《Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)》1. Igloo
The sun was shining brightly over Los Angeles as I rode in the passenger seat of Ellie's new car. She wouldn't stop talking about her stratus white Aston Martin Rapide S. Just last week, the car had arrived at her home in Calabasas and I thought she was going to have a heart attack before they could even unload the car from the truck. It was super adorable and Ellie deserved it so much. We've only been dating for three months, but she was one of the sweetest people that I have met in America.
The States were so different from Hungary, there were more job opportunities, more bizarre people to meet and everything seemed and looked simple. I kind of liked the simplicity, but at the same time there were moments when I missed home. I missed my favorite restaurants and a piece of me felt like I was leaving my parents behind even though they were both deceased. Either way, I was thankful to move to the States. Shortly, after my mother died, a modeling company found interest in me. My oldest sister, Rose, was supportive and made the bold move to migrate to the States for my dream career to come true.
Back in Hungary, she was a cosmetic surgeon so my sister was loaded, and when she came to America she got a job at another cosmetic surgeon establishment as if it was nothing. My youngest sister, Petra, was obsessed with American movies like Mean Girls so she was more than excited to start her senior year at an American high school. To my understanding, both of my sisters were enjoying America so far and I was more than happy. The move certainly wasn't a mistake. My career had just started and I was on magazine covers and walking the runways.
"F-ck the traffic," Ellie said as she looked at the time on the console. Her accent was endearing when she got angry and I couldn't resist but to smile at her anger. It was weird because one of the main things I was excited about coming to America for was the American women, but I ended up going out with a Danish fashion designer who had moved here just four years ago. Even though she was raised in Denmark, her accent was already fading but when she got angry it was stronger than ever. My girlfriend pushed on the horn rapidly as she screamed to the top of her lungs. "I have a meeting you stupid motherf-ckers," she yelled out the window after rolling it down. A giggle escaped my lips and I placed a hand on her thigh. My hand immediately got her attention. Her body faced mine and she licked her lips.
"Did I ever tell you how your accent is such a turn on when you're angry?" A small smirk played on my lips and Ellie mimicked the expression. A loud honk from behind us startled the both of us. We both looked forward to see the traffic was finally moving. Ellie stuck her middle finger out the window but began driving along with the traffic. "So, who are you meeting anyways? I don't have to tag along. Actually, I prefer not to if you have to do business." I had spent the night over at Ellie's place and my car was back home. For some reason, Ellie wouldn't allow me to take a Taxi or any other means of public transportation. So, instead of making me wait at the house for her to come back, she suggested that I went along with her to a meeting with one of her clients.
"Don't worry about it, all Scotty does is ask for my opinion on what she should wear to award shows, and then she goes completely against it. Every so often, she might take my advice and may wear a piece of my merchandise or someone else's that I recommend." I had heard Ellie talk about Scotty countless times before, all of them were usually crazy things. If it wasn't for the fact that Scotty paid Ellie for opinions and for special makes of her merchandise, I don't think the two got along well.
My girlfriend always made Scotty seem like some chaotic, and crazy girl. Supposedly, she was a rapper, known by Scotty XXX, but I've never heard of her since I didn't necessarily listen to rap. I've heard a couple songs on the radio, but I had never seen a picture of her, or even seen her face to face. Today, although, it looked like we were going to meet for the first time. "The Teen Choice Awards are two weeks from now and she's just now contacting me about a custom tailor-made suit." My stomach turned at the mention of the Teen Choice Awards, because of my affiliation with Ellie and an amazing start of my career, I was invited.
Thankfully, Ellie was taking care of my attire since I trusted her opinion but still I was nervous. My career had just started and even though I was practically famous for dating Ellie and appearing in a few photoshoots with more illustrious models, I was still pretty unknown. At the show, I would have to be surrounded by A-List celebrities and I knew I would be a nervous wreck if I had to come face to face with Jennifer Lawrence.
"Are you okay, babe," Ellie asked me as she glanced from the road over to me. "Look, if you're nervous about meeting Scotty then don't be. She told me to come by the studio, so just expect the stench of marijuana and loud music; you should also expect possibly three to four naked women." I frowned up my face and Ellie laughed when she saw the expression from the corner of her eye. "That girl is a party animal, I've got to give her that. She throws a party every night up at her place in Hollywood Hills."
"Every night?"
