《Bleach Boyfriend Scenarios [DISCONTINUED]》When you get jealous


You watch as Ichigo and Orehime discuss a simple math problem on the pop quiz their teacher suddenly made.

"Wait, so you're supposed to take fourty-seven and plug it into the equation? For X?" Ichigo stares in amazement.

Orehime giggles, "Yeah! We had a lot of homework with at least two questions like that."

"You make it sound easy though! You make me feel dumb." Ichigo groans.

"You'll understand the more you practice it." Orehime radiates positively.

You frown as you see her place her hand on top of Ichigo's. You ran into Ichigo and Orehime during your errand run. You decided to tag along with them, since they weren't doing much. Orehime and your boyfriend continue to talk, ignoring your exists.

You puff out your cheeks, during them pink.

"Huh? Y/n, are you okay?" Orehime snaps her attention to your strange face.

You huff, "Well telling how you're hogging my boyfriend, I'd say im not doing so well."

You out emphasis on "my".

Orehime blushes, "N-no! It's not like that! I'm sorry!"

Ichigo cackles, "Looks like someone's jealous!"

"I am not! I'm just saying-"

"You basically implied you're jealous. Just admit it and I'll give you a kiss." He swings his arm around your shoulders.

You sigh, "I am not going to admit that... But I wouldn't mind a kiss."

"Then admit it or no kiss."

"..." You stay silent. Thinking it over you turn to face the other idrection, instead of at Ichigo, "fine! I was jealous."

Orehime giggles as she stares at the couple, "Oh my!"

You sit boredly, watching as Rukia and Renji are sparing. You went on a solo mission last week and got into an accident. It caused your ankle to be sprained, which meant you couldn't spar with Renji until further notice.

"You're open!" Rukia strikes Renji down.

Renji grunts as he is flipped to the ground, "Wow... Someone's gotten better."

Rukia smirks, "You better catch up Lieutenant."

"Don't be so cocky Rukia. I still made it to that position first." Renji took Rukia's helping hand.

Rukia's deep blue eyes meet you e/c eyes. She stares, puzzled. "Uh... Is, is she okay?"

Renji looks over his shoulder and sees a lonely Y/n. His expression softens, "I'm sure she's fine."

You push out your bottom lip, unconciously, and pout, "I want quality time with him..."

Rukia rolls her eyes, "Being in a relationship looks tough."

"You only say that because you've never had a boyfriend!" Renji teases.

"Shut the hell up!" Rukia smacks his shoulder. "Ugh, just go to Y/n. Annoy her instead!"

"She's stuck with me no matter what!" Renji smiles brightly.


Rukia fights a smile, "Then go to her. She seems lonely."

You wait impatiently for Renji to just walk over to you.

"You're right." Renji turns to face you. You perk up in excitement. "Y/N! LET'S HAVE QUALITY TIME!"

"Yes!" You cheer happily.

"Byakua-sama!" A blue eyed noble woman clings to your boyfriends arm.


She complains about something. You couldn't hear what she said. Her voice was too high to hear.

You and Byakua were supposed to have a quick meeting and then maybe have a quick meal together, but then this noble woman, Michimiya Yui, showed up. Not that it's important, but... She got some double damns!

Simply put. You don't want her around your man.

You clear your throat, "Ma'am, not to be rude, but you're interrupting a meeting. Would you kindly please take your leave?"

"No." She repsonds immediantly. "Not until Byakuya-sama agrees to marry me."

You huff, "Ma'am, please."

"You have no right to control me, soul reaper."

Your brow twitches. Your eyes meet Byakuya's. He didn't know what to say to make her leave. "Alright. I don't think I can be polite anymore... Listen up!"

Michimiya flinches, her eyes widen as you raised your voice at her.

"Bya-chii is my man! Leave him alone!" Your childish voice came out.

"Lies! As if he'd go for someone like you!" Michimiya scoffs in disbelief.

You clench your fists. You lung forward, shoving Michimiya aside. Byakuya's eyez widen when you suddenly wrap your arms around him, resting your head on his shoulder.

Michimiya gasps, "Get off of him you whore!"

"Bya-chii! She used a naughty word!" You glared at her.

Byakua stifles a laugh, "Michimiya, please take your leave. I'm busy at the moment."

Michimiya was too dumbfounded to resist. She slowly got up and backed out of the room.

Once she was gone, you nuzzles your gace into Byakuya's chest.


You nod, not in the slightest embarrassed, "I wanted to hug you too."

"You're so childish."

"I know." You giggle.

"Momo, I don't think you're supposed to use that." Toshiro starea judgingly at his best friend, who is trying to place a portrait on the wall.

Momo shrugs, "My captain told me to place this here, so I kind of have to."

Toshiro rolls his eyes, "Aizen, that maniac is ruining these halls with such horrendous portraits!"

