《Forgotten for a reason》he is in your care


The sky darkened above the camp, the class readied themselves for the night. Feeling drained of energy from the earlier events. Though they felt like they lost in general from the events.

"Man.." Mina started to say as she and the rest of the class walked down the hall to the hot spring's changing room, ready to wash away their stress. "Today has been fun right? We met crazy wild boy that turns out to bakugo's only friend when he was a kid."

She then heard everybody groan from her words. Some were stunned that she still had energy to joke around after they got curb stomped. "Mina, look we appreciate that you are trying to lift the mood, but do we need to remind you that we all got destroyed by the said "friend of bakugo" he took us all on and beat all of us." Iida stated in a tired voice. "He showed us that we were lacking as heros. He has had no training while we did and still lost."

"Hopefully, the pros will deal with him properly for breaking into our camp grounds." Iida said "Actually you broke into my territory!" Izuku yelled in a loud voice scaring everybody.

They couldn't tell what he was thinking of due to his smile mask covering his face.

"What do you mean we are in YOUR territory?" Kirishima asked harding his fists. "I was here first! I am king of this forest! I have beat everything here that includes you shitty hair!" Izuku yelled pointing at him.

"You haven't beat me DEKU!" bakugo yelled at him making izuku turn to him. "Your right! I sense that you're stronger than rest here that means your a king TOO!" Izuku yelled getting into a battle stance.

"WHAT'S YOUR NAME!" Izuku yells at bakugo as he gets infront of the group.

'I am going to make you remember who I am!' "KING EXPLOSION MURDER, KATSUKI BAKUGO!!!" Bakugo yelled at izuku as small explosions erupted from his hands.

"YOUR NAME IS SO COOL! KING OF FOREST, IZUKU MIDORIYA!!!" Izuku yelled at him back as they clashed.

"Holy shit their going to fight again!" Sero yelled wrapping izuku in tape. Big mistake he pissed him off for getting in the way of his fight. Izuku flexed and tore the tape off of him. He turned his head towards sero "you are no king and you got in the way of a legendary battle between two kings..." Izuku said calmly scaring everyone there.

"Look into my EYES!" Izuku yelled as he started to lift his mask. Mandelay rushed over along with tiger. She placed her hand on mask making sure it stayed on. Tiger lifted him and walked in with him in holding him as he thrashed around.


Mandelay said something to his mind and he nodded. She lifted his mask and placed another piece of candy in his mouth. So he calmed down when tiger took him away.

"Thank god the pros got him before they fought. Looks like they will take care of him." Iida said in relief.

The class except bakugo let out noises of agreement and relief. Though the pussycats had different plans as the other two members came over.

"Hey, do you guys mind if we had a small chat?" Mandelay stated. The class was a bit confused though still let out sounds of agreement. So mandelay continued "we have talked about what to do with Izuku and we came to the decision that he will stay with us at camp."

"WHAT?!" The students yelled out before they heard grunts and growling behind the door that tiger was in.

They turned to see that the door was being forced open by izuku.

"Son of a...that's another door" Pixi-bob muttered as the rest if the team rushed over to him. "Lemme out, I must have my battle!" He yelled out.

They each grabbed a limb when they reached him.

"Oi,lemme go!"

"Calm down and I will give you another candy." Mandelay told him before he calmed down. He thought about it then stopped struggling as he held out his hand. She gave him the candy and he quickly ate turning around so no one could steal it.

"Look we found out that he has been here since for a while. So we were hoping that you would all keep him company till we can find a way to help him." Tiger said staring at izuku while he ate the candy.

They all looked at him with their eyes and despite how much they didn't want it admit it, they all-except bakugo held a grudge from getting their asses handed to them by him earlier in the day.

Pixi-bob sighed as she made a stern face "now izuku" she started "you will be with the class for now so no more fights." Izuku faced her and placed his hand on her head. "Your strong aren't you?" He asked. She nodded with his hand still on his head. "Plus you stink,so go take a bath" she said.

