《Die For You ( VegasPete )》eleven


Vegas slowly rubbed his eyes using his left hand, the other arm of him seems to be numb and there he realizes why it is.

Pete's head is in Vegas' right arm serving as his pillow, Pete's face almost buried in Vegas' underarm and one of his arm is wrapped around Vegas' waist.

Vegas flash a small smile seeing Pete sleep like this.

He slowly move and tried to pull his numb arm, but Pete only push himself closer to Vegas.

"Pete, my arm or numb... can I move it now?" Vegas asked Pete using a soft and calm voice.

"Hmm Venice, don't yet move... I want cuddles love..." Pete who didn't open his eyes mumbled.

Vegas' smile slowly fades away and change with a bitter smile saying that he just assume things, Pete really thought he's Venice that's why he's acting like this.

But Vegas didn't move even though it hurts him a little knowing that Pete is only for Venice and he's loyal to his fiance enough to let Vegas to sigh in frustration.

Vegas slowly reached his phone without making a sound to make Pete wake up.


12:34 am

Khun Vegas, I saw Khun Jio left the hotel...

He's now heading back to warehouse.

I'm still having eye on him Khun.

I'll update you later.


[9+ missed calls from Leo]

2:09 am

Vegas just frown upon seeing the missed calls of his spy, he call many times so it must be very important.

Vegas immediately dialed Leo's number to check on it, but no one answered. He dialed it a few more times but still Leo didn't answer.

Vegas started to wonder.

"Hmm, Vegas? Who you calling to?" Pete with his eyes still half open, get up and rubbed his eyes.

"My spy, he updated me saying Jio is heading back here and he still following Jio" Vegas said stretching his numb arm.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go see if he's there" Pete immediately fix his position inviting Vegas to go out.

"Yeah let's go... prepare your gun" Vegas said alerting Pete.

"Why? Are we going to kill him without even knowing if he's really the one shoot Venice?" Pete asked curiously.

"We can't get anything if we will stay here, let's go near to find more evidence" Vegas said then he get out of the tent followed by Pete.

"Go look at there what's happening, I'll prepare the things." Vegas said, so Pete immediately nodded and grabbed the telescope and proceed to look at the warehouse.

"Vegas, look at this!" Pete immediately called Vegas.

Vegas turned to look at him and eventually follow Pete's call.

"There's no bodyguards outside the warehouse, where the hell they go?" Pete asked curiously.

Vegas narrow his eyes still figuring out what's happening.

"But isn't this a good timing too? We can go inside without difficulties" Pete said having hope inside him.

"No, this is not that easy... Isn't that quite suspicious that yesterday they're all here guarding the warehouse and now they are all gone like how?" Vegas frown thinking.

He walked back towards the weapons and continue to pack things.

"What are we going to do? We're not turning aren't we?" Pete ask still frowning.

"Of course not! We're we will enter his territory." Vegas said firmly staring far.

Pete nodded and bend over to level his head with Vegas.

"Pete do you trust me?" Vegas tilt his head to look at Pete.

"I do." Pete nodded then tapped Vegas' shoulder "do you?" Pete asked back causing Vegas to smirk.


Pete sat down beside Vegas, they both discuss about the plan on entering Jio Teepakorn's warehouse.


Carrying the airsoft gun in my hand and a pistol in my pocket, I turned to look at Vegas who's holding a sniper in the other part of large iron container.

Practically Vegas and I plan to enter the warehouse hoping to see what's inside.

There's no bodyguards around the warehouse and even cctv there's no one, which is suspicious knowing that Khun Jio's firearms and drugs are all hidden in this warehouse.

Vegas sign me to wait for him and let him go first, then I will follow eventually.

While slowly taking a step forward, I still focus my eyes roaming around to see if someone's here watching us.

When we both reached the huge door of the warehouse, I immediately stick to Vegas.

"Are you ready?" Vegas asking me.

I nodded then pull the trigger of my gun preparing to encounter an enemy inside.


