《Die For You ( VegasPete )》eight


The rest of the family is in relief knowing Venice is in a good condition although he is still in coma. The doctor said it will probably took him a weeks, months, or even years to wake up.

We still don't have an assurance that Venice will wake up, his good condition is just for now... the doctor said that his body condition will probably change as long as he's here. The bullets hit his ribs and side part of his kidney, so his internal organs really affected by that three bullets.

I walk towards the bed where Venice is laying down, unconscious and looks like a wilted vegetable with a lot of hose and wires connected to his body.

I can only pursed my lips seeing him like this.

"Phi Pete, it's already morning... Aren't you going with us to take a rest?" Macau approach me and I turned to face him.

"I'm ok, I'll stay here to talk with Venice... The doctor said that this is good so he will wake up sooner" I flash a small smile.

"But you need to rest too Phi, Phi Venice doesn't want you to be stress" Macau caress my hand.

"I'm surely fine Macau, you can go now and I will stay here... There's a sofa there so I can probably sleep there later" I gave him a reassuring smile patting his head.

Macau can't do anything but nodded before he left the room.

Now it's just me and the unconscious body of Venice. I sigh as I sat down on a chair beside his bed.

"Love... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I am not there when you need me, sorry that I didn't protect you" I slowly caress his hand with the tears flowing through my cheeks.

"I shouldn't go with Khun No so you don't have to come pick me up and got into a car crash..." I added still crying and sniffing.

"You always been so kind and bestest man I knew, everyone knew that so how can someone do this to you? That bastard who did this to you must be very cruel and evil that they deserve to be put in your situation" I said firmly clenching my fist and jaw.

Maybe Vegas is right, that we aren't in the world where justice is worthy. The world we're stepping is the world with full of death, agony, wrath and darkness.

This is the world when you enter once, there's no way you can go out.

So just like what Vegas explain, the only justice we can create is the revenge. War and death will always part of everything.

"And I can't just look at you like this and just wait for the uncertainty of you waking up" I stare at Venice's closed eyes "Whatever may happen, there is only one thing I can do with certainty, to take revenge for you" I added taking a deep breath and wiped my tears.

No matter how many times I will say that the Theerapanyakul was always be the perfect family, I can always see that that family are full of secrets.

I can't get anything from them if I just ask questions, I need to move in my own. But I know I can't do that, I need someone who knows something.

There's no other than, Vegas.

I get the phone Vegas gave me earlier, I scroll down through his contacts only to see a few names on it.

My number : xxxxxxxx

After I searched for his number, I go back to the home page and the photo gallery caught my attention.


I don't want to be nosy and invade his privacy but I can't help it.

I open the photo gallery and I saw two album. One of that is the camera roll filed with random photos of sunsets, moon, and views. The second album filed with a photos of two young boy who looks each other.

I open the first picture and the photo contain with one smiling young boy who's holding a stick that pointed at one young boy who's literally crying.

The next was the photo of two boy hugs each other as they have the same cute denim jumper.

I smiled on what did I just saw, this is surely Vegas and Venice's younger selves. They look like close to each other and loves each other, that's why Venice is really happy to see Vegas again.

I didn't notice how my tears are flowing endlessly as I scroll through the album and saw many photos of the twin with each other. From toddlers to college students.

I can't really specify who Venice and Vegas is when they hit college, they have almost the same style. Same army cut hair, same clean face, and same uniform.

I saw one photo of either Venice or Vegas' back facing a girl who is not so much visible in the photo. One of them probably have a college love confession.

Only thing for sure I know how happy Venice is, and how Vegas' smile is only visible when he's beside of his source of happiness, it's Venice.

And only for these photos, I can literally say that Venice is everyone's source of happiness, everyone needs him.

I stand up and hid the phone I my pocket, I wiped my tears and bend a bit to kiss Venice's nose, after a minute I turned back and slowly walked out.


Vegas with his serious expression was scrolling through the papers above his table.

"Teepakorn... Five years having connection with minor family" Vegas said himself as he read the details about the family he's been investigating.

Vegas leaned his head against the office chair and think of something.

"Pa is secretly having association with the enemy of main family? One thing for sure Khun Korn know about this and playing dumb so he can plot a trapped to bring down Pa" Vegas smirk in frustration.

"Theerapanyakul has always been so plastic" Vegas shook his head.

Vegas stand up dropping all the papers, he come to lay down on his sofa.

As the time he lay down, his new bought phone rang. A new call, Vegas slide the screen to receive the call.

"Hello, Vegas?" A familiar soft voice of Pete came out.

"Pete? Why?" Vegas cough to fix his tone.

"Where are you now? Can you come pick me... I need to talk to you" Pete's voice seem to be calm and blank.

"Why? I mean— sure where?" Vegas immediately stood up and search for his key.

"Theerapanyakul residence, I'll wait outside" Pete said.

"Ok I'll be right there in fifteen minutes" Vegas quickly run out and start the engine of his motorbike.

As lazy as Vegas is in everything it's the other way around with Pete. As the time Pete called, even though he's tired and exhausted he immediately hurried up to pick Pete up.


I was standing outside of the main family's house waiting for Vegas to come.

I made up my mind and I will take revenge for Venice, I don't care about what happened to Vegas and I that I still have the guts to face him and ask for his help in this situation.


That issue is not helping the situation so I better forget about it as I focus on how I will convince Vegas to bring me with him.

