《Crying Season》19.


The escape?

I was still chained to the bed but I could here commotion going on outside.

At first I thought that it might have been another patient; however, there were creams of terror mixed in with barked orders and people running around.

Was this finally it?

Is Laura here to get me.

All of a sudden my door burst open and three men came in with black clothes, a shield each and a helmet with a visor.

I was confused. For some reason I had pictured Laura and her family storming this werewolf hospital but I guess this makes more sense.

One of the men started talking to someone over a walkie-talkie and for some reason I felt comforted by this because it probably meant help was coming.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as one person went block the door and the other watched the window.

"What's happening?"I asked.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." The last man said staring straight at me.

"When will I get to see my mate?" I asked.


We sat there in uncomfortable silence while we waited for goddess knows what.

"Charels! What is it!" I heard from just outside of my room.

A tall man walked in with a large chest of most likely tools.

"Hey yeah, you think you can do something about this." The guy in front of me said pointing at my shackles.

"Oof, I might be able to." He said dropping the tools.

He opened the bag and he pulled out several tools and put them on the food tray next to me. He walked over and haunched over the handcuff on my wrist and in several swift motions it was off. Then he moved on to the ones attached to my ankles and they were off within in roughly the same amount of time.


Charles walked up to the side of my bed and helped me up.

"Can you walk?" He asked as I took my first step in within the last few months.

My legs then almost fell out from under me but kharels kept me up.

"I don't think so." I said.

"Alright." Karlls said.

He then walked me out of the room. I haven't seen the outside of my room at the hospital. I took in the smells all I could get was stale bleach and fresh blood.

I heard yelling coming down from the hallway perpendicular to us. We walked straight and the other three men surrounded us.

We kept walking until we reached a 4 way intersection. We took a left and then I saw a sign that said "elevator".

We walked past it and then took a right turn. Then a left and we were at the stairs.

The guy in front of us opened the door and then walked in front of us. And the other on from the original group walked behind him and I was right behind him. To my back side was Charles and the back was the guy who took the cuffs off.

Charlie held my arm as we walked and we walked for a while almost 6 flights of stairs.

Once at the bottom we walked straight out and we reformed our diamond like position.

We walked right out of the hospital without seeing a soul even though I could hear and smell more than a hundred people.

Ignoring them we walked outside. My eyes burned and I sneezed several times. Carlos stayed close by until I was directed to an ambulance. I really didn't want to go with them because it meant another hospital but I understood that I need to be checked out. I hoped in and sharle got in with me.

A/N- I hope y'all realize I just do this for fun. Also just spell Charlie however you want like.

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