《Die For You ( VegasPete )》ten


Vegas and I started to get ready and prepare all the things we need. We're now heading to Khun Jio's place hoping to see some evidence or got to know if he's the one who attempted to kill Venice.

Vegas gave me a bulletproof vest incase we're going to met unexpected fight.

"Pete, do you want silencer in your gun?" Vegas asked pertaining to the gun I am holding.

"No, I'll rather hear the loud noise that will give pain to whom who did it to Venice" I said blankly while packing my things up.

I saw Vegas smirk and shook his head, I don't know why this man is so proud and amaze to me whenever I go talk something dark. If it's Venice, I'm sure he will literally glare at me for thinking those things.

"By the way, Vegas are you sure that the place we're staying is safe?" I asked and turned my eyes on him.

"Hmm, and beside that's the nearest place in Jio's place... we can see his actions more closely" Vegas said then proceed to close his backpack.

"Ok, I'm done packing... the magazines are here, knives, and guns are also in my bag" I said winking.

"Let me carry that for you, that's kind of heavy cause you carried almost all the weapons" Vegas attempt to reach the bag but I quickly get it.

"No, I'm fine and I can handle it... You go carry that too" I said pointing the other bag.

"What's inside that?" Vegas asked frowning.

"Necessary things, don't ask too much just to carry it" I said running out of patience.

"Ok then let's go, we will use the car since we have a lot of baggages" Vegas said then proceed to carry the bags.

I just nodded and follow him leave the warehouse. I saw a black car parked outside, Vegas put the bags in the trunk.

"Who's car is this?" I ask.

"Kim, I already talk to him about this and he's the one will explain– lie rather to Khun Korn that you left to visit your grandparents in the province" Vegas said and he turn around to open the car door.

I just nodded as a sign of trusting Khun Kim and Vegas' plan.

We both enter the car and ready to travel. Vegas drove it around the city until we reach the part of rural area, we're probably outside the bangkok.

It's seven in the evening so there's no light on the road we're passing by, there's no houses either. Since it is rural area, even a street light post are not visible.

The only light that serves to our way was the car light. At least we got to see the road we're passing just incase we might meet small animals and get run over.

"Do you want to rest? We are still a long way from where we are heading." Vegas said turning his gaze to me.

"No I'm fine, I don't want to leave you alone driving... you might see flying severed head" I said with a scaring voice.

I saw how Vegas gulped down his saliva and lick his lips.

"But I know you're brave right? So I don't need to worry, I'll go sleep —" I pretend to lean my head in the car seat and close my eyes.

"Ey Pete! Don't sleep! Uh— you stay awake... we might encounter an enemy, so you– you must be aware" he explained mumbling and trying to hide his scare.


"Enemy huh?" I said teasing him.

I smiled in success to scare him, this brave cold rock man has a weakness too.

Hahaha I can imagine how Vegas shout when he saw that flying severed head.


After a long way of traveling, we finally arrived at our destination. Vegas parked not far from a large warehouse in the middle of the woods.

"We're here" Vegas announced and proceed to unbuckle his seatbelt.

I nodded and was about to unbuckle my seatbelt too but I got to encounter difficulties.

"Ugh! Why aren't pulling back!" I yelled at the seatbelt.

I heard Vegas sigh and later on he came closer to me, his face is too close to mine... I can already feel his warm breath and I clearly saw his sparkling eyes.

I pursed my lips and hold my breath in nervousness. My heart

Vegas looks directly to my eyes, he just stare at me for a moment. We remain in that position and then suddenly he lean his face closer to mine. I close my eyes waiting something to happen.

After a second, I felt and heard nothing so I slowly open my eyes only to see Vegas' cunning smile. My seatbelt is already unbuckled too.

"Waiting for something?" Vegas ask raising an eyebrow.

I only glare at him and rolled my eyes.

"Aren't you said we arrived, so what are we waiting for? Khun Jio to caught us?" I asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes again and get out of the car, when I'm outside I sigh in relief.

Gosh what am I thinking? Am I waiting him to kiss me? Hell no!

I shook my head and did the inhale and exhale exercise.

"You done there? Let's go" I saw Vegas carried the baggage in the trunk so I help him carrying it.

I followed Vegas enter an abandoned building near Khun Jio's warehouse. We climb the six floor of the building until we both reached the rooftop.

"Finally! Finally! Finally! Deserve!" I shout as I throw myself in the floor.

I started to chase my breath while laying down with the bag on my left arm. Later on I also felt Vegas lay down beside me.

"Tired?" Vegas asked staring at the dark blue sky.

"We climb sixth floor man, six frickin floor! My back and legs hurts so bad!" I whine and sigh.

"Hurt than I did that night?" Vegas casually asked.

"Nope, that's kind of—" I then realized what I was about to say.

I pursed my lips and slowly closed my eyes in embarrassment.

Dear God how many times do I need to embarass myself to him?!

"Kind of? Kind of what?" Vegas asked with the excitement in his voice.

"Shut up" I turned my back to him but he pulled me back to face him.

I still force to close my eyes not wanting to look at his eyes.

"Oi Pete open your eyes!" Vegas said chuckling.

I shook my head chuckling, later on I felt a fingers under my eyes. Vegas used his hand to force open my eyes.

"Vegas! Oi stop na!" I said trying to be free in his hands.

