《Crying Season》21.



We drove back to her apartment where she helps me to her house. The stairs were the hardest part because the stairs could just barely fit both of us going up at the same time. But once we where there I plowed down on the couch exhausted.

"Hey do you want anything to eat babe?" Laura asked from the kitchen.

"Nah. I'm too too tired." I said closing my eyes.

I heard the fridge close and the a wrapper being opened and then the fridge closing. I looked up and saw her with a pouch of what looked like blood between her teeth. I smirked and rolled my eyes before resting them again.

I felt the couch dip next to me and Laura picking up my head to lay it in her lap.

"So what do you want to do babe?"

My eyes were closed still and I shrugged my shoulders.

I felt her hand touch my hair and the she started to run her fingers through it. After the tenth time I felt her start to stroke my cheek and with every stroke she ventured off my face and down my neck. She then rubbed her thumb over my collarbone. My already tired eyes dropped even more if that's possible and I turned in towards her lap and lightly grasped her arm. She stopped for a second and then returned her hand but back on my cheekbone.

I forced my eyes open and looked her directly in the eyes "I love you Laura." Her distant and tired look soon turned into a gleeful and radiant smile. And the she bent down to kiss me on the lips.

She pulled back with a sultry look "I love you too Nancy." She soo returned to my lips after a few seconds.


I felt her reach her hand up my shirt and the excitement was overwhelming. She reached my chest and was about to take off my shirt but I couldn't handle it.

I sat up almost knocking my head against hers but narrowly avoiding it. I took shaky breaths as sat facing about foot away from Laura.

"Im sorry, it just... I can't. Not right now." I said holding my shoulder and taking in what just happened.

I turned around with tears in my eyes and Laura was sitting there holding her hands in her lap with a concerned look in her eyes.

"It's okay. I won't make you do anything you're uncomfortable with." She said.

I couldn't hold myself back at that point. I started to bawl my eyes out as I flung myself on top of her. She shushed my as tears racked my body. I sniffled our an "I'm sorry." But she didn't say anything just held me tighter to her and kissed my cheek.

Once I came down I realized that Laura had been rubbing my back the entire time. She stopped for a second when she realized I wasn't crying and looked at me.

"Do you want go to bed?" I nodded and she picked me up and carried me to her room.

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