《Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)》2. I Ship, I Sink
Ellie began driving me home after we left the studio. She had to make calls and get everything ordered for Arden's specific and spectacular outfit. Nothing but adverse words came out of Ellie's mouth about the rapper as she drove down the avenue. "I can't believe she blew smoke in my face! She's so f-cking rude! The thing is since she's such a big superstar, and since everyone loves her and people come to her parties every night, she thinks she can just control me. She thinks I'm a wimp. Am I a wimp, Mira? I think not!" I blocked out Ellie's ranting and I thought about who she was complaining about. Arden was just so alluring. The way she carried herself as if she didn't care but also with style was such a turn-on. Ellie was so preppy with her attire, and everything on her was crisp to the socks. Everything matched on her body and each pair of clothing in her closet had to be in season. The rapper's flavor of style was the very antithesis to my girlfriend's. Arden wore what she wanted. She knew exactly what she wanted and she seemed to be willing to go to extremes for whatever she wanted.
I really wanted to go to the party tonight. Just one time, I wanted to feel alive. My hair had been pent up for too long and it was time to let it down and finally breathe. "Can we go to the party tonight," I asked Ellie once she finally shut her trap. When she began talking, most of the time, there wasn't any stopping her. Usually, I just blanked out in my own little world when she conversed about fashion and other people. Most people would think since I was a model, that I'd be attentive in everything fashion that she had to say, but sometimes her discussions got exhausting and primitive. Ellie didn't say a word and looked straight ahead towards the Los Angeles traffic. "Please, Ellie. We never do anything fun," I beseeched.
A glower came from my girlfriend as she glanced over to me with wounded feelings. "What do you mean by 'we don't ever do anything fun'? We have sex, that's fun!" My eyes looked up and faced my eyelids before I turned to look out of the passenger's window. Sex with Ellie was not fun nor satisfactory. She was too predictable and a one trick pony, but I'd never tell her that. The sex wasn't why I was with her. The way she treated me sweetly and her sensitive nature was the ideas that kept me with her. Even though she sometimes talked a bunch of trash about people, she could find some sympathy in her heart. Sometimes she would do a good deed, like donate to a charity or help some up and coming designers into Hollywood. "Remember last night? You really liked last night. I thought it was fun. You like when I do 'the thing.'"
"I don't like it when you do 'the thing'," I finally confessed to Ellie. 'The thing' was when Ellie licked my armpits. She thought it was sexy and risky, but it was disturbing and unnecessary. Someway she got off on it, so I never said anything but now it had slipped out. Ellie glowered and she scratched the back of her head. "It's just really weird, Ellie."
"Well, I thought you liked it," she said faintly. I exhaled harshly. I had hurt her feelings.
"Ellie, I'm sor-"
"No, if you want to go to the party, then we can go to the party. I'll show you my fun side since I'm obviously a boring and weird girlfriend." I groaned at her sensitiveness—sometimes that was a negative. Ellie pulled in front of my home and I leaned over to kiss her cheek. "We'll head over to the party around nine," she told me before giving me a small smile. Of course, she was still a bit pissed off and hurt because of me but she tried her best to hide it. "Please, don't wear anything too revealing, sweetheart."
I nodded my head. "Okay, baby. I'll see you later." After pecking Ellie's lips a couple of times, I got out of her car and headed towards my house. When I got in, a television was playing loudly and I heard my youngest sister, Petra, laughing. "Another marathon of Jersey Shore, huh," I asked her as I sat beside her on the couch. "You're going to watch that show so much that you're going to become a guidette." Petra giggled and laid her head on my shoulder. My sisters and I were super close. Well, all of my family and I were truly thick as thieves. My family was so amiable and I was thankful for that. At the age of fifteen, I came out of the closet and they actually congratulated me. When we moved, my cousins cried for hours and begged us not to go, but they knew America would be my breakthrough and it was a good move.
"Fine, I'll change the channel," Petra declared as she flipped through our television stations. America had more entertaining shows than Hungary. American shows were way spicier, daring and well, stupid. The stupidity of the shows are what made them so engrossing.
Petra squealed when she saw a familiar face on the television screen. A smile played on my face once I saw Arden on the screen; she was on a stage in a sold out arena. The song she was performing was upbeat and she had a bunch of energy as she pranced and danced around on the stage to the bass heavy beat. Energy from the crowd could be felt from the screen. The camera panned showing the thousands of people singing every lyric to the rap song as Arden looked as if she was having the time of her life. "I want to go to one of her concerts! She's so good! I love Scotty so much! Why are you smiling!? Do you like her, too!?"
