going to have one f-cking eyeball! People are going to think I'm a bloody pirate!" Arden held her eye as she complained adorably.
"Okay, Arden, just calm down!"
"How can I calm down my bloody eye is stinging, Mira! It's like it's just going to f-cking roll out of my got damn eye socket! I'm going be blind as a bandicoot!" I snickered as I grabbed Arden's shoulders to keep her still. The Aussie was coming out and it was actually quite hot.
"Okay, just breathe. I won't let you go blind, Arden and I doubt a speck of shampoo will cause you to go blind." I found all of this hilarious. She was such a wild and hardcore rapper but as soon as shampoo got into her eye she was like a fearful little Australian girl. I took Arden's hand and removed it from her eye which was still closed shut. "You have to open your eye for me, Arden." Arden slowly opened her eye and I frowned. Her eye was actually pretty red. I thought she was overreacting. "Okay, let's go to the sink." I took Arden's hand and led her over to the sink.
"At least your ass still looks good with only one eye."
"Do you want my help or not, Australian," I asked as I turned to face her. She had her injured eye covered again but her uncovered eye was of course fixated on my breasts.
"You can help me in more ways than one, Hungarian." I ignored Arden and turned on the water of the sink. When I motioned her to come over she did.
"You have to flush your eye out. Just lean under the sink and let the water hit your eye. It'll stop stinging but it might still be irritated," I instructed her. She failed to say anything sexual and actually listened to me. The rapper flushed out her eye and in no time, her eye was all better. "Good on ya, Dr. Mira."
"I'm not a doctor. That's my older sister that you're thinking of."
"Your sister's a doctor?"
"One of them."
"You have multiple!?" Arden grabbed a towel and passed one to me so we could dry off.
"Just two," I told her. "One's seventeen, Petra, she's a big fan of you and my oldest sister, Rose, is thirty-two and a cosmetic surgeon." Arden actually looked interested in what I was saying. She nodded her head and walked back into her bedroom, in which I followed. She led me through a glass double door that was in her large room, which was used as a passageway to a humongous wardrobe. There had to be a thousand articles of clothing. Basic t-shirts, tank tops, dress shirts, sweaters, jackets, coats, hoodies and everything in between. It seemed like her shoe collection was just as huge as her clothes collection.
"Pick something to wear," she told me simply.
After getting dressed, Arden led me downstairs and into the kitchen. Last night, the kitchen was full of turned over red cups, booze and food, but now it was spotless. The whole house was spotless as if nothing had ever happened. "You hire people to clean your house after every party," I asked her with my eyebrows raised. She gave me a smile and shrugged her shoulders.
"Someone's got to do it. Now, come sit and eat." There were two plates already prepared at an expensive, glass table. The food was on a plate that seemed more costly than my old home in Hungary. On the plate were way too many pancakes that I could consume, eggs, bacon, grits, , and toast." There were three glasses that came with the plate. A glass of ice cold water, orange juice and milk. "Don't get too full. My chef makes the best blueberry muffins," Arden told me as she nodded her head over to the stove. There was a muffin pan full of steaming hot blueberry muffins. Seeing them made me notice the rich smell in the air. My stomach grumbled and I picked up my fork.
"This is finom," I said after eating a piece of a delightful pancake. They were so soft and fluffy. It was like the food melt right into my mouth. My taste buds begged for more and so did my tummy. Arden was truly living the life. Expensive toilets, maids and a chef. What more could you ask for?
"I'm assuming that means delicious or something," Arden asked with a brow raised. "Your accent is so appealing. Even when you talk in English."
I blushed a bit before nodding my head. "Thank you and it actually means 'delicious' so good guess."
"So...is your p-ssy finom?" I snorted before laughing out loud at Arden. Just when I thought she was being sweet and genuine she asks me a question like that. The rapper laughed herself before taking a bite of bacon. "I just want to know, kitten."
