《Forgotten for a reason》integration


"How close were you two? Ribbit" Tsu asked him while he looked at izuku. "We were like brothers we played together and at one point we lived together for a bit." I said remembering his past.

"As long you are there for him you will get him back. Ribbit" tsu stated rubbing izuku's hair.

"Though it doesn't matter now it seems that he doesn't remember who I am or who he was." I said as I noticed that all of his ribs were snapping back together.

"Mandelay get away from him!" I yelled as she backed away from him in a battle stance.

He opened his eyes he got up looking around. The memories of the fight and him kicking everyone's ass came back to him. He quickly got rid of his calm face and snapped it into a glare. He put on his mask on properly.

"RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!" he yelled out, scaring class 1-A as they stared at him. "He woke up already didn't he have a concussion!" Kaminari yelled out as the wild boy chased him.

"FIGHT ME,FIGHT ME! THE FIGHT AIN'T OVER!" Izuku screamed in anger as the sparkplug ran, complaining why was he the one being chased.

He ran around the sets tables before he spotted kirishima, he screamed in relief as he hid behind him as his knight in shining armour. "Kiri, help me you manly shield!"

Izuku jumped on the tables, glaring at Kirishima "YOU BASTARD! YOU BROKE MY SWORDS YOU OWE ME NEW ONES!" He exclaimed a tick mark appeared on his forehead.

"You attacked first while aiming at Uraraka. That wasn't very manly." Kirishima responded "but how about you calm down and eat some food, you have to be starving." He said pointing at the food.


"HUUUUUH you think that food will make me-" izuku sniffed the air making his mouth water "what is that godly smell?" He said looking around following it.

He quickly ran up to the seat,knocking mineta to the ground off of his seat. He devoured the bowl of food that the smell was coming from.

"Hey that was my bowl of katsudon!" Mineta yelled at izuku he just turned to him and kicked him away.

However he was suddenly wrapped up in multiple strands of cloth. He tried to tear the cloth off of him,but no matter how he struggled, he couldn't budge. "Good grief, you sure are being a pain in the ass." A very tired voice stated, getting the attention of the students.

Aizawa looks at the wild boy trying to escape his bindings while growling like an animal. "We got a lot of questions for you problem child and we'd appreciate it if you came quietly." He said in an exhausted voice. After the shit his students told him about the incident. He just wanted to get through the rest of day. "Come on lets go."

As he walked to the campus facility, izuku let out a muffled roar of rage, launching himself in the air several times as he was dragged.

I watched him get dragged away by Aizawa. I sat down and ate my food not talking to anyone with froggy sitting next to me. "Hey you okay-" sero tried to patting my shoulder.

"You have five seconds to get your hand off of me before you lose it along with the elbows." I said seriously full of malice.

He quickly walked to his seat leaving me alone.

The wild young man thrashed around his seat that he tied to. He was trying to break out of his bonds with his shear strength with growls of anger erupting from his mouth.


Across the table was Aizawa while the pussycats were behind him making sure he didn't break out. They looked at him with impassive faces. He has been trying to escape with such ferociously that made integration more difficult.

Eventually the green-haired boy calmed down a bit still growling at the pros. Aizawa sighed in relief "now then" he began "we'll start with some easy questions. First is your name Izuku Midoriya?"

"That's king of the forest, Izuku Midoriya too you!" He growled at the man.

"Thank you for the cooperation. Here have a treat." Mandelay said in a professional tone she lifted his mask and put in a hard candy in his mouth that made him stop growling to enjoy it.

"How did you know that would work?" Aizawa asked surprised. "He acts like an animal so I gave a treat like one. Now he'll cooperate more." Mandelay said tossing a candy into her mouth too "plus it's some good ass candy." She said while eating it.

"Let me ask a question! Why were all of YOU on MY forest, huh?!" Izuku retorted "your in My territory and I am not gonna let this slide! Except you!" He yelled at mandelay "you gave me good food." She just nodded.

"Wait hold on YOUR territory?" The adults questioned tiger spoke up "Are you saying that you've been here in this forest the whole time?"

"Whaddya think? I lived here my whole life!" The wild boy stated shocking the pros. They would never expect that anybody was in the area, let alone LIVING here. More importantly how did they never find out they have been using this campsite for years?!

"So you've been all alone here for twelve years?!" Ragdoll exclaimed "how are you alive?! There are quirked bears here along with there being no water for miles!"

"How else?!" Izuku said "I beat everything here and became king of the forest duh! Plus how did you think I got these pants!" He seemed overjoyed at the claim, but given the fact that he has been here for the past decade made the claim believable.

Aizawa sighed and stood up "I need to make a couple calls." He said as he went to walk out the room.

"I gonna leave now too. I have to return to my kingdom!" Izuku said standing up with all the bindings falling off. Aizawa and the pussycats looked at him shocked.

"What?! I'm king for a reason dumbasses!" He yelled busting the door down and leaving shocking them more.

"That was a reinforced steel door..." Pixibob stated making them look at each other.





"You may need to call nezu and some pros just incase. Something tells me he held back when he fought the students." Tiger stated looking at the foot imprint in the door.

"Just make sure when he fights that mask doesn't fall off. If it does he will go full strength." Aizawa said pulling out his phone.

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