《Bleach Boyfriend Scenarios [DISCONTINUED]》You/He gets into a fight
You and Ichigo went to an arcade to have some gaming fun before break ends and schools starts up again. Its been an hour and a half since you two have been playing. You needed to use the bathroom, so you excused yourself.
"Hey, I've gotta take care of some business. I'll be right back." You nudged Ichigo.
He gives you a nod, "Okay. I'll be over there, beating your score."
"You're still trying?!" You laugh.
"I have to show my dominance. As the man of this relationship, I have to have the top score." Ichigo smiles childishly.
"Pft, I'd like to see you try cowboy." You cup his cheeks and give him a quick kiss before rushing off to the bathroom.
You walked out of the bathroom a couple minutes later. But you were stopped.
"Um? Is there a problem?" You look up and see a really tall blonde guy gripping your wrist.
He opens his mouth to say something, but you didn't understand it.
"Can you repeat that?" Your eyes widen in confusion.
He clears his throat, "You speak English?"
"Ah! A foreigner!" You say to yourself. You clear your throat and smile. "Yes I speak little English... Is there problem?"
"Yes there is a problem," he smirks, "You aren't my Asian girlfriend."
"Huh? Bro you must be trippin'." You replied, not knowing exactly what you said.
"Just come with me." He pulls you away from the bathrooms. He heads toward the exit of the arcade.
"Umm..." You try pulling your hand away from him, but he doesn't let go. "Ichigo! Ichigo! Help, I'm being kidnapped by an airhead foreginer!"
The blonde man looks at you in confusion, but continues pulling you to the exit.
"Hey!" Ichigo rushes up to you and yanks you away from the foreigner.
"What's your problem man?" The blonde man groans.
Ichigo hesitates, "This girl, mine. Okay?"
"Nah man. I'll take her off your hands." The foreigner smirks.
He lifts his fist and swings it at Ichigo's face. You gasp. Ichigo stumbles back in shock of what just happened.
"Looks like we're fighting over you, Y/n." Ichigo frowns.
Before you could say anything, Ichigo throws his fists at the blonde man. Everyone in the arcade was proably now watching or recording. The foreigner picked Ichigo up by the collar of his shirt and threw him outside of the arcade.
"Ichigo!" You try to run out to him to help him, but the man in front of you shoves you back. "Ow!"
The foreigner steps outside, only to be slugged by Ichigo. He stumbles to his left from the impact of Ichigo's fist. Ichigo goes back to throw another punch. The manager of the arcade rushed out to stop them.
"Hey! Don't fight in or in front of the arcade!" The manager angrily shoves both of them apart.
Ichigo hesitates befote backing away and bowing 90 degrees, "I apologize! It will never happen again!"
"It better not you rascal!" The manager turns to the foreigner. "Learn respect!"
You push through the double doors of the arcade and tackle your boyfriend in a hug.
You look up at him, "Let's just head over to my place and watch something."
He leans down and kisses your forehead, "Okay..."
You, Renji, Rukia, and (bff/n) are all going sparing. The four of you are currently in an empty sparing room warming up. Although, Rukia had gotten into an argument with her brother, Byakua, two hour prior. She wasn't in a good mood, but couldn't refuse a good ol' sparing with her friends.
"Alright, you guys ready?" Renji jumps up from his spot on the ground and runs up to the bamboo swords.
"I'm so gonna beat all your asses today." (bff/n) smiles deviously.
You snort at their declaration, "Is that a challenge?"
They smirk, "Haha! Of course, who the hell do you think I am?"
"Okay, okay," Renji claps his hands, "we will draw straws to see who spars with who."
Everyone else nods, "That's fair."
Renji magically has four pieces of paper in his hand and holds it out for everyone to take. You pull one out and it has a star imprinted on it. You look at (bff/n) piece and see a square.
Rukia looks at your piece, "Looks like we are sparing."
"Ooh! I've wanted to spar with you." You smile at her.
She returns the smile, "Let's give it our all then?"
"Of course!" You both shake on it.