He nodded and left to the hot springs. "Why did he listened?" Tiger asked.

"I have a theory he only respects the strong and messes with the weak. In his eyes bakugo and pixi-bob are the only ones worth listening too. Also he listens to people that benefit him like me when I give him candy to make him do a command." Mandelay said as stared at him walking away.


The girls got into the water feeling the heat that soothed their muscles and washed away the dirt they collected during the day. "This is great compared to what happened to us earlier." Mina stated while taking in the heat.

"I must agree, this sure does feel nice." Momo said with a relaxed face. "Though I am not sure we can truly relax because the guy who threw us around like dolls is just right over this wall." Momo said with a concerned face.

"He won't anything to us perverted at least." hagakure said shocking them. "How do ya know?" Uraraka said shocked.

"When we were fighting he accidentally touch my boob. He apologized after and didn't hit me once after as a sorry." She stated.

"Really? So your saying that he is better than mineta. Wow a kid that was in the woods for who knows how long respects woman. Now that is a Shock." Jiro said while twirling her earjack.

"Though it makes me wonder how were him and bakugo friends. He has a bigger ego than bakugo which would usually end in constant fighting." Uraraka questioned

"Well it would seem that Midoriya respects him because of his strength maybe that's how they were friends? Ribbit" tsu said swimming in the water.

They suddenly heard commotion in the other side of the wall with the boys.

"Ya'll can't make me!" That had to be Izuku.

"How is he this strong!?!" Todoroki stated in a tense voice,as if he was struggling to handle something.

"Get in the bath DEKU!" Bakugo yelled in anger.

"Pick him from his legs!" Sato yelled out,followed by a yelp of surprise from izuku and the sound of splashing water.

"You bastards I will drown all of you!" He screamed out a towel hit his face. He took it off revealing that he was wearing a blindfold instead of his mask.

"Midoriya, please just take your bath. Mandelay said she will give you another candy." Iida lied in a exhausted voice.

Izuku took his bath as they all sighed in relief that the lie worked.

Mineta who didn't help at all looked at the wall. "Ya know the girls are on that side. All those sexy bods in warm liquid I have to see!" He said drooling a puddle.

"Mineta don't you fucking dare! I am tired of dealing with Midoriya so cut your shit out!" Iida yelled out tired of the shit he had to gone through today.

"Why do you think I didn't help. In made sure that I could go plus ultra!" He yelled as he climbed the wall.

He reached the top of his goal and out appeared an angry faced kid with a spiked hat. "Auntie told me that there was a perv amongst you so I came here to stop you. You damn mushy grape!" He said as he kicked mineta off the wall with a spartan kick.

"YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" mineta yelled as he hit the ground knocking himself out.

They all looked at him in disappointed except for the crazy one that took his attempt over the wall as a challenge.

"MY TURN!" He yelled.

He bolted out of the water and ran to the wall. He made contact with it and instantly started to climb the wall surprising the guys and kota. It gave him the window to climb the wall so kota couldn't knock him off.

"I win ha! Take that you rotten fruit!" The feral teen yelled. While izuku was taunting mineta kota ran to him trying to knock him off only the both of them to fall backwards.

"Ahhhhh!" Kota screamed in terror. Izuku twisted his grabbed him midair hugging him and flipping into the water on his feet breaking the fall.

The moment he resurfaced with kota he asked "kid ya good because you almost beat me!" He said while smiling at him with his blindfold on. Kota hugged him tightly as he was still shook from the fall.

He then noticed the girl's presence "huh what are you guys doing here?" He said completely confused why they were there. Though the girls didn't answer his question. It would seem that they were distracted by something and were looking at him with red faces.

Tsu swam up to him and wrapped a towel around his waist with a red face much to his obliviousness. "Awe tsu you covered the python!" Mina complained the rest of the girls subtlety nodded.

Izuku just stood there confused on what to do.

Meanwhile the guys were wondering why the girls weren't freaking out and trying to find ways to get izuku back over the wall without aizawa finding out as he listened in and sighed facepalming too

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