"Literally, every f-cking night," Ellie expressed as she nodded her head once to every word she spoke. "She may try something slick with you, but don't worry. I won't let her say anything or do anything out of the way." I smiled a bit at Ellie and looked out of the window as she turned into a parking lot. Ellie wasn't the party type at all. She had a close knit of good friends, in which she introduced me to, but I didn't click well with them. All they talked about were what someone one else was wearing, or critiquing the critics on Fashion Police. The friends that I had gathered up were pretty fun, I spoke to Fran and Kendall the most often. They were my main girls and they loved to go out and party, but Ellie restricted me from partying so I never went out with them. I thought in America, everything would just be one big party but so far it's just been work and Ellie, which isn't bad. I loved modeling even though it was tedious and took hours, and I didn't necessarily love, but I liked Ellie because she was so sweet and cute.
Ellie parked in the studio's parking lot and we both got out of the car. She took my hand once we both met each other on her side of the car and we strolled towards the studio entrance. "Stick close. You never know what's going on in there. One time I walked in and an adult clown was performing tricks. It scared the hell out of me. You know how I am about clowns." I laughed and gripped Ellie's hand a bit tighter.
At the front desk, Ellie told the lady that she had come to see Scotty. The woman pressed a button and loud music came through. She asked Scotty if it was okay if she sent Ellie in and she got a very loud 'yeah' in response. We headed towards the studio number that the receptionist had told us. My stomach turned a bit as we advanced towards the door. All I could smell was marijuana. Ellie pushed the door open and a gust of smoke hit us right in the face.
"Ay, motherf-cker," a woman with a bunch of tattoos and a short haircut said as she approached Ellie. She pulled her into a tight hug and I knew automatically that it was Scotty. I wasn't expecting her to be so damn attractive. By just looking at her, you could tell she was nothing but trouble but she was gorgeous. The sleeves of her button down was rolled up to show a numerous amount of her colorful tattoos. The little hair that she had was in shambles and unkempt and a joint was placed between her fingertips.
"Damn, Ellie, who's this," she asked once Ellie pushed the rapper off of her. I could tell Ellie was already annoyed. I smiled satirically as Scotty looked me up and down. She placed the joint she had in her mouth and took a long drag from it, before blowing the smoke right in Ellie's face. "Damn, this is your girl," she asked as she raised her brows in disbelief. Ellie swatted the smoke out of her face as she stared at Scotty with annoyance.
"Scotty, just tell me how you want your suit," Ellie grumbled. Scotty gave Ellie a slight smirk before looking back over to me. Her pink lips lifted up even more and then her eyes averted back over to my girlfriend. "What now, Scotty?"
"Are you not going to introduce me to your girl," Scotty suggested before taking another drag from her joint. I peered behind her to see a few other people hanging around. They were nodding their heads to an instrumental beat that was playing. Ellie wasn't joking. There were a few naked women walking around as if they had clothes on. I looked back to Scotty and then to Ellie. "Do you smoke," Scotty asked me as she reached the white rolled substance towards me. Ellie pushed her hand away. "I take that as a no. So, are you going to introduce us or not, lover girl," the rapper jibed at the fashion designer.
"Scotty, this is my girlfriend Mira Caspari. Mira, this is Scotty XXX but Scotty for short," Ellie said with little to no excitement in her voice. She was ready to get out here. The loud music and the drugs just wasn't her thing. I found all of this interesting although. I found Scotty compelling the most, with her trendy haircut and attire. It seemed as if she didn't even need Ellie to help her with her apparel. The rapper just had an aura about her that engrossed me. Her accent was sexy as well. She wasn't even American as I thought she was. Damn, for someone who came to America for American women, I kept getting attracted to other foreign women.
Scotty had deep blue, mesmerizing eyes with her jet black hair which made her ten times more charming and prodigious to look at. Those hypnotic eyes looked straight into mine as she grabbed my hand with the gentlest touch. She brought my hand up to her plump lips and kissed it softly. "Please, Mira. Call me Arden." I became flustered as I slowly took my hand away from her. My body began feeling hot all over for more reasons than one. Ellie stared at Scotty, well, Arden, with an envious look.
To make my girlfriend feel better, I took her hand in mine and gave her a reassuring smile. Sure, Arden was gorgeous and she seemed to have that madness that I've been wanting in my life, but I wasn't going to leave Ellie for her. I certainly wasn't going to cheat. My girlfriend was way too good to me. Arden clenched that textbook jaw of hers as she finished off the last of the joint that she had. She put it out in an ashtray before walking back over to Ellie and I. "I want a tailored suit, buddy. I have to look good. I'm obviously going to win the best female rapper award. As if that Igloo b-tch has anything on me. We may both be from Australia, but I think we all know who's better. I mean sure, Nicki M just may give me a run for my money, but I'm white and it's voter based and you know the TCA's have a huge white girl demographic so we all know that I got it. Now, the BET Awards, huge black demographic, probably not going win that one. I mean, the black community loves me, but not more than Nicki. They definitely hate Igloo so that's a plus for me. Do you know how many albums I outsold-"
"What the hell do you f-cking want," Ellie shrieked with annoyance. I could see a glint in Arden's eyes. She loved pushing Ellie. I could tell she really didn't like Ellie as much as Ellie didn't like her. They just pretended-really badly-to like each other. "I don't care if you win or lose just tell me how you want your suit so I can leave with my girlfriend."