A tall figure man standing near the window is enjoying his wine and watching his view outside.

"Move like a fool, idiots" a deep voice said then smirk.

"Khun Jio, the spy is there..." The man turn his back to his subordinate.

"Get ready for an awesome film happening a few minutes now" The man said gulping down his wine.

The bodyguard just nodded and go back outside.

"This is your consequences because of your interference in my plans" He said.


Vegas then kick the door hardly to cause this to open widely revealing a man tied in the chair.

"Leo!" Vegas' eyes open widely as he saw his loyal bodyguard filled with bruises.

"Khun— Khun Vegas... I'm sorry..." The husky and tired voice of Leo filled with apologies.

He was about to approach Leo, but Pete stopped him.

"Vegas! Don't! Stop there, look." Pete said pointing the man's shadow on the side of a large wooden container.

Vegas and Pete prepared their firearms. After some time, A man came out with a silly smile while holding a gun in his left hand.

"Jio!" Vegas clench his jaw seeing the man he hates the most.

"Nice to see you again Vegas, when did the last I saw you again?" Jio pretend to think deeply counting his fingers.

Unlike Vegas who is clenching in annoyance, Pete just frown while listening to their conversation still holding his gun pointing to Jio

"Four years? On Pie's funeral, right? Oh I remember how you cried that time—" Jio's smirk proudly. "I wonder how's her sister is doing right now, does she know that her big sis died because of your twin?" Jio added that makes Vegas clench his fist.

"Fck you! You bastard you should be the one who died!" Vegas shouted like his vein in the neck will about to explode in annoyance.

Jio's smile fades away then narrowed his eyes, the next thing he did shock the hell out of Pete and Vegas.

Jio shoot directly to Leo's head, leaving the man lifeless.

"You bastard!" Vegas had enough, he quickly draw a shoot to Jio hitting his arm.

Jio also shoot back, but Vegas immediately dodge and push Pete in other side of the large wooden container.

And the rain of bullets left and right has started. Vegas and Pete are still lucky because they haven't been hit by a bullet Jio rained.

While Vegas is changing his magazine, Pete throw his gun and grabbed his knife on his pocket.

When Pete notice that no one fired a bullets, without hesitation he get out of his hide out and playfully turning the knives on his hand while slowly walking towards the bodyguard of Jio.


Almost ten of them without a gun, but a lot of hand weapons are carrying.

In the other side, Vegas widely open his eyes as he didn't saw Pete in the on the other side of the wooden container.

He also get out of his hide out, only to see Pete stretching up preparing to dodge and fight back the bodyguards.

Vegas' jaw dropped as he saw how Pete manage to knock down the first three men using kick, stab, and fist.

Vegas smirk and shook his head in disbelief seeing Pete like this, Pete notice his presence and turned his head to Vegas while the other bodyguards are still preparing to attack that will surely ended up laying down with blood on their own.

"Stop smirking idiot, you're not helping!" While Pete is whining, one opponent was about to attack him with knife.

"Pete!" Vegas pointed the attackers.

Pete is kind of too late to dodge that's why the man slice the side of his arm, but still manage to dodge the rest of his stab and was able to knock down the man slashing his neck.

When Vegas saw the slice on Pete's arm, his blood boils in anger. How can someone dare to hurt Pete infront of him?

Vegas narrowed his eyes starting to fired to everyone who's trying to attack Pete. In a blink of an eye, the bodyguards are now laying down in the floor soaking with their own blood.

Vegas immediately approach Pete who's grimacing from the pain that was bleeding from his arm.

Vegas pulled Pete in the back of the wooden container, he dropped his gun and torn a piece of cloth on his shirt to tie Pete's arm to prevent from bleeding.

"Are you ok?" Vegas asked worriedly.

"Yes, it's just aching a bit... But I'm fine, let's go find Khun Jio. It's him who clearly did that to Venice, I need him to suffer!" Pete clench in anger.

Despite of worried about Pete's condition, Vegas then nodded and grabbed his gun back preparing to shoot anyone who they will encounter.

