《Die For You ( VegasPete )》five


With my tired body, I throw myself in the bed. It's been an exhausting day, Khun No kept forcing me to sing a song for him.

We've been singing in karaoke since nine in the morning til two in the afternoon, I even forgot to eat my lunch.

It's ok if we did it in his room, but for god sake my boss is just a crazy bored guy who wants to mess up with everyone.

He order us to set up the karaoke in the garden, Khun No said he wanted to sing a song for his pets, the koi fish in the pond.

At somehow I felt a bit thankful to Khun No that he made the reason why I can somehow forget all the guilt I had.

It's been a two weeks since it happened, Khun Vegas leave the family, again. No one knew about what happened, it's just between us and I'm trying to bury it to grave.

Although it's still hunting me every night, the image of Vegas'cunning smile on that night kept bothering me. It's like that memory don't have any plan to leave me, and Vegas' words... the last thing he told me, it's still in my memories still doesn't have an idea why can't he forget that night.

Does he like it? Am I that hard to forget? Or is it just his thing not to forget a one night stand?

In the other side, I started to avoid Venice. When he tried to go near me I'll go to Khun No pretending to take care of him, when Venice is calling me, I tend to turn off my phone and leave it without a charge just to avoid him.

I don't why am I doing this but maybe because of the guilt that inside me. Maybe from that very moment I commit that sin, I knew that I will never deserve a man like Venice.

Thank god after a week he stopped chasing me, I wonder if he felt that I don't want to talk to him or he is just too busy. But no, knowing how responsible he is, he always give a time to everything especially when it's me.

In that two weeks, I just saw him thrice. The last time he visit the main family's home is last three days, that was when he send me message wanting to see me but then I refused and lied that I need to help P'Chan train the new bodyguards we hired.

After that, I didn't have a chance to see Venice again. He didn't call and send me a message too. I wonder if he got tired chasing me, maybe he thought I got bored at him. And now I am missing him, missing his smell, kisses, and smile.

Maybe he is just too busy.

I shook my head and took a deep breath before I attempted to close my eyes and proceed to sleep, I don't have an energy to take a shower and change my clothes.

A minute past I heard my phone rang, I check it and Venice's name popped up in my screen, I immediately get up and slide the screen to receive the call.

Gosh, I just can't ignore him right now... I miss my love, I miss Venice.

"Hello?" I called in almost a whisper.

"Is this his boyfriend?" I heard an unexpected voice, it isn't Venice's voice at all.

A deep thick voice came.

"Who's this? Why are you holding Khun Venice's phone?" I frowned while saying that.

My heart beats fast, I quickly stand up and roam back and forth. Worries and Nervousness are swallowing my entire body.


"If you want to see the love of your life alive, then come here as quick as possible... and don't you dare bring someone with you or else–" A threatening voice came across the line.

"Where?! Just tell me where and please don't hurt him, please." My eyes begin to burn as I imagine Venice on a hand of an enemy.

"Minor family's house" He said directly then immediately hang up the call.

Wrath came up along my blood, I clench my fist and get my gun in my table. I'm nervous and mad at the same time, I don't know who dare to mess up with Venice.

As far as I know Venice has no own enemy, the Theerapanyakul have but not Venice. I start to doubt my guts, what if it wasn't Venice at all.

What if they're not targeting Venice, what if it is me they want to. Venice got dragged into this because for sure everyone knows about us. They are using Venice to come with me.

But why did I do? I don't have an enemy, no one cares about me. Is there nothing they can have in me.

I pulled my hair in frustration and didn't do anything but to leave my room with a gun in my hand. I walk as fast as I can, not minding anyone who can see me.

The mansion is already quite and maybe the people living here are all sleeping and resting in their own room, while I'm here worrying for Venice.

I start to question my decision, I don't want to put Venice in danger. I don't want to obey the caller's order not wanting Venice to be hurt. But at the same time I'm doubting the situation, what if I can't make it myself. Venice and I might not be leave the house alive.



he time I get out of my car parked outside the minor family's house, the cold breeze of air touches my skin.

I took a deep breath convincing myself to calm down, I slowly took a step forward to reach the main door. The whole mansion is quite and dark, there's no light in here.

I wonder where is Minor family's bodyguards and their subordinates. Why is there no one here? It seems like the minor isn't here too.

I clench my jaw in annoyance, I can't understand anything and I don't have an idea on what will come up in a few minutes.

With the gun in my hand pointing the front direction of the door, I hardly kick the door causing it to open widely.

The dark and quite hallway met me, roaming my eyes and pointing my gun in every corner of the house expecting someone to come out. I can't see anything because it's fully dark and only the light came from the moon that serves as the dim light.

"Hello! Who the hell just called me? Where is Venice?!" I shouted expecting someone to answer me.

But no one answered, I took a few steps forward again. But I flinch and pulled the trigger when I heard the door shut.

"Aaaaaahhh! Shia! You bastard just come out! Stop your motherf+ck+ng games!" I shouted in anger.

"Oi get out now–" I turned to look at the other corner of the house hearing a familiar voice, I narrowed my eyes to figure out if someone's there.

I slowly took a few steps forward still pointing my gun ready to draw a shot.

"Oi! Enough! Don't shoot me Pete! It's me! Oh my god!" A loud high pitched shout came out infront of me revealing the terrified face of Khun No.


A small flashlight pointing at him revealing his shiny silver attire that reflects to the lights, he looks like a disco ball.

"Oi! Khun No what the hell did you do! You ruined the surprise brat!" Another familiar shout came out behind Khun No revealing Porsche with his silver attire too.