"I mean, she's gorgeous," I said with a shrug. "I actually met her today." Petra let out a scream so powerful that it echoed all throughout our two-story home. I sheltered my ears as she hopped up to her feet from the couch and continued to screech. "Calm down!"
"Is she hotter in person!?"
"Much hotter." My little sister literally collapsed to the ground. "Are you crying," I asked as I sniggered at her foolishness. She was in the fetal position making an odd noise. There really wasn't any telling if she was truly crying or not. Petra adored celebrities, and all types of music. She flipped the hell out of her lid when I told her I had an awkward encounter with the boys of Direction One, one time. I was coming from a photoshoot and I bumped into one. My coffee spilt all over the curly haired one, but they were nice enough to laugh it off and make jests about it. They weren't so bad. "Ellie is taking me to one of her parties tonight."
"Forget Ellie! Let's talk more about Scotty! What did she smell like!?"
Petra giggled and she nodded her head knowingly as if she knew I would answer with that statement. "She's so wild and insane. I find her attractive but of course I'm not gay. No offense! There's nothing wrong with being gay! But you and her should go out! I mean, Ellie is a loser! All she's good for is making a couple of outfits!"
"Don't talk about my boring loser of a girlfriend! She may be a loser, but she's my loser."
"Well, that's you if you want to be bored all your life," Petra said with a shrug.
Before I could reply back to my youngest sister, my other sister walked in. Rose came in carrying a large pizza box which caused her to get attacked by Petra. She was in her doctor's attire, fresh from a day at work. I wonder what celebrity she worked on today. Rose laughed as she watched Petra sprint to the kitchen with the pizza. The woman marched over to the living room and flopped down beside me on the couch. "So, how was your day," I asked her as she laid her head on my shoulder, just like Petra had done.
Rose sighed profoundly. "I met this really hot guy. And before you ask, no, he wasn't one of my patient's. He's naturally hot. His name is Kent, and he's a new surgeon at our facility. We talked over lunch about botched patients and dumb celebrities who get a little too much work done. He has the most beautiful brown eyes. Most people think brown eyes are basic, but I think they're beautiful. I think he's beautiful." I chuckled as I watched Rose talk about the man. It was good that she was finally finding a love interest. I thought she was asexual for a long time, but my sister just was a hard worker. In high school, she had a small group of friends and she focused on her schoolwork, same way in college and medical school. Now that she had her dream job, a nice income, a nice house, and Petra and I are taken care of, she can finally live her life. Hopefully, she found herself a nice guy and gave me a few nieces and nephews.
"It's about time. You're thirty-two," I pointed out.
"So is he! We can adopt babies and have some of our own! You and Petra will love him. He gave me his number." Rose sat up and then turned to face me. "But what about you? How was your day? You didn't come home last night, so better yet, how was your night?" My sister wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Does she still lick your armpits?" My face turned red in embarrassment. I knew I shouldn't have told Rose about that.
"Ew," Petra yelled as she came back to sit on the couch with a few slices of pizza on a plate.
"Shut up, virgin," I told her before grabbing a slice of pizza from the dish.
"I'd rather be a virgin than get my armpits licked! I bet Scotty XXX would never lick your armpits!"
"Scotty XXX," Rose asked with an eyebrow raised. She took off her doctor's coat to make herself more comfortable. "She's terrible, not musically but personality wise."
"Take that back," Petra sneered.
"Okay," Rose let up as she put her hands in the air. "Maybe she's not terrible, but she's a bit too wild. What about her?"
"Mira is going to one of her parties tonight!"
"No way," Rose said as she shook her head as to tell me no.
I groaned. Sometimes Rose acted like a parent over Petra and I rather than a sister. "Ellie's coming too, okay? It'll be fine. I'm going to call Kendall and Fran and get them to come too. It's not like I'm going alone plus, she seemed nice today. Well, to me at least. I don't think her and Ellie get alone. Arden's cool."
"Oh my God, you know her on a first name basis!? I ship," Petra fangirled.
"I sink," Rose muttered.
