《Crying Season》18.


Idiot going to do what an idiot does best.

I had to get out of here. I can't stay chained to this bed forever knowing that my parents will never truly care about me as a person when I have a beautiful mate waiting for me somewhere outside of this building.

But I don't know how I'm going to do it. First though I'll need help.

I'll have to talk to Ned, my little brother. If I could get him alone and get him to believe me about what's been happening I just might be able to get him and me out of our parents grasps.

I just hope he doesn't hate me.

As I was planing my escape I heard the turn of the knob and in came my father.

He walked threateningly towards me before putting his hand on my collarbone on my injured side, pushing me into the bed, and then practically spat out "your little mate's been stirring up a storm for me and your mom." He dug his thumb into my collarbone. "Now then, if I let you talk to her over the phone then maybe we can clear up this understanding. Do you read me?" He asked in anger as he pushed his thumb harder against the bone, keeping constant eye contact.

"Yes." I said as the pain started to get to me "I'll talk to her." I hissed put through gritted teeth.

"Okay." My father said before pulling out his phone a failing a number.

"Hello, is this that disgust vampire's, who bewitched my daughter, father?"

I heard a muffled sound and then " This Drew, Nancy's father. I would like for our daughter to talk about this whole lawsuit thing."

I heard another muffled noise and my father shoving the phone next to my ear.


"Hello?" I asked not sure who I would be talking to.

"Nancy?" Laura's father asked worriedly. "Is that really you." He asked

"Yes. It's me. How is she?" I asked almost crying.

"Laura? She's doing fine but how are you holding up?"

I just barely got the last of what he said before the phone was ripped from me.

My father held the phone up to his own ear before saying "Now put the girl on." And then a pause before I heard more muffled sounds coming from the phone.

He put the phone back to my ear and this time I heard the sweet voice of my mate.

"Hello?" She said. "Nancy?"

"Laura." I said with a sigh of relief.

"What's happening are you okay?" She asked

"Yeah." I said look at the bandaged lump that used to be my arm. "I'm doing just fine."

"Good." I heard her relief.

"Hey about the lawsuit, what's happening?" I didn't really care about it but I wanted to keep talking to Laura.

"It's not really a lawsuit, my fathers pack has declared war on your father's "pack" and those who stand with him."

I almost broke out into tears. My omega mate just might be able to save me. But with one look from my father I rained in my emotions.

"Honey, I know you and your father's pride is strong but please just think about your safety first. I'll be okay. Just please be careful. I love you."

Before I could finish my last sentence the phone was away from me and my father finished off the conversation.

"See, She is perfectly fine." My father lied. "So how about we end this silly lawsuit and and make peace."


There were muffled yells from the other end but my father hung up on them and looked at me.

"If I knew you would be this much trouble I wouldn't have picked your mother to carry my children." He then walked out leaving me to my thoughts.

And I was disgusted. I knew that only some people have true mates and that only alphas and omega could be soulmates, I just never realized that my father chose my mother just for her genes. I had thought he loved her and her him, but now I see that it's always been about designer babies. "For blood line" My father would always say and now I realize that I never had a choice in what fate he had planned for me.

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