Before Arden could say anything, a guy walked over to her and he couldn't contain his laughter. I had seen him on the television multiple times. If he wasn't breaking up or making up with his hot ex, then he was peeing in a mop bucket or getting in trouble for something else stupid. Justin Becker. "Dude, check out this Vine," Justin said as he shoved the phone in Arden's face. I knew they couldn't hear the volume over all the music but they laughed anyways. They were both high as the sky and I could tell by their interaction that they were good friends.
"Okay, I'm leaving," Ellie said as she started pulling me towards the door. She was most likely tired of Arden changing the subject over and over again.
"Okay, okay, chill," Arden said which caused Ellie to turn around. "I just want a nice, fitting suit. I want an Alpaca wool, button-down Mandarin shirt. Are you listening to me? I want that sh-t white. Pure white. I want it to fit perfectly, not too big and not too tight, you know?"
"That's what it means by tailored," Ellie belittled Arden's knowledge of the meaning of the word.
Nonetheless, Arden continued, "My suit jacket, I want that sh-t white as well. I want the lapels to be peaked and satin." Ellie began typing what Arden wanted in her phone as the rapper continued to look up at the ceiling as she thought of how she wanted her outfit. She was almost like a child. "I want one stain covered button with closure and button cuffs. A nice little chest pocket that blends in with the suit will be satisfactory. I'm going to need two front flap pockets, and three internal pockets so I can sneak in a few joints and my lighter. I may or may not use a bow tie, but throw a silk grosgrain one in. I can't go with casual suit pants, I mean I'm a rapper not a f-cking actress for God's sake, there has to be something rebellious about me. So, I want stretch denim biker jeans. I want the hook and the zipper to have closure. In the front, I want two regular pockets, but two front zip pockets about two inches below them and two back pockets as well. But this is what's going to make this a bit different. I want biker stitching in detail around the knee. Use your imagination. I was thinking black stripes straight down the sides of the jeans, and then those black lines extending out right above my knee where biker stitches are the most prevalent. Also, the zip pockets, I want them outlined in black as well. Finally, for the shoes, I want to wear sneakers. Leather white and black, like high tops. There should be a white Velcro strap and I want metal stars embossed all around it. The lip of the shoe, parts of the side, and just a bit of the back should be black, and the rest white but with a rubber black sole. Got it?"
I stared at her blankly while Ellie nodded her head. My mind was completely blown. How did she know exactly what she wanted like that? She knew exactly how she wanted her outfit despite being high. It took me at the very least thirty minutes to choose an outfit to wear for the day because of my indecisive nature. "Anything else," Ellie queried as she looked up from her phone.
"Yeah. You two. I want you two to come to my party tonight. It's going to be huge."
"Don't you have parties every night? Now, you're just now inviting me to one?"
Arden chuckled before looking over at me. "Bring you and your girl to my party. You've always been invited but you never come. I think your girl needs a bit of fun in her life, she seems so uptight." I frowned at the mention of being uptight. I was only like this because Ellie wouldn't allow me to do anything. Arden looked from me to Ellie. "So, you're coming right?"
"No, we're good. Thanks for asking though," Ellie chirped. I frowned when she said that, for I felt a bit down and disappointed. I wanted to go to one of Arden's big parties. "I'll text you the price of everything once I get my contacts to ship out the stuff I need," the fashion designer told the rapper. Arden just nodded as she stared at me.
"Yeah, alright."
This story is going to get pretty crazy so keep reading. If you didn't watch the trailer then do so, it took me a while to make it and I think it's pretty good.
How do you feel about Ellie so far? About Arden/Scotty? About Mira?
Do you think Ellie and Mira should go to the party?
Also I decided to change some celeb names for the heck of it, like Igloo (Iggy), Nick M (Nicki Minaj), and Justin Becker (Justin Bieber). It's not a hate thing, but just so things wouldn't be too realistic to mainstream media, I guess. Idk.
And of course, Arden is in the media.
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