"What can I do?! He almost shoot me?! I don't want to die yet stupid! Y'all too slow!" Khun No also yelled back to Porsche.

Only Khun No and Porsche is visible right now, Khun No's flashlight was the only light that serves to let us see each other.

"Can you two go back to your places so we can start! And you Pete since you know that this isn't real! Just keep your gun and go with the flow please!" The voice of Khun Kim echoes along with the other voices saying I should put back my gun which I quickly did.

I hid my gun and stood up straight and still doesn't have any idea what is happening this time. Still dumbfounded, I decided to stay still and wait something to happen.

If Porsche and Khun No are here then there's a possibility the rest of the family are here too? What the heck is really happening right now.

A bit of confuse but somehow I felt relief knowing that no one's is in danger.

Later on I heard a low strum of guitar, one area of light pointed at my direction so I narrowed my eyes.

A familiar song played, it's the Perfect by Ed Sheeran and it was also my favorite song with Venice, probably our theme song.

"Pete..." A voice came out.

"Venice? Venice!" I saw him taking a step towards me and I immediately run towards him and gave him a tight hug.

"I'm sorry to put you in panic, I promise it's not my plan... It's Kinn who came out with this idea" Venice immediately explain pointing to Khun Kinn.

"Ohoi! You really put the blame first before doing the plan huh!" I heard a voice shout in the other side of the house.

I chuckled and shook my head turning my gaze back to Venice.

"What's this?" I ask curiously.

Venice didn't answer instead he held my both hands staring directly to my eyes.

"Listen Pete, I know that sometimes you're worried about me every time I'm not in your side, I know that sometimes you're thinking and wanting me beside you every time you sleep and wake up..." —Venice smiled genuinely— "And I want you to know that I will end that here, I want to end up waking up in my bed alone, sleeping without your hugs and kisses... I just– I just want to be beside you everytime, anytime I wanted without sneaking into your room, without hiding it to everyone" A tears flowed through his cheeks.

"Venice..." I can only call his name and pursed my lips.

"I want everyone to know about us, I want to introduce you to them. To brag that I have the best and the cutest boyfriend ever..." Venice added caressing my cheeks.

I caress his wet face too and nodded. My heart felt so touched with his words, I can't feel anything but a happiness and overwhelmed.

Venice then kneel down revealing a small red box.

"So Pete Pongsakorn Saengtam... I want to ask you this question, are you ready to be part of my family?" Venice asked opening the box that containing a ring with a diamond in the middle of it.

I can't answer quickly, the image of Vegas' face that night came out on my mind. The sinful moment we did that night without anyone knowing.

My smile fades away and guilt swallowing me again.

"Say yes! Say yes! Pete say yes!" A lot of voices cheer me to answer. I know in this very moment, everyone are here and witnessing this most awaited moment for Venice and I.

In the other side of my thoughts, I start to think that maybe this will be the start of a new beginning after what happened that night.

Maybe this can be the reason to start and forget about that, maybe I can fix myself with Venice and live my life with him, to be protected by him.

It took me a minute to decide and I inhale and exhale then flash a smile to Venice.

"Venice Theerapanyakul, you're always be the bestest among every people I met in my entire life, you're the perfect guy that everyone has looking for... and luckily I have you, I'm the luckiest man in earth for having you" —I bend down a bit to caress his cheeks— "And no one will dare to refuse you, even me... so yes. Yes Venice I'll be part of you from now on" I finally said flashing the genuine smile and handed him my one hand him to wear me the ring.

The time I wore the ring, Venice stand up and approach me a hug. I hug him back followed by a kisses.

Suddenly the lights are finally came back and followed by a loud cheering of people.

I pulled back my face to look around, my jaw dropped when I saw a lot of familiar faces inside the house.

From Khun Kinn with Porsche, Khun Kim with Porsche', Khun No with Arm and Pol beside him, and Khun Macau.

But my eyes widened to see the unexpected faces in here.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" I smile widely when I saw the two important person in my life.

I turned to look at Venice questioning him.

"Of course I need to ask permission with the most special people in your life before I own you, so here are grandma and grandpa" Venice shrugged and smiled.

"Love..." I pout hug him again before approaching my grand parents.

"We gave our permission knowing how kind your boyfriend is, we know and we're confident that this young man will take care and protect you just how your grandpa and I did" grandma said smiling to us.We hug and greet each other.

After some time I realized that they also prepare a food in the dining table, probably our celebration.

The was in pure chaos leading Khun No who kept whining and cussing me because of what I almost did to him earlier, obviously I almost end his precious life by pointing a gun to his face. While the poor Arm and Pol who just wanted to eat peacefully but they can't because they need to follow Khun No in everything.

Macau eating a chicken lollipop kept chuckling while witnessing his cousin throwing a tantrums.

While Khun Kinn and Porsche kept arguing about the taste of the macaroni salad Khun Kinn made.

The two unbothered couple are just singing and playing guitar in other side of the corner, Khun Kim is playing his guitar to Chay, when Chay notice me looking at him, he immediately wave and I wave back.

My grandparents are with Venice, my fiance was probably shooting a good shot with grandpa by telling them a story.

I stand afar from them staring at them smiling.

I leaned my back against the wall crossing my arms, while staring at them someone caught my attention. I tilt my head to look upstairs, and my heart dropped as I saw the usual blank face of him, Vegas.

He is just staring to me leaning his arms in the barriers. I stand up straight and fix my position, I can't take off my eyes on him.

I wonder how long he's standing there and why didn't I see him earlier. Later on Vegas took a deep sigh and turned around, he walk away until I can't see his back anymore.

I pursed my lips trying to forget that thoughts again.


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