"Shiro! Don't say that! Its not very nice you know."

"I don't care."

You watch as the two of them bicker. You never minded how Momo would drop in unepextedly from time to time to catch up with Toshiro, but the thibg that made you uncomfortable is that she hogged him. Whenever you tried commenting on something she completely disregards it and moves on. She doesn't even let Toshiro talk to you until she has to leave.


You've just about had enough with her constant hogging. She was the childhood friend. Not the girlfriend. You're the girlfriend.

"Hey Toshiro, can you help me with something?" You call out to him.

His head turns to face you, "Of course."

Momo's eyes squint questioningly at you, "Shiro, before you go, can you tell me where this would be placed best?"

"Uh, but-"


Toshiro takes a moment to look between the both of you, perplexed on how to go to first.

"Toshiro? Are you coming?" You ask sweetly.

Toshiro slightlt flinches ar your tone. He has never heard that tone from you yet and he doesnt want to find out what happens if he helped Momo first, "I'm coming Y/n!"

You smile to yourself as Toshiro rushes to your side. Momo huffs, annoyed, before taking her leave.

"So what did you need help with?"

You look into his icy eyes, "I needed help because I was feeling a little lonely."

Toshiro takes a moment to think about what you just said. Moment of realization struck. He sighs, a smile forming on his face, "I never knew you were the ine to become to jealous."

"At first I wasn't! It's jist that whenever she's around, she hogs you and never lets me speak with you!" You cros your arms, upset.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier." He rests his hands on your shoulders.

"Well now you know..."

You're sitting in Gin's office. You were supposed to help him with some paperwork, but ended up getting distracted by Rangiku, who came uninvited. She hasn't left. It's been 30 minutes of her flirting.

"But Gin! Come on!" Rangiku pressed herself up against Gin's arm. Your eyes narrow jealously as Gin doesn't seem to mind.

Gin shakes his head, "I can't leave. I have to finish up some paperwork."

"Since when have you ever wanted to do paperwork?" Rangiku whines. Your eye twitches when she leaves butterfly kisses down his neck.

"Since the moment when I first heard I get a reward for doing my work." Gin looks over at you, his grin hinting something.

You roll your eyes, "Don't look at me like that."

Rangiku looks over at you, her expression was unreadable.

Gin gently shakes off Rangiku, "You should get going. You don't want to miss that party at the bar."

She nods, "Yeah... I guess."

You and Gin watch her as she slowly backs out of the room. Gin chuckles, turning his attention towards you.


"I have this gut feeling that you were jealous." He walks toward you, crossing his arms as he stares down at you. His icy blue eyes glistening in amusement.

You shrug, "Maybe a little bit."

"What can I do to make you not jealous?" Gin moves the paperwork in front of you aside. He pulls you up from your chair and gently pushes you toward the table.

"Show me some affection." You burry your face into his shoulder.

He smiles, "Anything for you."

"Captain! Can you teach me that move?" You silently watch as your cousin, Momo, cling to your boyfriend. You try not to think much about it. Sure, she was obsessed, but she wouldn't think of seducing her captain and your boyfriend... Right?

"Momo, I don't think that will be necessary." Aizen replies calmly.

She huffs, "And why not? I need to get better to help out more."

"Then train with your peers." Aizen's eyes stare viciously at Momo with annoyance.

Momo forces a smile, "Please sir?"

She continues to pester Aizen. Your brow twitches each time she flirts with the captain. It angered you when you realized she stooped low enough to try and seduce your man. Momo is your beloved cousin. How could she possibly think this was a good idea?

Aizen is no longer smiling. He is fighting back the urge to snap Momo's neck. You drop the items in your hands and speed walk over to them. You go onto the opposite side of Aizen and wrap your arms around his left arm. You tighten your grip as Momo glares deadly daggers at you.

Aizen stares, intrigued, at your actions. "Hun?"

Momo's nose scrunches up in disgust. You purse your lips into a line, "Yes?"

"What on Earth do you think you're doing?" His voice laced with amusement.

You open your mouth to speak, but immediately close it. You nuzzle your face into his bicep. He chuckles.

"Cousin, can't you see the captain and I are busy?" Momo clutches onto Aizen's captain cloak.

You clench your fists, "As a matter of fact, no. I see no business going on here, so I'll just mosey along with the captain."

"I don't think so." Momo replies deeply.

Your nostrils flare in annoyance. "I suggest you go away before you end up in squad four barracks."


Before you could lung, Aizen slips out of your grips. He sweeps you off your feet and chuckles. "It's quite amusing when you're jealous."

You blush a deep red, "Oh shush! I'm- I'm not... Whatever! Let's just go!"

Aizen plants a kiss on your forehead, "Of course... Lieutenant, please go back to work."

Momo balls her fists before stomping away. You've won for now.

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