"Pete? Why are you going?" I turned to look the newcomer.

"Khun Kim" I bow a bit to show respect.

"Are waiting for someone?" Khun Kim roam his eyes to look around.

I didn't answer not knowing how to explain Khun Kim my plan.

"You're looking for the culprit?" Khun Kim said and took a stick of cigarette and light it on.

"Aren't you too?" I asked looking at him.

"Tankhun with Kinn and the rest are still investigating, but Pa and Khun Korn knows who is the suspect" Khun Kim narrow his eyes as he blow his cigarettes.

"You know Khun Kim?" I asked frowning.

"I know they knew but I don't know who" Khun Kim looks at me with full of mystery.

"So you're telling me that Khun Korn and Khun Kan are part of this?" I frown in frustration.

"Not that much but they are all aware that it will happen someday" Khun Kim said sighing. "Pete I'm not invading your decisions, but not everyone you think is good are really are... just you to remember, you're marrying a chaos and entertaining the whole new hell" Khun Kim added smirking.

I want to ask more questions cause I'm now curious. It's like my mind is suddenly expand.

I was about to ask few more questions when Khun Kim and I heard an engine went near us.

"Vegas?" Khun Kim asked as Vegas parked infront of us.

Khun Kim turned his gaze on me and back to Vegas, he frown upon and eventually sigh.

"You're working together?" Khun Kim raise an eyebrow.

"No, I'll just talk to him Khun" I said directly.

"You ready? Hop in" Vegas removed his helmet exposing his barefaced and messy hair.

He casually comb it with his hands, I gulp down when that image of one night came back in my mind.

"Aren't you going inside first Vegas?" Khun Kim asked his cousin.

"Don't have a time, I'll be right back later to bring Pete home" Vegas casually said leaning his arms against the hood of his motorbike.

"Take care of Pete, your twin might wake up to beat you if you mess up with his fiance" Khun Kim chuckled.

"If that's the only way to make him wake up, then I'll put this guy in danger" Vegas smirk pertaining to me.

I just chuckle in disbelief hearing these two jokes about death.

So dark.

"Anyways I gotta go, Chay just ask me to buy him a rice porridge" Khun Kim narrow his eyes throwing the cigarette.

"UNDERstanding boyfriend huh?" Vegas tease Khun Kim.

"Idiot, you will experience this once you find your game changer" Khun Kim said hitting Vegas' motorbike.

Vegas turned to look at me when Khun Kim said that, I immediately looked away and pretend to roam my eyes.

After some time, Khun Kim bid his goodbye and I eventually hop on Vegas'motorbike.

"Wear this" Vegas handed me a helmet.

"How about you? Are you not wearing this?" I ask as I saw that the helmet he gave me was the one he used earlier.

"I am a hard headed... My head are stiff, so no need to worry" Vegas smile through the side mirror.

I grin and shook my head.

"Ok I'm good, let's go..." I announced after I wear the helmet.

"Hold tightly" Vegas said as he started the engine.

I hold in the side holder.

"Not that" Vegas saw where I put my hands, so he grabbed the both of my hands and let it wrapped around his waist.

I was about to refuse but he just hold it with his one hand.

Eventually he started driving as fast as he can.


Vegas and Pete arrived at Vegas' place, on where he stay while he is in the city.

Pete roam his eyes as they both walk inside an empty dark warehouse.

"You're staying here?" Pete asked.

"Hmm, this is just my temporary place cause I will eventually go back to germany" Vegas said then he dropped the helmet and his key on the table.

"When?" Pete asked as he sat down on one of the wooden chair.

"Supposedly yesterday, but I heard a news about Venice so I cancelled all my plan" Vegas confess.

Vegas walked towards his table where the documents and details about the culprit is.

"What's this all about?" Pete narrowed his eyes as he saw the papers scattered around the table.

Pete was about to pick one, but Vegas immediately slapped his hand.

"Ouch!" Pete flinch not because he's hurt, but because he got startled.

"S–Sorry... I didn't mean— can't you just tell me first what is your intention talking to me?" Vegas from his worried face immediately change to his usual monotone.

Pete pout and grin.

"Isn't it obvious that I want to help?" Pete rolled his eyes.

"To?" Vegas raise an eyebrow.

"To get revenge for Venice! And to make sure that this will not happen again to any member of the family especially Macau who is so young to face this situation!" I said firmly then took a deep breath.

"You know this is just not a simple revenge, right?" Vegas asked to reassure Pete.

"I know, blood, death, and war are part of these. And I'm ready to face it for Venice, I want to see them begging for their lives and how they will apologize to whom they mess up" Pete said firmly as he ready to face the war that they started.

Vegas can only smirk proudly to Pete, he can't believe that this man isn't just a cute great bodyguard but a brave man.

This side of Pete only added to make Vegas fell harder even though he don't want.

"Stop smirking you look like bastard, and I don't want to hate your face because you share appearance with my fiance" Pete grin on Vegas rolling his eyes.

Vegas just fix his expression and go back to his usual lazy blank face.

"Maybe you know who the culprit is, right?" Pete asked Vegas crossing his arms.

"I knew but I don't know specifically who among the three" Vegas said as he search for the documents on his files.

"Who do you mean the three of them?" Pete came closer to him frowning.

"Jet, Jio, and Jai Teepakorn" Vegas said as he raise the envelope containing the details about the three.

Pete and Vegas looks at each other and back to the envelope.


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