"I say Rukia and Y/n go first!" (bff/n) calls happily.
Renji shrugs, "I don't see why not?"
You and Rukia take your spots in the middle of the room, while the other two sit against the wall. Rukia immediantly positions herself in defense. You pose yourself in your usual.
"Start!" Renji shouts.
You lung first. You swing the bamboo sword from above down. Rukia blocks it with her sword. She pushes your sword to the side and lungs to strike. You twist to your right and swing at her side. Rukia blocks it. She jerks her sword up quickly, causing you to lose your grip on your sword. The sword is flung across the room. Rukia swings her sword down. You swipe your leg at her ankles. Rukia gasps as she falls to the ground. You take this as your chance to get your sword and win the spar. When you grab your sword and turn around, Rukia is already up and is swinging her sword down at you. You react quickly and block. Carefully, you jab your sword at her and fling her sword up into the air. You snatch the sword from the air. Rukia glares at you.
"Bakudo number (random #)!" Rukia shouts.
You gasp at the sudden attack. The blast throws you across the room. Your back smacks the wall as your head flies against the wall.
"What... The hell Rukia!?" Renji angrily shouts.
"Y/n are you okay?" (bff/n) rushes over to you.
You sit up and cough, "Ugh... My head hurts, but I'm fine overall."
Rukia's eyes widen, "Oh my gosh! Y/n! I'm so sorry! I didn't-"
"Don't worry about it. I'm fine!" (bff/n) helps you up.
"But... You win this match, I'll even let you use Bakudo on me too!" Rukia spreads out her arms and closes her eyes.
Renji sighs, "She said don't worry about it, but the next time you hurt her-"
"Renji, down boy!" You puff out your cheeks.
Renji looks over his shoulder confused, "When the hell did I become a dog?"
You are on your way to visit your boyfriend. Along the way, you could feel a couple of people following behind you, but you decided to ignore them. If you had any guesses it probably would be Byakuya's fangirls. Since he is rich and a good-looking captain, he will have some female attraction. You never minded the fan club for your boyfriend because they haven't done anything... Yet.
You stop dead in your tracks when you felt a sharp pain on your shoulder blade. You turn around and see four girls giggling around the corner. "Is there something you need, ladies?"
They freeze in place. What's funny is that those four girls are not soul reapers. They most likely are so-called "princesses" whom need to be married off to a wealthy man. And who is a wealthy man? Byakuya Kuchiki.
"Yeah, we need you to get away from Kuchiki-sama!" A blonde hisses. Her beautiful kimono shines elegantly.
You roll your eyes, "Sorry, no can do. As someone who is apart of his squad, he pretty much needs me."
The same girl groans, "You know that's not what I mean!"
"No. I don't think I know what you mean." You shrug and continue on your way.
You hear the princesses scurrying behind you. You quicken your pace in hopes of losing them. Just so you know. You didn't. You see Byakuya's place in the distance, so you bolted. In annoyance and excitement. You stand in front of the door, just about to call out for Byakuya, when you are tackled.
"Hey! What's the big idea?" You look up and see a brunette on top of you.
"I won't let you go in there!" She pulls me up by my hair.
You grit your teeth in pain, "Let! Me! Go! Bya-chii!"
The brunette covers your mouth, muffling your screams. "Shut up you poor brat!"
The other three princesses rush over with different supplies. As the brunette holds you down, the blonde shoves a cloth into your mouth and ties it to keep it in place. The other two work to tie your hands and feet together. You scream for them to stop, but since the cloth is in the way, it's not auditable. You wiggle around, making it harder to for them to do anything else to you. You roll onto your stomach and work your way up to your feet. The princesses gasp.
"Beat her down!" The blonde whispers.
One of them grabs a twig and whacks you with it. You groan in annoyance. Rolling your eyes, you give up any respect and tackled the girl to the ground. Of course with your limbs tied, you couldn't get up quickly enough, so then you were beaten. In a sudden flash, the door snaps over and Byakua struts out.
"What is the meaning of this?" He demands, staring at the four girls who are quivering in fright.