When they are about to go out, They stopped and went back to the hiding place because they saw more than a dozen bodyguards with their weapons.

"Shia! They're so much more than we thought" Pete said peeping through the side of wooden container.

"Pete, we can't knock them all down" Vegas said biting his tongue.

Pete looks at Vegas with worried face too, thinking they're about to face each other's nearly death.

"Pete you go find your way out, I'll handle them my own" Vegas said voluntarily.

"No, stop saying that... let's get out here together wait let me—" Pete stopped when Vegas pulled his arm.

"Pete we can't, it's either we die together or one of us die and the other one go survive" Vegas explain holding both of Pete's hand.

Pete gulp down his saliva slowly feeling his eyes burning.

"Vegas, no... I promise Macau to bring you back safe, let's go back together" Pete's tears started to come out while holding Vegas' hand.

"Tell him I love him, and I miss him" Vegas smiled bitterly.

"Vegas... don't do this please" Pete with his annoyed voice begging Vegas to change his decisions.

"Pete, I don't know if I can go out safe here but I want to let you know that I didn't regret what happened to us that night, I loved it with you... I know it's funny how I can say that in one night I found my safe place and comfort" Vegas also started to tear up pursing his lips and still staring at Pete's hand caressing it.

Pete didn't answer but what he did was unexpectedly, he knew it was wrong but he did it. His body and heart just order him to do it saying it was right.

Pete pressed his lips against Vegas pulling his head closer to him giving Vegas a tight hug with deep kisses while both crying.

"Pete I'm sorry, just go... don't make this hard to me" Vegas said pushing Pete away.

Pete can't utter another word, he just continue tearing up while forcing himself to walk away.

Pete walk away still focusing his glance on Vegas, Vegas watching Pete walk away from him only gave him a deep pain in his chest.

Vegas shouted like a madman as he get out of the huge wooden container and face a lot of man, Vegas started to fired a bullets not minding who will be hit.



s I find my way out of the warehouse without bodyguards on the way, I can't help but sobbed in guilt knowing I'll survive leaving Vegas facing his death under Khun Jio's subordinates.

When I reached outside, I turned my back to look at the warehouse. I kneel down sobbing, I hope that Vegas will come out with his cunning smile and cool outro with a gun on his hand.

I'll rather see him annoy me with his stupid bastard attitude than letting him die saving me.

And only for a minute I started to doubt my feelings, why am I crying and feeling lost right now like I've known Vegas for long to act like this.

Is that possible figuring out my feelings in just a few days, is that even possible getting attached to him just because Venice is not around?

Am I using Vegas as a rebound or a replacement to Venice?

Still sobbing in my thoughts, I tilt my head when I felt a presence walking to me.

I tilt my head a bit only to see the not balance of Vegas walking towards me holding his right leg.

My eyes open widely in happiness seeing him with bruises but alive. I panicked stand up and approach him a hug.

After hugging him tightly, I then placed my lips on his. Vegas then replied to my kisses, It's like we're so eager and intoxicated by the kisses we're sharing.

After some time, we both pulled back and chase our breathe. I look at him smiling in happiness, Vegas only smirk looking proud on his situation but actually have a slash on his right leg.

"I told you not to make it hard for me" Vegas said sighing.

"Bastard" I said smacking his head.

"You're welcome" Vegas sarcastically said.

We both chuckles and shook our head, we're about to leave when I thought of an idea.

"Follow me bastard we're claiming our first price" I said smirking and raising an eyebrow.

Vegas only frown but eventually follow me around.


Vegas and Pete raise their middle fingers to the burning warehouse, containing the weapons, drugs, and dead body inside.

After that Vegas and Pete turned their back on the warehouse they soak with gas and burn down, with Vegas arm hanging on pete's shoulder and Pete's arms wrapped around Vegas'waist, they both walk slowly away from the burning warehouse like main character in the movie succeed on their plan.

I don't know what am I feeling towards him but I'll let the destiny decide. Pete thought himself.


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