《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 23. It Can't be!?


(Chloe's POV)

Soon as I woke up I immediately went on track when telling Rascal bye that I'll be right back of glitter Luckys command. While going out there she told me to come check it out,for some how she even thinks that she only wants me for a reason perhaps because I'm the teachable won an hard at working at school ?

And not continuing to not allow any of our other girls to come?! Wow maybe she's Touchy I suspect. Soon as I went to continue on while talking to myself I've finally reached into Emily's house once again but she wasn't there turns out I forgot that Emily told me that she was near town an waiting for me god darn it I thought she was at home ugh use you're head Chloe for goodness sake's. It was (8:00) in the morning an it was still Sunday I suspect not even I didn't hardly know on my phone so I ignored it then it wouldn't be a problem at Risk. Kelsey did had a point at first when not hardly going through her truths like not even believing in her however I know for all of us about that photo but we will need to know if it's real or not. It could be a question at first but Emily just wants to get rid of this ridiculous new person in our story. I don't know the fact that if she's kidding or not. Well of all for her or our friends in friendship clearly Can because of the picture that we saw so I'm guessing that they don't need to worry about it that much since it's just one evil person in the book how hard can Emily tell me in person Through it even know in her path to be precise.

Chloe: I'm here Emily (She Said with a worry face)

Emily: Oh great you're here listen the reason I called you here is that I wanted you to go in check it out for yourself since you're the only smart person around this world.

Chloe: How come you only wanted me here?

Emily: Because it would only be to dangerous form them to handle so I suspected it form you that you could handle it since you're not afraid of nothing in your path in our team, oh an as soon as I ran I was scared actually me an candy were so instead we Took action then killed his Buffons witch was here like before of we are on right now.

(Chloe's mind)

(Whoa so he does carry Buffons in different ways)

Chloe: So does he have The same experience like one of the old bad guys?

Emily: Yes even though I didn't know about it myself and neither did all of us in our art book,Guess people's stories don't usually come true perhaps.


Chloe: Emily I would Believe you but if the photo of evidence is true then I might probably have to see it in person if I'm right towards it just like tomorrow.

Emily: Don't worry he will come you just need to give it some time to let him come so he wouldn't get our attention to know that we're here in town like me an candy did before.

Chloe: Alright!

Soon as Emily an Chloe when to sit down buy the hidden bench they waited a few minutes to let him come later noon or evening while putting there hands on the table an while putting there glitter box over playing with it for a few times.


(Emily's POV)

Me an Chloe Hidden for a few seconds or minutes to wait for this person in our town an get him an defeat him. Even though my friends not hardly believing in me they didn't have a choice but to explain it or to not except it however Chloe could even know at first since shes really smart to know an tell about my problems that I'm having towards the new evil person,Sometimes it just gives the story new characters an I thought it was over but some how that's just the beginning of a new story. Chloe an me went on playing with the glitter box for a while when all of a sudden I saw him once again in the sky while talking to Chloe real quickly as when I got scared.

*Emily whispering*

Chloe look *Covering her mouth*

Chloe looked up to see what was that new thing up in the sky however it was the same figure like before when Emily an candy we're fighting about. After looking made Chloe Shock to her core then before.

FangKnight: Well well I've came just in time for the fun Reunion like before aww such a shame for these poor little people walking along with the rest of there pity families an everything Ugh I had enough now time to put them out with there misery once and for all an release an realive emperor nogo once in for all!!!!

(HAHAHA nogos time clock 1/12)

Chloe: ...no no no no no NO I-It can't be!!!??

Emily: We have to do something!!

Soon as Chloe an Emily were talking about what there going to do fang noticed there talking then went back down the ground then said while people moaning again.

FangKnight: Well well well look what we have here another glitter force Warrior on pinkys side oooo I Suspect some good Advice to just continue on from the fight an just clearly grabbing another person for the battle? Oh how weak such weaknesses haha.

Emily: Look whoever you are I defeat you're Buffon again an now I'll definitely defeat it again just like one of the other bad guys did the same.


Chloe: E-Emily What are you doing?!

Emily: Chloe get ready to transform! (She said)

Chloe: Right!!