The one time I wanted to go partying with my friends, they declined me. Fran had a date with a 'hottie' that worked at a bistro while Kendall refused to go somewhere with Ellie. For some reason, she detested Ellie and shunned her at all costs. She claimed that Ellie was too tedious for me and that I needed an improvement. Sometimes I felt like that was true, but I didn't see the point of changing anything. I didn't want to hurt Ellie. Maybe I was too compassionate. Sometimes, well most of the time, I did things that made others happy without even considering myself or my own good. Everything people wanted me to do, I usually did it in a heartbeat. I needed to toughen up.
Ellie picked me up in her car and she gave me crap about what I was wearing. "You look way too good. I thought I told you not to wear anything revealing," she argued with annoyance. My dress definitely did outshine Ellie's outfit. She went simple tonight with a plain white shirt and black jeans. It was risqué of her to be a fashion designer to wear something so plain. But in her defense, she did wear a watch on her wrist that looked to cost at least ten grand. "I look like a bum compared to you."
"Well, why do I always have to be the one casted in your shadow," I asked her honestly. This was my way of trying to 'toughen up.' I don't think I was doing too well. My voice was way too soft and subtle. "I just want to look nice, okay?"
"For who? Scotty?" Ellie derided and I looked away from her. She was being such an asshole.
"Well, maybe if you weren't so boring," I shot quickly before crossing my arms. That ought to show her that I was the real deal. I hoped I pulled a string, but I probably didn't. Being mean was the thing I was the worse at.
"If I'm so boring then why are you dating me," Ellie asked the golden question. Instead of answering her, I snubbed her and peered at all the luxurious mansions that we passed by in Hollywood Hills. There were no signs of a party, but I could hear faint party-like music from a distance since Ellie had the radio all the way off. "Be honest with me. Are you just with me to be with me, Mira? Please, just tell the truth, because honestly, I am in love with you." I looked at her with my blue eyes wide. She loved me? We've only been dating for three months. Sure, some people fell in love with their partner within days or weeks. It all just depended on how well the two people clicked and what attributes the couple had to offer to each other. Yet, I hadn't found what really held Ellie and I together. We were just well...together.
My mind debated on whether I should tell Ellie that I loved her back. The angel on my right shoulder told me to tell the truth. It was worth not hurting her feelings in the long run. What if we didn't last? Why were we even together? If I had to ask myself these questions then something incontestably wasn't right. Something in our relationship was missing. There was no spark or any liveliness in it. Everything was just so boring with Ellie. My thoughts were even boring with her. I couldn't think like I wanted to around her. When I wasn't with Ellie I thought of stupid things such as, how many licks does it truly take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop. When I was with Ellie, I thought about whether what I was wearing was good enough to be seen with her and if it also didn't extract any attention from her. Everything was just so messed up.
The demon on my left shoulder told me to lie. It told me to tell Ellie that I loved her and that she had nothing to worry about. Tell her that she didn't have to worry about Arden and that she was everything that I needed and more. The demon wanted me to deceive the girl and get her hopes up. I couldn't do that. If I told Ellie that she shouldn't be apprehensive about Arden, then I'd be lying. Arden was sumptuous and the complete antithesis of Ellie, which I adored. Arden was a bad girl and I liked that. I liked the craziness and the slight danger of just what she would do next. Arden and I haven't even had a simple conversation yet and today was the first time I've ever met her, but still I was smitten by her. Ellie was far from everything that I needed and more. She was actually everything that I didn't need. So, why the hell was I with her?
I sat there with a puzzled face as the car came to a halt. There was literally no reason why I was with Ellie. I couldn't think of anything at all, other than that she was sweet. But sweetness had nothing to do with it. She had to lay out more attributes on the table. "I don't know why I'm with you and I don't love you," I said scrupulously. Even after thinking the sentence through and trying my best to be gentle, the words came out really harsh and impolite. We were parked parallel alongside many expensive looking cars, in front of a modern mansion. People were all over the lawn, and through the big glass windows, you could see a bunch of people inside.
"So, we should break up," Ellie asked, her voice cracking. I bit the inside of my cheek. Fear to answer that question rose within me. I just didn't want to hurt her, but I knew I already had. Her eyes were straight on me and instead of answering her question verbally, I nodded my head. I couldn't even look at her. My eyes stayed glued out of the passenger's windowsill. "If you feel that way then get the hell out of my car."
"Just leave," Ellie mumbled as she wiped her eyes. "You've played with me enough. Go find a new toy. Go f-ck Arden or something."
