《Forgotten for a reason》training


The day was gone and it has become night-time. So the students were sent to bed so they all went into the gender separated rooms. Though they were tired that did not mean they were ready to sleep just yet. That was due to a crazy kid that they had to keep an eye on though some how they lost him.

"HAHAHA OK KID YOUR MY NEW HELPER!" izuku screamed at kota who was looking at him with awe. He saw the camera footage of him beating the so called heros into the ground that made him happy."THESE WEAKLINGS CAN'T TEACH YOU JACK!" He yelled placing his mask on his face and taking the blindfold off.

"TRUE STRENGTH IS IN HERE!" He yelled as he pointed at his head. Izuku promptly slammed his head into a steel reinforced door denting it and knocking down.

"Now you try!" Izuku yelled pointing at another door. Kota took a running start and before his he slammed his head into the walls mandelay snatched him into the air.

"No no no you are not slamming your head into steel!" She yelled as she glared at Izuku. "Hey! I am training him into being my heir to my title!" Izuku screamed as kota nodded with his word.

"Look izuku he is still kid. He can't be you and who agreed he is your so called heir?" She asked as izuku grabbed kota. "I DID! I AM TAKING HIM AS MY OWN!" he yelled as kota looked at him with star eyes.

"Your OWN!" She yelled out

"Yep he is mine now." He said walking away with kota. "Hold I am his guardian so I am in charge of looking after him." Mandelay said trying to get ahold of the situation.

"So! He is perfect for my title!" He said as pixi-bob came behind and grabbed kota away. "Hey!" He yelled "go to sleep and in the morning we will talk." She said in a stern voice.

"Fine,but he will be my heir!" He said walking to the boys room. "HEY WHERE IS MY SPOT!" they heard him yell and saw mineta get thrown out the door "THIS MY SPOT NOW!!!"

They walked away with kota while he pouted. "Kota why do you want to be with him?" Mandelay asked "he is strong very strong! He can beat those hero into paste so I have to be just like him!" He said star eyed.

She face palmed "kota what if he became a hero?" She asked him "I will be just like him! He can show the way to be a real hero one that takes out the bad guys." He stated.


"Shino let him be it could be helpful." Pixi-bob said as she saw kota run to his room with the blindfold. "I know,but he got attached so fast and I am afraid of losing him." She said sighing. "This could reignite his will to be a hero." Pixi-bob said.

"You know I am surprised that you didn't jump on him when you met him." Mandelay said chuckling. "Trust me it is taking me a lot of restraint. I mean his body and what the girls said in the bath!" Pixi-bob said with a red leaking from her nose.

"I was joking though I see the appeal." Mandelay said as ragdoll chimed in "if he became less crazy then we'll talk"

Meanwhile, aizawa let out a sigh before taking out his phone and read the message from nezu. It would seem that his work will likely double within a day.

In the bright early morning class 1-a were training their asses off with their regiment that the pussy cats provided. Aizawa was making sure that they were doing their absolute hardest and to make sure that their quirks got stronger. Though there was a wild izuku running around making everyone's training harder.

Tsu was was getting faster at climbing a mountain till a green blur sped past her making it to the top at incredible speeds. "Hahahaha! Take that prey!" Izuku yelled at the top pointing at her and laughing.

He had the same cloths as yesterday. His bear skin pants, sandals, and his smiling mask. The day before he man handled the nineteen most promising heros of japan.

"Midoriya calm your shit already!" Jiro scoffed. Her and the others were at the bottom of the mountain. They all witnessed how fast he was.

He jumped out the mountain scaring them all till he landed cracking the ground like nothing and walked away from it. "MANLY!" Kirishima yelled.

"He is wearings sandals how did he crack the ground with no damage." Mina whispered to jiro while she just shrugged and continued to train.

He walked up to bakugo making them all stop to look at them.

"You owe me a fight."

"Oh really! I thought you chickened out DEKU!"



they both started to brawl slamming each other in to the ground and sending the other flying back.

While everyone stared at both of them going head to head "that is definitely bakugo's childhood friend no one else would willingly fight him if they were sane." Sero said while the rest nodded.

"Though that makes me wonder more who is stronger kero." Tsu said as mineta tried to grab her butt. Till a rock hit him square in the face. They look to see izuku was the one that chucked the rock.


