《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 22. Please listen!


Soon as Emily an candy went to alert their friends of this new recruit downtown she quickly calls her friends right after school and told him to hurry up and come back to her house once again for a Glitter Force Meeting like all times. I just hope that you come here early to discuss it man I'm so nervous soon as she said. candy went to calm her down when giving her hot coco treat for them since it's almost Halloween Time for all of them over the calendar date.

Emily's friends went to knock on Emily's door saying what's the problem towards her. She quickly grabbed all of her friends to come outside other than inside to talk about this new figure once again which made Kelsey Very annoyed by Emily's frightening experience of the new person.

Kelsey: Ugh not this again Emily you need to stop let it go already there is no bad guy or bad guys in our story what is wrong with you we've talked about this!!!? *Gets upset*

Chloe: Kelsey calm down there must be some Exclamation for Emily to explain once again?.

April: Yes Kelsey let's talk about this!!

Kelsey then turned over to April and Chloe over in a mean stupid face form at them While they were outside of Emily's house.

Kelsey: Stay out of this girls this is between me and Emily!! We met as friends the first!! Overthrew all she needs to bloody stop giving this advice an attention to us the third Freaking time!!!!

*She said over Lilly getting scared*

Emily: Stop it Kelsey an let me explain once again towards you and our friends, they need to know about this two chill ok.*She said at her being mad*

Kelsey then sat down on the ground very fast,putting her arms A crossed her chest while still upset over to the cooperation and even discussing it again.

(Emily's POV)

I sat down with the rest of my friends giving them compliments and to even calm Kelsey down so she wouldn't over exaggerates herself with me explaining once again. I then went to get something To drink right after my parents left An sat down discussing it with them.

Now guys I know you guys are still mad at me about talking about this evil person but me an candy Were attacked buy it. I said as the girls gasp with the terror In there faces. What?!!! As the girls said.

Kelsey: You can't be joking..... You're crazy Emily.!

(As I ignored her)

Lilly: Are you sure you've been attacked?

April: No No wait WHAT!!!!

Chloe: Are you sure you're telling the truth ?

As I turned to Chloe.

Emily: Yes Chloe it's true We saw him with-with are very own eyes Please listen guys I'm serious and honest.

Candy: I saw it two guys please agree with her.

Emily's friends: ...

Chloe: Well if Candy saw it then I'll believe her eventually?

Candy: If you girls don't believe her she caught some evidence towards it when fighting.


Emily's friends: REALLY!!!!!!

Emily: Yes!

April: Can we see ?

Emily: Of course.

I quickly then show them the evidence of the photo that I snap while my friends were Completely shocked by looking at it.

Kelsey Look behind herself and went to go see the photo that she has talked over it.

*Shows photo*

Emily's friends: AHHHHHHH WTH!!!

Lilly: He's soooo Creepy!!!!!

Emily: His name is FangKnight an that's Who was stopping me and candy while he was giving the story a bad experience,It's like the old bad guys like before when we give the story a happy ending when Defeating nogo and Rascal Friends, But that's just the beginning instead of that we killed nogo 3 year's ago so I'm guessing it's a problem for us to explain as princesses discussing it

which is now.

As I talk through them they certainly believe me now which when I was talking about this whole time when this Stocked me to my core.

Candy: Now do you believe her.!?

Kelsey: H-How is this p-possible I-I d-don't Believe it!! I-I'm Sorry Emily I don't know what to say I thought you were just playing around at school or something but now I definitely believe you now you were right and I was wrong forgive me.

Soon as Kelsey said sorry to me and to one of my friends as well I completely hugged her and said it's ok I'm happy an glad you believe me now I forgive you too and I shouldn't act like that either.

When we almost cried to each other.

Lilly: So w-what's going to happen now that we know about this new knight thing? I'm scared and he is more scarier than the other nightmares that we defeated,plus which is speaking to me does he throw Buffons to...!?

Once Lily told me that,I immediately said

Emily: Yes he's a lot like that but different,he throws different Buffons but very very dark ones, but Luckily we are Warrior princesses now we are more powerful than ever besides what can possibly go wrong,there is only one evil recruit

that's all.