(20 Minutes)

Lucky: A Fabulous Simmer a glow in you're heart I'm glitter lucky. 🍀

Breeze: Cool and swift as the winter wind I'm glitter breeze. ❄️

Emily: Ok Chloe you ready to do this

Chloe: Yes indeed

Fangknight: Oh how pity Hmm guess there's no escape over in war haha now-


A table Buffon (BUFFON!!)

Chloe: Darn it has darkness in it luckily we are stronger than ever isn't that right lucky.

Emily: Agreed Breeze!!

The two girls lucky an Breeze went quickly on smashing the Buffon in peace's whenever it strikes to there core although they'll have are straight to beat the dark Buffon with are hands,even if it's dark up in the sky they'll always remember this fight in a battle with old bad guys in there happy or bad ending.

Once fighting though it,it took forever to fight since dark Buffons were harder then the others ones but these were different instead. The Buffon went spinning glitter lucky all over the place while breeze taking out her bow an arrow then string it to let lucky free over getting dizzy way to much.

Are you okay lucky? She said Yes thanks for helping me. She also said when getting dizzy over with Excitement an personal while letting breeze holding her. When letting the Buffon catching up to them breeze put lucky down when turning her bow in arrow into a ice sword like before in her training with Rascal in ways when posing an waiting for it to strike. Oooo to slow new glitter person or whatever you are frosted girl fang said. My name is Glitter Breeze an I will not let you hurt our own kind, you maybe new to us in our story but you'll still won't release nogo alive in despair besides we killed him to smirks ago and there is no chance that you'll be able

Summoning him once again!!! She said when saying at them over her carrying lucky in sham. I'm ok Breeze said lucky while getting up her feet.

Ha you think you two are so smart an kind to others in you're world well you're wrong nogo gave me life to set him free so he would be more powerful then ever to you're guys story however he trusts me to help him an not one of the old bad guys to serving him even though I'm his master now (he said)



Soon as when talking the Buffon smashed Lucky an breeze down oh the ground however that didn't stop them they soon got up they noticing there friends near calling for them. Lucky an Breeze Suddenly gets up then put there powers together in one with a heart and a Frost charm when saying while get up.

Emily: There is no way that you're his new master that can be possible!!! She said when holding her power.


Yelled Kelsey an all of the girls.


Fangknight: What's this such pity more girls looking for the warriors hmm say are all of you the glitter force?

Kelsey: Hey pick on someone you're own sizes helmet head. She said facing him.

April: Emily,Chloe Look out!!!

Chloe then use her full power first to hit it off then lucky did hers first while putting it together and said

Glitter Force Sparkle WinterStar!!!!!!

The Buffon then got hit and defeated after lucky an Breezes friends went helping them after hit the the Buffon



(Teleports Back)

When he teleported back to space there friends helped them up after being in a big fight while retransforming when taking them home and even

Kelsey: What were you thinking!?

Emily: I-I'm so sorry girls we didn't know that you were coming to get us!!

Chloe: Yeah

Lilly: Why didn't you guys call us!!

Emily: Well it's uhhh just I I. Okay the reason that I came here to when binging was for her an me to believe since because she's a smart person an even could know of how I feel, I even told her to come cause I didn't wanted to be alone, I just I didn't wanted you guys to still believe me if not.

Kelsey an the other hug Emily an Chloe while feeling worried for themselves of how scared they were when seeing fangknight for the first time in person.

Kelsey: We were still worried for you girls and we 100% believe you now!!

April: Yes we all do!!

Chloe: Luckily we weren't killed in that accident

Kelsey: Yes indeed!

Emily: Let's go home we all need to still sort this out before Halloween comes soon.

As her friends agreed then went home over with the concerns within the battle with Emily an Chloe

Chloe: *S-she was right I didn't know about it I guess Rascal was right about this well I wouldn't think if he was lieing or telling the truth to his self about fangknight that I told him so but I'll have to warn him so they'll not probably know about the art book of legends phew I just hope I'm not to late over Halloween Time.

Walks Away with her thoughts after Emily an her friends.

(End chapter)

It's here like always haha JK I made another chapter yay is didn't took so long but just in time for October 31 I'm almost there then I'll be celebrating towards it anyways enjoy guys!!!!!

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