"DON'T TRY IT GRAPEFRUIT! THAT IS MY PREY!" Izuku yelled flipping backwards dodging Aizawa's scarf.

"Stop fighting my students or I will lock you up in the holding room!" He yelled as izuku just laughed "That a room can't hold THE KING OF THE FOREST!" He yelled releasing killer intent stronger than that of stain. Iida felt it the most looking at his no longer functioning arm. He instantly broke out of it as he has felt the feeling before.

"Recipro Burst!!!" He yelled as he charged Izuku as his top speed.

He went for a high kick towards izuku's head. "Iida stop!!!" Aizawa yelled as Izuku merely turned his head. "A challenger?" He said leaning back dodging his kick.

"No just a small fry." He said uninterested in the fight. Izuku just kicked out iida's other foot that was still planted on the ground. Making him fall on his ass "your no fun" he stated walking towards the forest.

They looked at him shocked he dodged iida at his top speed.

"This kid really is something." Aizawa said to hinself as bakugo heard him and nodded.

"Where are they! They were here yesterday!" He screamed as he dug through the dirt for his broken blades.

He found them in a bush near by after thirty more minutes of searching. He picked them up and tried to use them like he would on a bear on a tree.

He breaths in as his muscles expand and get into a stance for fighting.

"FIFTH FANG: CRAZY CUTTING!" He yelled as his blades connected with the wood breaking them more. "No good these can't be used to fight anymore." He said looking at his broken swords.

He looked to the left and saw the canon he remembered the weapon girl making it. He looked at his blades then at the canon then back at the blades.

He then connected the dots in his head and put the swords on his waist. He sped off back to the campsite.

"You! Weapon girl!" He shouted at yaoyorozu "I have a name, you know. It's momo" she said not looking at his abs. "Okay moomoo! Make me new ones!" He demanded the spiral haired girl tossing his broken blades at her feet.

She picked up and inspected the blades "Nichirin blades. How rare to see now of days. I don't have the energy to make them so no." Izuku looked at her then picked her up by the waist. "Eepp!" She screamed.

He then shook her up and down again like the day before really fast making her dizzy. "Fine! fine! I'll make them!" Momo yelled as he placed her down.

"Ok moomoo do it!" He demanded. Her skin started to sparkle and two new blades came out,but not to his liking.

She handed him the blades and she fell to the ground tired. Izuku bent down and her a candy bar that he definitely didn't steal from mandelay.

"WHERE IS MY FAVORITE CANDY BAR!" She yelled as she flipped her couch over making ragdoll hit the floor. "Hey I found a penny!" Ragdoll yelled in excitement. Kota just looked at the cameras watching izuku.

He gave her a hug making her blush and he grabbed his old blades sticking them to ground.

"Aren't you going to say thank you kero?" Tsu suggested as he searched through a pile of rocks.

'What is he doing?' Aizawa, tsu and momo thought.

Izuku picked up a perfect rock and bashed the sword repeatedly startling everyone around him. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! THAT TOOK THE REST OF MY ENERGY TO MAKE!" Momo yelled loosing it.

She tried to dive at him only for her to get stuck. She looked behind her and saw izuku's former blades pinning her cloths to the ground. 'That wasn't a hug he planned on me getting mad and it worked' she thought getting more pissed off that she got read like a book.

"Better!" Izuku said as he picked up his two new serrated blades.

Momo tore her shirt off that was pinning her to the ground. "I am going to fuck you up!" Momo roared pinning izuku to the ground.

Izuku just sat up over powering her "no you won't get stronger and then we'll talk!" He semi-yelled. As momo looked him walking to a the trees.

They all looked at him weirdly because he had become silent looking at his blades. Then were shocked when his muscles expanded in size and made a sound of inhaling a lot of air.


In an instant all the trees around him were cut to bits.

All of their jaws hit the floor were they stood except for bakugo who was grinning like a mad man. The shock turned to fear because if they pissed him off enough they would be replacements for the trees that he cut down. 'I-it wasn't a quirk! I swear that I used my quirk on him!' Aizawa mentally screamed.

"These blades are amazing! Thank moomoo!" Izuku yelled as he started yelling how he was the best. Momo's face turned red from the complement. Izuku stopped yelling as us cars pulled along with a bus.

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