《Crying Season》20.



As I sat on the chair waiting to be seen by the doctor, I smelled it. Her beautiful smelly smell. The love of my life. The women I thought about for the last 3 month . The only thing I thought about for the past 3 months.

She rounded the corner and I saw her. She had large dark circles that almost reached halfway to the middle of her checks. Her eyes were also red and puffy and I knew she was as tired as I was.

She came racing towards me as I tried to prop myself up with my chair but just as she reached me, my knees gave out.

I nearly completely fell but Laura caught just in time.

I leaned into her as much as I could. I nuzzled my sweet mate's neck as she kissed the top of my head. Laura the slightly pulled back in order to lay our foreheads together and I looked into her eyes.

She looked right back at me and I let out a content sigh of relief.

I was with her. And nothing would come between us again.

"I love you." I said closing my eyes as our foreheads were still pressed together.

"I love you too baby." I didn't recognize the pet name but I hugged the crap out of her anyways.

I felt her gently kiss my neck and stretched my knock out a little bit to give her access. She continued onto my cheek until she reached my lips where she pecked my lips once and then pulled back looking me in the eye. I looked right back and moved the distance to kiss her fully as I entangled my hand her hair. She tightened the arm around my waist and I deepened the kiss as her other hand reached up to hold my face.


"EhhhmHm" I heard someone next to us intrude. I looked over and it was Carles with a doctor.

"What do you want?" I asked still clinging to Laura.

"We need to do an exam on you to see if you're okay." The doctor chimed up.

My nose scrunched up to that as I thought about the long days I had spent at the clinic. That is until Laura stroked my cheek gaining my attention.

"It'll be okay. I'll be right there with you." I looked at her desperately trying to figure out if she was telling the truth but with seconds I could see that she was.

"Okay." I almost whispered and buried my face into Laura's chest as we walked to the exam room.

Once there the doctor instructed me to take off my robe and I obeyed.

Charles has walked in a different direction once I had agreed to be examined so he wasn't a problem.

The doctor checked on my bruise and my mangled arm and asked how they happened and I told her everything.

By the time I was done telling her Laura was in tears holding on to my good arm crying into my shoulder as I leaned my head against hers.

The doctor gave me a thing of antibiotics and said that I was free to leave. I looked at Laura and she had a big grin on her face even though her eyes were still red and puffy.

Laura squeezed my hand and lead me out of the door and out of the clinic. I followed her all the way to her care and we both got in.

I was quiet the entire drive but I was content.

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