《Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)》3. Kitten
Arden clutched my hand securely as she led me into her chaotic mansion. The explicit, raw music was blasting as loud as ever but still I could hear the screams of talking people over the earsplitting bass. People jumped and put their hands in the air as they sung along to all the popular songs of music today. There was smoke in the atmosphere of all kinds. The aroma of cigarette and marijuana filled the air and everyone in the house seemed to be having the time of their lives. Festive smiles were on all their faces as sweat dripped from their foreheads from the closure of space and the movement of dancing. Arden walked through the crowd shaking hands with the people she knew as they told her how much fun they were having. I had to give it to Arden, everyone in the house seemed satisfied. Most of the women had come in their provocative party dresses falling upon the men and women who seemed to be the most endowed financially. Most of the furniture in Arden's house was white or lightly colored and even with the drunken partygoers, her furniture still appeared immaculate. Sure I stepped over numerous beer bottles on the floor but it seemed like everything was so unblemished for an outrageous party. Arden didn't even seem the slightest bit worried about what the other people were doing.
We entered into a kitchen where the population of people was scarce. Only a few people were in the room and they were scattered out talking or either grabbing beers from one of the many coolers which were conveniently placed all over the house. The one thing that stood out about the kitchen, other than the marble counter tops and the expensive tile of the floors or any other materialistic attribute, was a man that stood in the corner. His jeans were tighter than any pair that I had ever owned. His shirt was off and on his body were a bunch of tattoos that just didn't make sense. An abundant amount of piercings were on his face: his lips, eyebrows, nose, dimples and even his forehead. Even his nipples were pierced. By the man was a stack of sombreros. "Ay, sombrero man," Arden yelled out to the man as she pulled me towards him. I gripped her hand a bit tighter, the twenty-something year old man was a little too weird for my liking. "Can you hook the beautiful lady up with a sombrero?"
Surprisingly, the guy gave me a cordial and frosted smile. His smile made his multiple piercings and tattoos actually look innocent. I loosened up my grip on Arden's hand as the man grabbed a sombrero from the stack. "One for Scotty's beautiful girl." My cheeks blushed as I took the sombrero from his hands. I didn't even want to wear it but everyone else I saw had one on. Was there even any significance into wearing one? When I put on the sombrero Arden laughed out loud at me. I frowned once I looked at her. "I look dumb," I said as I shook my head. I took off the sombrero and Arden took it from me.
"No, I just found it funny that you could still look good in something so tacky, Miss Hungarian," she said as she placed the sombrero back on top of my head. How did she know my nationality? That charming smile came across Arden's face again, and those gold fangs she had glistened. "You are Hungarian, right?" Her wide smile caused one to appear on my face. I nodded my head as she wrapped her arm around my waist. She sure didn't mind being close to me, even with everyone around. "Your accent is the sexiest thing I think I've ever heard," Arden said as she began leading me out of the kitchen.
"You're really full of compliments," I told her. It was true. Arden hadn't said anything rude towards me yet.
"Only because you deserve them, kitten."
"You're cute like one."
Before I could reply, Arden moved her hand from my waist to give a handshake to two guys who had a girl tagging along with them. It was the Justin Becker guy again, but this time he was with the A-List model and reality television's own Kyndall Jenner, and another young guy who I couldn't place. He still looked as if he had abundant riches and by the way he carried himself I could tell he was famous just like Arden, Justin and Kyndall. "You ditched on us, bro," Justin said as he stared at Arden who was laughing. All three of the celebrities' eyes were red and it didn't take a rocket scientist to know they were high. Justin's eyes averted over to me and he then looked back at Arden with amusement. "I get it. You ditched us to be with Ellie's girl?"
"Ellie's old girl," Arden corrected as she wiggled her eyebrows at Justin. I blushed and hit Arden's arm lightly. "Listen, I'm just showing her a good time tonight. She's been with Ellie and we all know how dreadful she can be. The b-tch's idea of fun is sitting around sipping tea as she talks about the importance of fashion, or whether the style of the '60s had more impact than the '90s." The two boys and Arden chuckled. I knew Justin was one of Ellie's clients, another one which she wasn't fond of, but I wasn't sure about the other guy. He laughed as though he understood exactly what Justin and Arden was laughing about although.
