《Die For You ( VegasPete )》nine


I am focusing on what Vegas' are saying about that family Teepakorn.

"Jet Teepakorn, He's the father of Jai and Jio Teepakorn... Jet is known as one of the biggest rival of the Theerapanyakul clan" — Vegas dropped the paper containing the details of Jet Teepakorn together with his photo— "Seven years ago when they started threaten Uncle Korn about the casino, the Teepakorn wants to partner up with Uncle Korn, but Uncle refused knowing how manipulative and cheater Jet Teepakorn is" Vegas added saying those words firmly.

"So how Khun Jet got to associate with Khun Kan?" I ask still staring at Khun Jet's photo.

"While Uncle Korn is still refusing and avoiding Jet, this old man really doesn't know the word stop... after he try hitting my Uncle, he came to my Pa" Vegas smirk in frustration.

"Khun Kan accepted the offer did he?" I guess.

Vegas then nodded and sigh.

"Pa accepted it when Jet promise him to lead the underground society Jet's handling in change of Pa giving the half of share on the casino... which is Uncle Korn's share" Vegas said as he put his palm on his chin.

"Your Pa betrayed his own brother? Khun Kan did it for what? What benefits he can have on leading the underground society of Khun Jet?" I asked still a lot of questions in my head.

"Pa only wants to lead, to have a power, to feel like he's above among the rest" Vegas pursed his lips.

"How did Venice got involved about this?" I asked again still staring directly to Vegas' eyes.

"Pa realized the decision he made when notice that Jet is playing with him starting to steal everything in him. Because he already feels that his partnership with Jet is no longer right, he has begun to realize the truth and wants to withdraw from their agreement, but it was too late because jet was about to get almost half of the property of the minor family" I saw how Vegas clench his fist, imaging how Khun Jet manipulate their Pa must be very sucks.

"And since Khun Kan is trying to oppose their agreement, Khun Jet is now targeting Khun Kan's son, and he just put Venice first?" I asked making an analysis and theory in my head.

"Exactly" Vegas said.

"Venice is always obeying Pa's order, Venice wants to make our family look like perfect... Venice sacrifice himself just to save our family who's obviously broken since Ma died" Vegas bow down his head.

"Venice is aware with the partnership of Khun Kan with Khun Jet?" I asked in a low voice not wanting Vegas to be triggered.

"Hmm, he's always been aware of everything... and that's also the reason why I am so mad to Pa" Vegas tilt his head looks at the ceiling and narrowing his eyes, obviously stopping himself from tearing up.

"So if Khun Jet is the primary suspect about this, how Khun Jio and Khun Jai was connected to Venice. Who are these two?" I asked pointing the two documents containing each other's photos and details.

Vegas took a deep breath fixing his position and ready to start explaining about the two person.

"Jio Teepakorn, the eldest son of Jet while Jai is his youngest son. Jio is a same age as us, we enter the same university in college together with Venice and Jai" Vegas started.

I turned to look and stare at the photo of Jio Teepakorn.

"We're in the same uni but we never talk and interact with them, knowing that they are Jet's son... Jio was known as the school bully in our uni while Jai was known as the brat popular swimmer. Unlike Jio who hates the presence of Venice, Jai was the one who have love interest towards my brother, and it's not just a simple admire cause he's obsessed." Vegas shook his head remembering the past.


"What do you mean obsessed? He's obsessed with Venice?" I asked curiously.

I mean who would not admire and be obsessed to my fiance though?

"Venice and I met a girl, it's Pie, a management of administration student." Vegas said.

I frown upon noticing a small smile flash on Vegas' lips.

"Pie became our only friend in that uni, we hang out like a normal friends. But the Teepakorn also mess up with Pie, Pie caught the attention of Jio that's why he started to bother Venice for being with Pie all the time, and when Jai knew it he acted like a jealous obsessed boyfriend who he's not." I didn't utter a word and just wait for Vegas to tell more story.

"Then? Jai attacked Pie? Jio attacked Venice and you?" I asked.

I saw how Vegas took a deep sigh. He bowed his head, pursed his lis and play with his fingers.

"But if you're not ready to tell me, then it's ok... The reason you gave are enough to add them as the secondary suspect" I said and slowly touch his hand and eventually caress the back of his palm.

Vegas tilt his head to look at me, and even though I don't know what I am doing, I just flash a small smile reassuring him that's alright.

He smile back to me.

"What is your plan now?" I asked later on.

"I order some spy to look for the three of them, my subordinate told me that Jet and Jai are in the Japan while Jio is here in the bangkok" Vegas said.

"So Jio will be our primary suspect right now, knowing he's around the city?" I frown.

"We never know, yes he can be our primary suspect and probably the first person we'll investigate... but we're still check for Jet and Jai" Vegas said caressing my hand back.

When I notice that, an awkward presence hit me. I slowly and smoothly pulled back my hand pretending to scratch my forehead, so he would not think I avoid him which is I did.

"Do you have the exact place of him?" I asked again just to ease the awkwardness.

"Yes, he's in the rural area of Thailand... He's probably avoiding an interaction with Theerapanyakul but still checking on us" Vegas stand up and search for something.

"Where are you going?" I asked when I saw him get his key.

"Do you want to go home first, so I can prepare for our first move... I'll call you or pick—" I interrupt him.

"No, I'm going to help you prepare... and beside when I go back, for sure Khun Kim will see me and ask me a lot of questions, I don't want to think other than our plan" I said blankly.

"How about your friends and Khun No, they will probably notice your sudden disappearance" Vegas said leaning his back in the wall.