"U-um..." The brunette stutters.
He crouchs down and unties you. "Are you okay?"
"Well... I was beaten with a twig, then my hair was pulled and now I have a booboo on my elbow... I'd say I'm pretty good." You blink at him.
He tries to say something seriously, but ends up smiling, "That's good to know."
"Do you have the cake I wanted?" Byakuya helps you up.
"I do, but let's get you cleaned up first." He dusts off my clothes.
You huff, "Bya-chii!"
"No buts. Let's go inside." He leads you inside, completsly ignoring the four jealous girls standing in front of his home.
Toshiro smacks Izuya across the face. His blue eyes flared with anger.
"You shouldn't say such impolite things about my squad members or else." He knees the raven haired man in the gut before slamming the door shut.
--hours beforehand--
"Toshiiiirooooo!" You lay on the floor with a wide smile. "Lets cuddle!"
"Y/n... We are in my office, I don't think this is a good "cuddling" place..." He blushes out of embarassment.
You sit up and stare at him, "Oh come on! We haven't cuddled yet... I'm getting upset without one."
"Will a hug and a kiss do?" He gets up from his chair and walks over to you. You let him help you up from the ground. You blush and he pulls you into a loving embrace and gives you a peck on the lips.
"Hey! You said kiss, not peck." You puff out your cheeks.
He smiles, "If my lips touch yours, it's considered a kiss."
You cup his face and shower him in kisses. When you stop, you see that his face is burning red. Giggling, you hide your face in his neck.
"That... That was a nice surprise, Y/n." Toshiro strokes your head. Then there was a knock. Without letting you go, Toshiro answers. "Come in."
"Hey, captain-" it was Izuya. He is the cousin of Y/n. A very mean cousin who is in squad 11. "Gross. You're actually with that dork?"
"Is there something wrong, Izuya?" Toshiro questions murderously.
"Yeah. That brat is literally the weakest out of the L/n clan and yet she's an 8th seat?" He rants. "And I'm here with the 24th seat!"
Toshiro's arms become loose around you. You look up and see him glaring at your cousin. You try to call him down, but his eyes never left Izuya.
"You should get rid of her. She's completely useless! She can't even fight! She should've been put into squad 4, where all the weaklings rein." Izuya spits out with venom.
Toshiro lungs at Izyua and lands a punch on his nose. Izuya flies back into the hall, outside of Toshiro's office, with a bleeding nose.
"C-captain Hitsugaya?" Izuya mutters.
"Why do you insist on taking me to the world of the living, Foxy-kun?" You cling to Gin's arm as you both walk down a street.
"Because! I heard the world of the living has a place called a cafè." Gin informs you.
You stare at him in confusion, "And why do you care?"
"They have sweets I wanted us to try together. As a couple!" Gin gives you a kiss on the forehead.
"If you say so." You giggle, excitedly.
"Not bad." You say as you munch on (dessert).
Gin chuckles, "This place has a calming aura. I do quite enjoy it."
"We should come here more often." You smile.
"We should." Gin takes your spoon/fork as you were about to take another bite of your dessert. You puff out your cheeks in annoyance. He chuckles at your childishness before eating the piece.
"Heyy!" You snatch the utensil back.
Gin boops your nose teasingly, "Who's paying?"
"That doesn't matter." You huff.
One of the waitresses walks up and puts down a small clipboard. "Here's the bill."
"Thank you." Gin takes the clipboard to look at the bill. "Huh?"
You look back at the waitress and notice her redden face. Your eyebrow twitches. "What's it say, Gin?"
Gin hands you the board, still taken aback at what he saw. The waitress gasps and scurries off before anything serious happened.
"The bill isn't that... 'Ditch the loser, call me- xxx-xxx-xxxx' the hell?" You yank out the piece of extra paper and glare at the waitress that scurried off. She looks over her shoulder and flinches when she sees you staring at her. "I'll be right back."
"N/n, I don't think you should do what you're thinking." Gin sighs.