"Well, you'll never know, Aussie," I told her with a smirk of my own. She bit her lower lip before taking a long sip from her orange juice. "Do you have any brothers or sisters," I asked her. I had told her the age of my two sisters so I wanted to know if Arden had any siblings of her own. If she did, I'm sure she annoyed the crap out of them no matter how old or young they were.
Arden nodded her head and a smile came across her face. It wasn't one of those arrogant or cocky smiles but it was a truly lovely smile. A huge smile that showed all of her pearly whites. There were no golden fangs just perfect, natural teeth. "Yeah, but all of my family still lives in Melbourne. My sister Sofia is twenty-four, and my brother Atticus is twenty-seven, which makes me the youngest at twenty-two. They're really supportive about my lifestyle, even my mother. Atticus has a son that is turning seven tomorrow, so I have to get my little nephew a call, huh?"
I smiled and nodded my head. Rose needed to go ahead and get married and have a kid so I could be an auntie as well. "Do you go home frequently? What about your father?" Arden's smile faded when I mentioned her father and I wish I hadn't brought it up. He had probably passed away just like mine.
"My brother and sister love to come up to my concerts time to time and sometimes my mom will come with them. If they don't come then I'll go to Melbourne for a week or two when I'm not busy and spend time. I see them a lot, actually. They're always calling or something. As for my father, never met him. He raised my brother and sister, but as soon as my mom popped me out he left. I've never seen him other than in pictures. My mom neither my brother nor sister have heard from him. He literally skipped out while my mom was at the hospital having me, packed his sh-t and left. Left a note talking about how he wasn't cut out for a family. F-cking wanker."
My blood actually started boiling for Arden. How could her father just leave like that? I couldn't imagine how she felt to never to get to hear his voice or to know him. Her siblings probably even thought it was her fault at a time that their father left since he basically left during her birth. It had to leave her in quite a predicament. I'm sure there were times that she hated herself for even existing. She probably thought that if she was never born then maybe her father would still be with her mom, brother and sister. "Arden, that's m horrible. Your father is a f-cking asshole. I hope he's somewhere right now noticing that. I'm sure he sees you and your family on the big screen now and wishes that he was still there."
"I bet he does too," Arden said before clearing her throat. She perked up a bit and stood up. "Want a muffin?"
"Sure." Arden grabbed two muffins from the stove. She walked over and handed me one. "Thank you very much."
"No problem," she said before sitting back down at her seat. "So, what about your parents? What's the scoop?"
"They both passed away. Dad died when I was nineteen. He got in a horrific car accident with my little sister Petra in the car. Luckily, Petra came out with nothing but scratches but she had to experience seeing my father's body. All she kept saying was that there was so much blood. She kept trying to talk to him but it was obvious that he had died on impact. It was tragic but we got through it. Rose was the closet to him so she didn't take it well. Mom said she would protect her three little angels and she guided us through it. She was so strong. But when I turned twenty-two, things went downhill again. Mom got pretty sick and she wouldn't let neither of us take her to the doctors. She was always stubborn. She believed if it was her will to die then she would die. After three weeks of being sick, she died. A few weeks later, I got a call from a modeling company here in America so Petra, Rose and I decided to just relocate here for a fresh start. More job opportunities. A bit of danger. Less tragic memories."
Arden stared at me for a while. She hadn't even taken a bite out of her blueberry muffin. "I'm so sorry about your parents."
"It's fine. I like to think they are in a better place. My dad always told us that whenever he kicked the bucket he didn't want us to be sad because it meant that he was free from taxes and bills, and that he could lay on a cloud forever and watch football games. Of course, we were still sad when he first died, but now I just picture him in his favorite team's jersey cheering as he looks down on the football game as my mom tells him that he should be doing something more valuable with his time."
Arden chuckled. "I bet there's a lot of hot chicks in the afterlife, like in heaven. I mean, they're all angels, right?!" I laughed out loud and so did Arden. She sure knew how to lighten the mood.
I don't have any questions, but comment.
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