Kyndall, however, was scoping me out. She looked as if she wanted to say something, but didn't. Part of me wished she did say something. I admired all of her photoshoots and her work. She was beautiful and talented and I doubt she even knew about anything that I've done. Arden's hand took mine again. That's when Kyndall finally made the notion to speak. "You're Mira Caspari, right? You're getting big, girl. I've loved your latest photoshoot. It was beautifully done and you looked stunning! Those lime green stilettos you were rocking just made everything pop!" I couldn't believe Kyndall Jenner were actually extoling me. The only thing I could do was give her a huge smile and an overexcited thank you.
"You're a f-cking model," Arden inquired as she spun to look at me. Her eyes were aware and wide as she looked stupefied. Of course Arden didn't know anything about me. I was barely considered famous in most people's eyes. Getting one hundred thousand followers on Twitter was my biggest career accomplishment so far. My manager told me that I was getting bigger than any other rookie model, but I found that hard to believe. There were models younger than me, eighteen like Petra, and shaking up the scene. Here I was on the verge of turning twenty-two happy with the few fans that I did have. The fan accounts on Twitter made me believe that I was blowing up to an extent, but the little recognition for my work made me think otherwise. If I wasn't in a commercial or photoshoot with another well-known model then I was considered irrelevant. At least for now, I knew soon, I'd be buzzing. I would be the next Kyra Banks or Heidi Plum. "Damn, I knew you looked angelic and all, but I didn't know you were actually a model!"
"The route she's going, I think she's going become one of the next big Victoria's Angels," Kyndall gave me a genuine and conciliatory smile. It was nice to know that the fame hadn't gone to her head. When you saw her and all her sisters on television, you saw their ostentatious lifestyles and with all that they had, you would think they'd all be cavalier and patronizing, but Kyndall didn't seem that way. I could tell by the way she looked at me with her eyes that she was self-effacing. "If you like, I can maybe pull some strings and put your name out there. With your talent, you deserve some more acknowledgment."
"Yeah, I haven't seen any of your stuff but you are truly beautiful," I heard Justin say. Arden gave him a questioning look. "I'm not trying to pull her from you, bro," he said before pushing Arden playfully. Arden pushed him back and he laughed before looking back at me. "Seriously, I just put out a new single and I'll probably be doing the music video soon. You can be my leading lady. It'll create some buzz from you and Anthony here, he's a singer as well. R&B to be exact, he can get your name out there in the urban scene." Anthony nodded as he raised his beer at me as to say that he would love to help me get my name out.
"Then of course, you have me," Arden said, which caused me to give her my full attention once again. "I can help you out a bit myself, but then again, we're only suggesting this. Some people just have so much f-cking pride. They want to do everything themselves. I understand but sometimes you need someone to give you a hand out or to cover your ass. I can cover your ass in more ways than one." A laugh came from my lips as I shook my head at Arden. She was certainly something else. The endearing rapper gave me a slight smirk before turning to her friends. "Why don't you give her some time to think about it, guys? She's still a bit tense right now. We'll check you out a bit later once we're all loosened up." Arden gave a farewell handshake to her guy friends before grabbing one of several liquor bottles from a kitchen counter.
Arden led me away from her friends and up the modern stairs of her beautiful house. No one was on the upper level. I assumed it was off limits from the caution tape that I had to duck under once I got to the top of the stairs "Can't have motherf-ckers having sex in my rooms," Arden told me as she laughed. I laughed slightly. My stomach was swirling as I realized that we were upstairs all alone. What did she want to do? Did she want to have sex with me? I hoped not. She was gorgeous and all, but I didn't want to have sex with her. Okay, I did want to have sex with her, but not this particular night. I had just broken up with Ellie and there was a part of me that still felt guilty. Arden pulled out a ring of keys from her back pocket once she stopped in front of a door. She pulled out a key and stuck it into the door's slot. I watched as she twisted the key. I could see the veins that were on her tattooed hands. Her fingers were long and svelte and they looked as if they could drive a woman deep into her own personal utopia. Arden pushed the door open and she stepped aside. "Beautiful women with sexy Hungarian accents first," she said which caused me to blush.
