《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 21. There Real!!!!


(Emily's POV)

I was walking like before with my stuff an also candy as well. When we got to our destination I saw the same experience like before when I was telling my friends about it. It couldn't be I just know that my Brian's mess or not clearly messing with me but I just know it for a fact.

You ok Emily candy said

Yes I'm ok thanks for asking.

As they walked 1 miles.

(During light on a sunny day)

The figure like before came right now towards Earth then looked at the hole town when saying.

New evil figure: Oh how pity the rest of the creatures are gone since nogo ask. Now it is time for me to do the favor in this story to become a mind of its own!!

(As he painted the story with red blood on his book)

Emily saw this new figure up in the sky that it looked a lot like the old bad guys over 3 years ago of summoning the bad ending with there books but although it was different,and she also new it from the start like before The guy didn't see Emily while opening his book to summon nogo once again while people moaning With the colors of the red other then purple yea give me all of your negative energy haha he said while holding his book.

Emily: Wow!! Guess this was all true after all there was really more evil people in our story plus I'm hoping there would be more.


Candy shhhh

Noticed the screaming of candy the New figure of the knight with 4 arms looked down an said

Oooh well look what we have here a lost little girl looking for her mommy he said when going back down to the ground. Hmm it looks like you're one of the glitter forces friends am I right ?


Emily: Y-yes ? As she backs away from him.

What's wrong scared?

Emily: Idk who you are but leave me alone you're not real!!!

Oooooo but I am silly girl so I suggest that you're glitter lucky I see.? he said

Emily: Yes witch is the question!!

Candy: Say is he the new bad guy in our story?

Emily: I'm sure he is plus he's like one of the old bad guys form 3 years ago.

Correct even for you and that little pixie of yours in this town shouldn't be here in you're honor perhaps I should give Credit for the old bad guys giving you such a bad time an attention hehe now your stuck with new ones in you're path mahahaha!!

Emily: Now might be the time to get out of here!!!

Emily and Candy then ran away while the people in the town were still moaning with sadness an pressure while the knight blocking her path with black walls with red lighting.

Leaving so Soon?? He said

You didn't let me introduce myself when you had a chance Mahaha!!!

Emily then had enough than pulled out her glitter pack an said when transforming

~ Glitter Force makeover!! ✨

(20 Minutes)

Emily: A fabulous shimmer a glow in your heart I'm glitter lucky!!!!

Ahhhhhhh oh how cute what a beautiful dress but pinks not my favorite color sweetheart.

Now Dark Buffoon COME ON DOWN!!


Emily got scared in where the dark Buffon was since it's different now in the story.

The Buffon went behind Emily&Candy with a big kick while queen candy in her human form jumping out EMILY!!!

It had a drinking fountain on top of the Buffon with dark blue eyes four arms an six legs.

Lucky tried the move like before with ulric an said


Emily: We got Spirit yes we do we got spirit how about YOOOOU!!!!!!!!!

With a big shiny spark with a glow that she use to try to kill it but didn't seem to work although the dark Buffons are more powerful then the other ones

But however there powerful now since she's the princess leader of the glitter force.

Candy went using her powers to Seal the dark Buffon away while Emily said.

Emily: You cannot get away with this you evil figure buy the town.

Oooo such a sham little girl, now Buffon kill her!


(Hit then missed)

The Buffon use its grip to when trying to punch her but however candys got her back. Don't worry Emily I've got your back towards this creature she said thank you candy!!

They use there powers together into a Phoenixunicorn to kill then defeated.

Buuuuuuuuuuuffffffffooooon!!!! it's said

Evil figure: Ugh Curse you glitter lucky now I gotta get another one of those Buffons ugh your such a stupid princess.

Candy: No she's not besides you have nothing against us an we didn't do anything towards you but for lucky an for us we are so much more powerful like before an will still keep the world safe buy Buffons once again like witch is NOW!!!!!

Emily: Thanks for the talk candy now Be gone Spirit

Grrrrrrrrr This isn't Over!!!!!!!

Oh an one more question names FangKnight

Soon right after he teleported into the sky over saying that.

Emily: So he finally has a name she said when

re-transforming an candy became pixie again.


Candy: How..? They won't believe us!!

Emily: They allegedly do but I'm still not sure perhaps. But that doesn't matter luckily I got a picture of him on my phone phew!

Candy: YES Finely the evidence off him speaking of witch why didn't you tell my that before?

Emily: Because well your still to young,but you'll learn that when you're at least pops age when discussing things hehe!

Candy: Well I suppose you're right so well let's be off Emily!!

Emily then snap out of it while her an candy ran of very fast to get to her house to explain more though what is going on!!💨

They sincerely found the eminence of this knight perhaps (FangKnight) ~to give the others some time to explain it there selfs.

Emily: I can't wait I'm going tell them, there is a bad person in our story OMG!!!!!

Soon as they arrived the rest of the people stop moaning an that everyone and everything was normal but that's just the beginning though the story.

(End chapter)

New evil person in our story find out next where there will be more new bad people out there in the town Stay close glitter force.

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