"The house is full of important people and I not part of it, they will not notice I'm not there..." I said surely.

"How about Kim? He knows you're with me"

I sigh and pout when I remembered Khun Kim knew who I go with.

"Don't worry about it, I'll find a way... for now stay here and contact at least one member of the family let them know where will you go, lie." Vegas handed me his phone.

I grin looking his phone.

"I'm holding two phone right now, the phone you handed me yesterday is still here ... And I got my phone charge, so do you want to have your phone back?" I ask raising his phone.


"Nah, just hide it to you ... I have my phone here, maybe we can use that in the near future" Vegas said.

"But you have a lot of photos with Venice here" I said pouting.

"Nosy, so you really open my gallery huh" Vegas narrowed his eyes teasing me.

"Huh? I didn't mean too..." I pursed my lips.

"Whatever, just call who you want to lie with... I'll go outside to buy things we needed, do you want something to do you want me to buy you something?" Vegas asking me raising his eyebrows.

"Uh, since I will not go back to main family's house... I don't have toiletries and clothes?" I said flashing an awkward chuckle and scratch the back of my head.

Vegas scuff and shook his head.

"Fine, I'll buy your necessary things. But for clothes, I have a lot of shirts, pants, and underwear there... you can use it" Vegas pointed the large wooden cabinet in the corner.

I widened my eyes.

"No! I mean, who the hell wants to wear someone's underwear?" I ask in disbelief.

"I'm just kidding, fine I'll buy you underwear too, what's your size?" Vegas asked raising an eyebrow causing me to choke in my own saliva.

"W-what? Uh– I– " I can't find the exact word to say.

Ok wait, I'll try to remember that night where I got to see your d... it's like uh—" Vegas said pretending to think deeply and act like he was measuring something in the air.

My head boiled in annoyance.

"Vegas!" I yelled at him.

Vegas looks at me and eventually let out a loud laugh and even clapped his hand in happiness.

"HAHAHAH your face!" Vegas laugh pointing my red face.

"You happy now?" I said glaring at him.

Vegas bit his lower lip stopping his lips to form a smile.

"Can you just go and buy that frickin thing, I'll go call Macau instead and I will also warn him about the situation" I said seriously and Vegas' expression quickly turn into serious again.

"Ok, I'll be right back and stay here... Call me if something happened" Vegas said before leaving the warehouse.

After he left, I get my phone dialing Macau's number.

"Phi Pete?" I heard the husky voice of Macau.

"Macau, I have something to tell you ok, listen?" I said firmly.

"Yes Phi what is it?" I heard a noise of papers, probably flipping a page of books.

"Please take care of yourself, be aware on everything around you... as far as you can please stay in the mansion or hospital. If you go to the uni, make sure guards are following you..." I said very clearly so Macau will understand.

"Wait Phi what's happening? Where are you? Khun No is also looking for you on us" Macau asked with a curious voice.

"I can't specifically explain to you all Macau, and I'm with your older brother, I'm with Vegas... We're helping each other find the culprit that shot Venice" I answered as if I was restless.

"Phi Pete please take care, and tell Phi Vegas that I miss him... I want to see him again so please come back safe together" Macau begging.

"We will Macau, we'll make sure that we will make sure that whoever did that to Venice will pay for consequences" I said firmly.

"What should I do now Phi? Should I tell them your plan so they will not be worry?" Macau asked.

"No! Macau no, don't tell them especially your Pa and Khun Korn that I am with Vegas and we're finding the culprit... You can't understand but please pretend like I didn't call you and didn't update you, act normal... Vegas is finding way to work this out" I said as I bit my fingernails.

"Ok Phi noted, just please take care with Phi Vegas... I don't want you to be in danger like Phi Venice" Macau said still in a worried voice.

"Yes Macau, I promise to take care with your older brother... I'll protect him just like what I should do to Venice... You too the Macau take care and be aware" I said pursing my lips.

"Yes Phi, I will also try to check for Phi Khun and the rest of the family to see if they are in danger" Macau said and I agree, after that we both hang up the call.

I took a deep sigh massaging my temple.

Now we're stepping the war.


Vegas carrying the two large plastic enter the warehouse. He walk inside where he left Pete earlier.

But his heart tighten when he didn't see the man, not in the chair where he left him earlier. Not in the table where the documents are, and not in the outside of the warehouse either.

He started to panic as he roam around to look for Pete, Vegas almost turned the entire warehouse but he didn't see any sign of Pete.

He stopped roaming around and bend a little to chase his breath. Vegas is still in panic, he walked towards the table to search for any missing documents.

But as he search on the scattered papers, someone caught his attention.

A body below the table, he turned to take a look at it only to see the sleeping Pete with a plywood serves as his bed and a sport bag that serves as his pillow.

Vegas sigh in relief knowing Pete is still here and just resting, but eventually got to worry about Pete's position in the floor without a blanket and a fan.

Vegas immediately move to get his small fan in the cabinet and placed it in Pete's direction. Vegas also put some small cloth to Pete's legs so the insect won't bite his flawless skin.

With the bright and glass skin face of Pete, Vegas can only stare at the face of the man his brother will marry.

He wonder to himself why he didn't got to met someone like Pete, and why he likes the man his brother like too.

If I just met you earlier than Venice, would you choose me over him? Would be our first meeting will be better than the last time? Vegas thought himself.

He just chuckle and shook his head in his thoughts, later on after staring at Pete for a long time. Vegas pressed his lips against Pete's cheeks where his dimple is located.


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