I walked into the dim lit room and looked around. For some reason, I was expecting her to lead me into her bedroom but instead she had led me into a beautiful movie theatre. There were absolutely no windows in the large room. A large screen hung down as several seats faced it. The seats weren't like your regular, uncomfortable jolting theater seats, but they looked comfortable. They were recliners with cup holders and even trays which could be pulled out to sit food on. On the walls were tens of posters of the best movies known. Some were rather old and dated back to the black and white movie days, while others were recent. There were three huge cases which seemed to hold at least a thousand movies. Everything was so surreal. Arden was seriously wealthy. I looked at her dumbfounded and she gave me that gorgeous white and gold smile of hers. "Have a seat," she said before walking over to sit in one of the leather recliners. I sat down beside her as I continued to examine the movie posters on the walls. I laughed a bit at the title of one. "What?"
"The Breakfast Club?"
"Good movie, right? I think it might be one of my favorites."
"Wait, that's an actual movie."
Arden's smile faded. She no longer seemed amused by me, but rather offended. "You've got to be kidding me! You haven't seen The Breakfast Club!? Are you f-cking crazy, love!?" I shook my head at her as my face turned red from embarrassment. "Well, one day, we're going to watch it! You've got to come back over when all these people aren't here so we can actually hear the movie over the damn music! Speaking of music, who the f-ck is DJing!? They're playing that Igloo b-tch!" Arden popped the cap off of the liquor bottle before putting the rim between her perfect lips. She swallowed a sip and fought back a grimace before passing it to me. "Don't worry I don't have cooties, or herpes for that matter."
I bit my lip as I timidly took the bottle from Arden. Taking the bottle between my lips, I took a small sip and swallowed the strong liquor. I felt the alcohol go down my esophagus and I cleared my throat as I tried to seem like the small sip didn't affect me at all. The rapper turned her body to face me and her stare focused deep into my eyes. As if I wasn't nervous enough. My eyes cowered away from hers as I looked down at the bottle in my lap. "Do I make you nervous," she whispered. I wanted to tell her no, even though she did, but the words didn't come. Instead, my eyes stayed down at the bottle in which I caressed with my thumbs. I couldn't look into her irresistible stare. If I looked at her then I might just do something I'd regret. "I know you're just getting out of a break-up. We don't have to do anything if you don't want to. You might think that I'm lying, but I really want to show you a good time tonight. It doesn't even have to be sexual unless you want it to." Once again, I didn't say anything. I was such a coward. "Why do I make you so nervous?"
"It-it's because you're so attractive," I said lowly as I snuck a peak at her. She looked striking as she stared at me with admiration. A loud chuckle came from the wild rapper as she slapped her knee. I stared at her while she laughed. Her laugh was extremely sexy just like everything else about her.
"You're attractive, but I still manage to say more than five words to you, kitten," Arden pointed out.
"You're just different. Crazy."
"Someone has to be," she said before giving me a wink. I got a sudden urge to take another sip from the bottle so I did. "That's right. Drink up. The night is only starting. This right here is the calm before the storm. I'm just getting you ready for what's going to happen downstairs." I took another sip from the bottle, with each swallow the alcohol was getting easier to consume. Arden gently took the bottle from my grasp. "There, there. Not too much. I want you to remember tonight. You're going to have the time of your life, but only if you're willing to cooperate. If you cooperate with me, I'll make this night a night that you'll never forget. You'll tell your teenage grandchildren this story when you become older and they'll get their little d-cks and p-ssies wet over the thought of having such an amazing time as their breathtaking grandmother." As Arden talked, her face was getting closer and closer to mind. She was so comfortable around me as if she had known me for years while I was still in my apprehensive phase. I still hadn't processed how a human could look so good. Maybe she wasn't human. Maybe those fangs of hers were real, but she capped them with gold to make everyone think they were an accessory. Arden was probably a vampire who has lived for hundreds of years. She has probably spent centuries wooing women, that's why she was so good at luring me in. That's why I was more attracted to her than anyone else I had ever met. As if to confirm my foolish suspicions, those golden fangs were shown once again. "So, what do you say? Are you down?"
"I am, what you call, down."
"Well then, let's get this party started, kitten!"
What do you guys think so far? You know, it's really hard to change around celeb names with them sounding really corny.
And Mira in the media b/c I failed to put her there last chapter.
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