We're still fighting and I kept smacking his shoulder while he's trying to tickle me. We're too naughty playing.

I kept begging him to stop cause my abdomen started to hurt while laughing so hard.


"Vegas please stop na, I'm tired" I stopped smacking him and pouted.

Vegas stopped and lay his back on the floor again. We left in silence and still have a smile on our face.

Vegas and I looked at each other and our smile fades away as we both looked at each other's lips, Vegas then slowly lean his face closer to mine. I didn't move nor blink, I just waited him to do something.

Vegas bring his face in mine, slowly our lips was about to collide, but all of a sudden we both realized it was wrong.

We both casually looked away, Vegas stand up and pretend to arrange our thing up. While I remain laying down turning my back on him.

Pete what are you thinking huh? You can't feel something about him! This is just wrong!


I rubbed my eyes when I felt the touch of the wind on my face. That's when I realized that I fell asleep earlier.

"Vegas?" I called him when I didn't see him right away.

"I'm here, I'm assembling the tent so you can rest comfortably here" I heard him say, he's probably inside the tent arranging something inside.

I get up slowly and stand up roaming my eyes around the place, I remember that I didn't got to see the entire view in the rooftop earlier.

I walk near the corner of the rooftop narrowing my eyes to figure out what's in the warehouse.

"Here, use this so you can see it closely" I turned to look at Vegas handing me the telescope.

I accept it and smiled.

"That huge warehouse of Khun Jio, he is often there because that is where he hides the drugs and weapons he steals from other businessmen he has partnered with" Vegas pointed the warehouse where there are a lot of bodyguards guarding the warehouse.

"And that must be his house" I said pointing the white modern paint house not so far from the warehouse.

"Yes" Vegas said.

I dropped the telescope and turned to look at him.

"Do you have a news if he's here or what?" I asked.

"My spy told me he's still in his business matter with the client in the bangkok, so I assume he will come back tomorrow" Vegas said looking at the warehouse.

I nodded and sat down in the edge of the rooftop. I felt Vegas sat beside me too, later on he handed me a stick of cigarette.

"You don't have lighter?" I ask when he only gave me the stick without a light.

But I saw his cigarette with a light on it.

"Here" Vegas handed me the lighter, I accepted it and flipped it but it didn't light.

I glare at him pointing the lighter.

"It doesn't have a gas anymore" I said throwing him the lighter.

I sighed and pout, Vegas then did an unexpected thing. He pulled my head closer to him, so close that I can feel his heart beat faster than mine.

The next thing he did, he let our cigarettes stick into each other and light the shared to my stick.

"T-thanks" I mumbled.

It hasn't even been twenty four hours since we were together but he has already cause my heart beat fast so many times.

"Vegas" I called him without looking at his direction.


"Do you have a girlfriend?" I ask out of knower.

"Do you think if I have I'll let that happen?" Vegas said pertaining to that night.

I nodded continue to blow a smoke.

"And beside I don't have a time give a da+n about love" Vegas added.

"Why? Are you that busy to give time to yourself?" I asked turning my eyes to him.

"Yeah, so busy with my own business" He blown his cigarette.

"You're doing business? What is that?" I asked sounds interesting.

"Would you believe if I say that I'm running a church class?" Vegas seriously said and my eyes widened.

"Oi seriously?" I ask smiling widely.

"Nonsense of course not" Vegas scuffed shaking his head.

My smile fades and I quickly gave him a death glare.

"I'm being serious here c'mon tell me" I said pouting.

He again sigh and looks like done with me.

"I own an oval track racing in Germany, it's not that big like other oval track but I earn enough money to run my business without reaching the red line" Vegas said then form a smile.

"That's good, you can stand on your own without relying to anyone. I hope I can do that too, that's cool you know?" I said proudly and complementing him.

"Do you find it cool? Are you proud?" Vegas ask pursing his lips.

"Yeah! Hey standing on your own feet without relying to your parents is a big flex! If I were your Pa, I will be very proud of you" I said nodding.

Vegas flash a small smile.

"You know that you're the only and first one who complement me, who got proud of my creation" Vegas smirk.

I frown when I heard that.

"Huh? How? They didn't said good to your business?" I asked still frowning.

Vegas shook his head and pout.

"They didn't, even though they heard about it... I even tried not to be sulk to Venice when he told me to stop it and force me to go back in the family, Uncle Korn laughed hearing it... Saying that I can't reach anything" Vegas tried to shrugged it off and force himself to chuckles.

"I'm sorry..." I was about to reach his hand but he immediately move it.

"No need to, don't pity me just because I grow alone..." Vegas' voice turned into cold one.

I only pursed my lips and for a minute we're in silence again. Later on, Vegas stood up and I immediately follow him.

"It's late night, you should go take a rest..." Vegas said the he sat down on the floor.

"How about you?" I ask when I felt like he don't have a plan sleeping inside the tent.

"I'll sleep here, there's still a blanket here... Just go inside and sleep" Vegas said lazily.

"Why? Are you thinking that I might find it awkward having you beside me?" I ask sarcastically.

He tilt his head to look at me and I just raise an eyebrow.

"Don't act like we didn't sleep together bastard. It's up to you or you want to encounter a flying severed head" I said smirking.

By the time I ended up talking he immediately stand up and followed me inside the tent.

Scared cold bastard.


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