I stared at her for a while as a tear rolled down my cheek. The last thing I wanted was to see Ellie like this. "I just don't feel like we have a connection. I didn't mean to hurt you, Ellie. I'm just now realizing this. Our relationship has never been a game to me." Games were fun and our relationship was nowhere near fun. Ellie looked away from me and stayed mute. She was giving me the silent treatment. The fashion designer obviously wanted me out of her car. "You'll find someone better," I said before leaning over to kiss her cheek gingerly. I stared at her for an antiphon, but nothing. Sighing, I opened up the passenger's door and got out of the car. As soon as I shut the door, Ellie drove off to leave me at the party on my lonesome.
"Ay, chica!" I looked up to see Arden running up to me with two beers in each of her hands. A sombrero was on her short locks and a few strands of her dark hair dangled over her right eye perfectly. She waved a beer at me as if she was expecting me or maybe she just walked around with two beers for herself. Instead of being on the lawn, she should've been inside managing her party but I guess there was no reason. The scene was chaotic and uncontrolled and I assumed that's how Arden liked it. She strutted towards me and passed me the beer bottle. On her body, she wore a plaid, red and black flannel short-sleeved shirt that resembled a baseball jersey with its black buttons down the middle. Fitting slimly around her legs were a pair of black joggers with biker zippers at the knees. Everything she wore seemed expensive from the golden chain around her neck to the diamond studded earrings in her ears, all the way down to the sneakers that were on her feet.
"Girl problems," she asked me which snapped me out of my thoughts. I stopped honoring her sense of style and looked up to her handsome face. "Don't worry. She's a loser." Arden gave me a wink and I managed to smile as I skimmed my thumb against the cap of the bottle. She reached her hand out and wiped my single tear away with her thumb since I had failed to. My skin heated up from her touch and I swallowed hard. It was like when I had my first huge crush at sixteen. Breathing became a hassle to me and my legs began to get wobbly and weak. My hands were trembling as I held the bottle. Arden noticed, but thankfully she didn't say anything. "Why don't we go get you a sombrero," she asked simply.
"Um, y-yeah," I said nervously.
She chuckled before shaking her head at me. "You don't have to be nervous around me. I don't bite," she said before laughing and I literally jumped. She showed all of her teeth and I wasn't expecting to see golden fangs in her mouth. "They're fake," she relieved me as she laughed harder. "You're funny. Now, come on! I'm going to show you a good time tonight since you're so f-cking tense!" Arden grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the entrance of her modern, deluxe house. Something told me that breaking up with Ellie was for the best and tonight, I was finally going to get what I was craving—a good time.
Would you mind if someone licked your armpit? Would you live someone else's armpit?
What do you think about Mira's sisters?
Do you think Mira should've let go of Ellie?
Do you think Mira is going to really have fun tonight?
Answer the questions or leave some comments and don't forget to vote. Please. Like really, take like two minutes to leave me a comment and vote in exchange for the hours it takes me write each chapter. :P
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"Your value can only be measured by the hands of someone who appreciates your worth." One year old Remington falls on the floor screaming in agony. His dad, Alpha Jamison, runs to him and picks up the thrashing toddler. He holds Remington into his chest as he rushes towards the pack hospital. Talon Williams is born premature. His mother struggles to console the tiny newborn as tears leak from her tired eyes. He is tiny but absolutely perfect. She holds him close to her heart as she thanks the Moon Goddess for her miracle baby.On the night of Remington's 18th birthday he lets a silent tear trickle from the corner of his steel blue eyes. His heart aches and the hollowness breaches. He lays in bed praying the Moon Goddess made a mistake.Talon wonders thru the territory of The Silver Moon Pack. Tiny pricks of discomfort sting his lonely soul. For 17 years he has been a "member" of one of the largest packs in the country. He has never been more alone than he feels at this moment. Talon knows he is a mistake. He prays the Moon Goddess will forgive him.***Mature Content***^^^^All my writings are completely my own. Please do not copy or share my content without expressed written consent. Any and all coincidences to any other story are purely unintended. Please do not use any portion of my writings in a manner as to claim it as your own.^^^^If you are reading this story on any other platform aside from Wattpad you are very likely to be at risk for Malware. If you want to read this story in its original, safe form please go to https://my.w.tt/EI5cuTpZ88. Thank you.ANY MUSIC, PICS OR GRAPHICS DO NOT BELONG TO ME. I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM.
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