"Psh, too late sweet cheeks." You stand up and strut your way to the quivering waitress.
"I-i-is there something w-wrong ma'am?" She stutters.
You grab her by the collar, "Hell yeah there's a problem... You try anything on my man ever again. I will beat you until you're purple."
You let go. The waitress falls to her knees in fear. Rolling your eyes, you push her off to the side with your foot.
"I'm-I'm sorry ma'am..." She whimpers.
Your eyes widened. The floor... It's wet. "What the hell? Go get cleaned up!"
The girl jumps up and rushes to the back room. You walk back to Gin and plop down.
"I didn't know you were the jealous type." Gin chuckles.
You shrug, "I didn't do it for you. She called me a loser."
Gin laughs, "Of course. Come on, before they realize."
You follow Gin out of the cafè without knowing, he didn't pay for the food and drinks.
You and Momo had a disagreement. She's been so obessed with the captain that she's beginning to think you're the problem to why he never calls for her anymore.
"Momo, you know that's a lie." You cross your arms.
She shakes her head, "You're always with him! I don't think you should be with him 24/7!"
Neither of you told Momo about your relationship, knowing she would freak out. "I just have trouble with some things, is it a crime for a captain to help his subordinates?"
"N-no! But still! There's something between you two. You need to tell me! I can be like you!" Momo covers her eyes.
You take a deep breath in before slowly walking toward her. When you were close enough, you reached out and set your hand on her shoulder. "Momo... I know I should have told you, but... I knew you would act crazy."
"So there is something?!" She smacks your hand away. "What is it?!"
"Momo-" she swings her hand down across your face.
"Tell me Y/n!"
You hold your cheeks, "Captain Aizen and I... We're dating, Momo."
Her brown eyes widened with disbelief, "No... That's a lie."
"It's not a lie!" You contiue to try and reason with her, but she keeps repeating what she said before.
"That's a lie! Y/n there's no way!" Momo whips out her zanpakto and attacks you.
"Is that really hard to believe?" You grab a hold of her weapon and yank it out of her hands. Blood oozes from your hand down to the ground.
Momo sniffles, "Yes! Because he told me I would be the only one he needed..."
You sigh, "Momo..."
"Just leave me alone, Y/n... I don't think i can look at you without thinking of him. It just hurts." Momo turns around and starts walking away.
"I'm sorry, but he still needs you. You're still important." You call out to her.
She continues to walk, tears streaming down her face. Sighing, you drop her zanpakto and start heading to your home.
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[BL] Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOC
Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOC穿進萬人迷文的我人設崩了Author(s)東施娘Status in COOCompleted138 Chapters DescriptionFang Chaozhou found himself transmigrating into a Danmei novel, as a character who had the exact same name as himself. He became the Second Brother of the Protagonist and he had no clue who the ML was.In the original book, Fang Chaozhou loves the Protagonist and is madly in love with his Junior Brother; as he blocks swords for him, kills monsters for him, and bangs against any wall for him.And now...Fang Chaozhou: Forget it, there are too many suitors, I'd better wash up and sleep.Since Fang Chaozhou gave up on pursuing his Junior Brother, the Protagonist's other suitors saw that Fang Chaozhou had become enlightened. They became good friends with him, sharing their little secrets with him from time to time.Suitor No. 1: Last time I picked celestial grass for Junior Brother and he said thank you.Fang Chaozhou (surprised): Junior Brother must like you!Suitor No. 2: Junior Brother went on a mission with me last time, and asked me to pay attention to my safety.Fang Chaozhou (confirming): He absolutely likes you, as he didn't run away.Suitor No. 3: His clothes were torn when he fought the monster last time. I lent him my coat, but he didn't want it.Fang Chaozhou (touching his chin): I'm sure it must be because he likes you. He's too shy....Later, the Junior Brother came to his door.His Junior Brother who has a beautiful face coldly asks: Second Brother, someone has been spreading rumors every day that I like others, does this mean he likes me?Fang Chaozhou coughed twice: Junior Brother, if you have something to say, can you untie the immortal rope on my body first?
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