(Kelseys POV)

I immediately stole the photo and took a look at it myself while Emily getting all confused over it but she certainly doesn't mind of me looking at it for the first time. You should've just asked Kelsey other than taking it away from my hands. Sorry as I said towards her. Her friends talked about it there's selves as well while me being freaked out myself after school and everything I thought there was only one bad guys and now they're are new ones wow I didn't noticed. *Gulp*

He also looks very scary than the other old bad guys like three or four years ago of what Emily was talking about,things just get a little bit ridiculous or positively Woopsie-doopsies when talking in a conversation, as my head hurts I immediately let it go between in an argument with Emily and also around our friends with this photographer that she took. I wanted to know if she videoed it on her phone but however she didn't so I suggested she was right all along. Right after talking I went talking to myself in the bathroom and thinking That this new figure maybe stole one of the old enemies Shadow Realm


However I never thought of that but I was just thinking about it obviously.

After Kelsey was talking through her self Emily and also Emily's friends went back inside to have some lunch and talking and not being over bored with The figure in the photograph.

Her parents We're home and said hello to Emily's friends when putting groceries away and everything how'd it go Emily an everyone her mom said.

Emily: Good an well. She said while her parents were saying that's good then went to go do some thing fun.

Emily went to say bye to her friends right after having fun and discussing Towards them and that they'll be able to explain it to their selves if they forever Saw him once again.

Chloe: I'm sure That maybe we all been pretty Shocked in any way? but Things will work out for us later If we see this new evil person.

Kelsey: Hmmmm yea i'm sure of it to.

Lilly: Since we Believe her and candy we all don't have to worry about it.

April: Mhm agreed.

They all went to say goodbye to each other when thinking about what time for this guy named FangKnight to show up at any moment or tomorrow evening. They pretty much know for a fact that if it's real or not but as long as Emily knows all this they will definitely believe her when it's in person towards themselves.

(Chloe's POV)

After when I said bye to my friends I went back to my house to watch TV While getting some water an everything. I did all my chores an stuff but somehow my mind just hit me when Emily was talking about fang knight or whatever his name is when talking about it,which made me pretty scared that if they know about me with an enemy or friend of Rascal form 3 years ago and even sitting in free over Dispair however I get used to it but still nervous toward it.

Don't worry about it Chloe just get used to it I just hope they won't find out about the new chapter in the art book of discovery with for a change. Over thinking to myself way too much I immediately texted Emily and said. if you're telling the truth I will be there with you to come in person with it and to discuss it tomorrow evening if you know what I mean.

Emily then texted Chloe just say OK will Do that tomorrow and thanks for believing me I appreciate all of you for making it possible for me to understand or explaining it to all of you but I soon that will know about him for sure.

I then texted ok then see you later right,after talking with her I completely went outside to talk Through it an saw rascal doing some yoga in the middle of fall.

Hey Chloe the champion he said when giggles

Chloe hey rascal how's it going?

Pretty good and how is your school doing or some thing like that he said while being done with yoga and right after he talked about battling with her more often.

It's cool and it's good thanks for asking again even for a good result I said

I hope you weren't talking about that new bad guy to you're Friends that I am suggesting if you did then it's fine even for in the story of me an my old friends have been bad guys for almost a year so I didn't know that they were bringing new bad guys in are story through the art book story. he said

I didn't telling them that it's cool since I am going to see Emily or lucky there but if she's telling the truth even though I'll still trust her in person plus she even caught evidence of it.


Yes as I said since I forgot to take a picture of it on her phone I couldn't give you evidence myself.

Oh that's fine my dear even if I fly up in the sky I will see him ok~Rascal


Soon me and rascal Went inside we went to go upstairs to watch something for a little while,when playing around as kids And even playing some video games as well. Sometimes it's fun to impress people when you are done talking about someone through your story but things will change,Chloe told Rascal that she's going to see Emily or lucky at 8:00 Am in the morning since it's Sunday an night school until Monday.

So again she'll Think of something tomorrow to talk with Emily and to even explain the new figure towards her in person.

Rascal: Oh Chloe I almost forgot Who is this new figure in our story and what is his name.!?

Chloe: Emily told me his name was Fang perhaps Fang Knight, she even told me about him since of the photo that she had taken And showed it to us,it had all blue an red oh an also a gray helmet as well.

Rascal: Whoa So he even has a name now I didn't even notice that.

Chloe: Me either luckily I will still find the evidence through Emily's respond if I have the chance.

They Said as they sat down.

(End chapter)

Ta da Good news I came to make more chapters turns out I wasn't busy so much oh and happy fall everyone Since it's almost Halloween I wanted them to celebrate it in my glitter Force story early for the evil new recruits in my chapters, also more chapters will be coming out pretty soon if I have the time ill think of what I need to begin or start. Tune in next time on. (Helping&SavingtheJoker) X)

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