《Die For You ( VegasPete )》six


I can't help but smile widely as I watch Venice cook for our breakfast, he really trained himself to be a husband to me.

He do cooking, wash the dishes, fold the clothes and also help to wash our laundry. Although we're not yet married, but he's doing these basic chores that I should be the one who's doing.

Venice told to resign from being Khun No's head bodyguard, at first Khun No doesn't want me to leave him. He sulk to Venice on getting me from him, but since Venice is his favorite cousin, eventually Venice got to explain to Khun No and promise to still visit them here from to time.

It's not that easy to adapt the whole new situation, but Venice is here to help me move in a new community. Venice introduce me to Khun Kan, Pa Kan. I thought his father would be against us but then he normally accepted our relationship.

As for Khun Korn, he expected this to happen knowing Venice has a love interest towards since the very beginning. So it's just revealed that all of them really knew about us.

"You're in a deep thoughts again?" Venice utter a word approaching me a hug.

"Hmm, I don't have any idea what will happen after we get married" I said hugging Venice back.

"The wedding will be next month, you should be used to us" Venice whisper still hugging me.

"Hmm" I answer still hugging him while swaying our body.

After some time, we both eat at our small dining table. After we ate, I took a shower while Venice volunteer to wash the dishes.


"I'm so bored! Hey Arm! Pol!" The voice of Tankhun echoes the whole mansion calling for his bodyguards.

"Khun No?" Arm and Pol immediately ran towards him.

"Oi! Where have you been?!" Tankhun frown upon crossing his arms and ready to throw a tantrums any time now.

"Khun No you let us lay out in the sun while holding the fish you want to roast under the heat of sun" Arm said while holding the tuna who is half burn half fresh.

"I think not only the fish was cooked, but also our skin! Oi Khun No! look, my arm is turning black like a barbeque!" Pol who's like a wilted vegetables in his look, yelled in annoyance to his boss.

Tankhun just winced as he covered his nose because of the fishy smell coming from his bodyguards.

"Oi what's that smell?" The newcomer also covered his nose as he also smell the fishy smell.

"Khun Kim, you want grilled fish? fresh from sunlight" Pol awkwardly smiled as he trying to hand the fish towards Kim.

"Oi! Who told you to grill fish under the sunlight? You will finish til next week if you keep doing that!" Kim said grinning.

Arm and Pol blankly look at their boss, Khun No blaming him in their minds.

"Oi! Just go wash yourself!" Khun No said and then Arm and Pol quickly turned around to walk to their room.

Arm holding the tuna, in happiness he even kiss it that cause Pol to grin in gross.

In the side, Kim is glaring at his older brother on what he just did to his subordinates.


"The hell you looking at?" Tankhun ask raising an eyebrow.

"I started to wonder if Pete really marrying Venice because he loves him, or Pete just wanted to escape your crazy stuffs that always giving him a headache" Kim said sarcastically.

"You bastard! I'm older than you! How can you say I'm crazy huh?!" Tankhun yelled pointing at Kim.

While the unbothered Kim just smirk and turn his back on Tankhun.


Laying beside Venice is just so comfortable, I can rest without minding anyone. It's like he is my comfort and safe zone. By just smelling his manly perfume can put me in a calm and relaxing rest.

After some time, I heard my phone rang. Khun No's name popped up on the screen. I check it to see his message.

Khun No :(

Hey my love Pete!

come downstairs and stop cuddling with your fiance!

We'll have fun tonight so you better get your ass here!

Love, Hot gorgeous Tankhun <3


I just shook my head smiling as I read Khun No's message. Putting my phone back, I wrapped my arms around Venice's waist to cuddle him a few more minutes.

"Is that Phi Khun?" Venice ask in his husky voice.

"Hmm, he wanted me to come with him... he probably wants to throw unreasonable party again" I said still burying my face on Venice's underarm.

"Then you should go, you should hang out more with your future brother-in-law's... cause for sure after the wedding we'll be busy making our own family" Venice said caressing the back of my head.

"But I want cuddles" I said in a cute voice teasing him.

"I have also errands to run" — Venice also wrapped his arms in my waist — "I need to finish all the paperworks I have for two months, cause I don't want something to bother us in our upcoming wedding" Venice added.

I took a deep sigh and nodded.

"Ok love, I'll to with Khun No and go to your work" I tilt my head a bit to see his face.

Venice press his lips against mine and we shared kisses again.


With loud loud noises in Yok's bar, I casually covered my ears as we entered the bar.

Arm, Pol, Khun Tay, Porsche and Che' are all here invited with Khun No to drink in the bar.

"Oh the VIP are here! Come here Khun Tankhun, here are your seats" Phi Yok came to fetch us to our table.

We all follow her to our designated table and casually sat down.

"I'll go get some beer and wine, I'll be right back" Porsche stand up and walk to get some beers.

"Khun No, can I excuse myself... I need to go to restroom" Arm ask Khun No.

Khun No pout and nodded.

"Me too Khun No, I need to go restroom" Pol also said following Arm.

We saw how Arm held Pol's waist closer to him and both enter the restroom together.

Boyfriend things.

"Pete, oi congratulations on your upcoming wedding with Venice" Khun Tay said smiling.

"Thank you Khun Tay" I smiled back.

"Don't address me Khun anymore, you're not Phi Khun's bodyguard anymore... You're part of their family so basically you're one of my friend" Khun Tay explain with a smile in his face.


I just nodded.

"How about you Phi Tay? When are you going to marry Phi Time?" Chay came to ask.

Tay's smile slowly dropped change by a thin line in his lips, he took a deep sigh looking away.

I know how cruel the relationship of Khun Time and Khun Tay is, Khun Time known as the cheater and fckboy in their relationship while Khun Tay was the one kept blinding his eyes and ignoring how cruel his boyfriend is just to save their relationship, that's how Khun Tay loves Khun Time.

"Oi Chay stop being nosy! Why don't you tell us about Kim huh?" Khun No said crossing his legs and leaning his back against the sofa.

"Your brother is jackass as usual Phi, you said you're the one raise him then you raise a bastard" Chay sarcastically said, same as how Porsche talk without filter.

Like Phi, like Nong.

"Oi! You're insulting my skills in raising a brother huh!" Khun was about to raeache for Chay's clothes to pull him but Porsche was here to pull Khun No first.

"Don't you dare to lay your filthy hand to my brother Khun!" Porsche yelled as he put the bucket of beers in the table.

I saw how Chay stick his tongue out to Khun No causing Khun to clench his jaw in annoyance.

"Cons of not having an older brother to protect you?" Khun Tay said smirking.

"I have Pete!" Khun No turned to look at me.

"Pete is getting married to your favorite cousin" Porsche tease while making our drink.

I saw how Khun No pout in disappointing.

"I have Arm and Pol! Those are loyal to me!" Khun No smiled thinking he succeed.

"Where? They are not even here right now, probably doing some boyfriends thing" Tay smirk and pursed his lips.

"You know Phi Khun that one day, Phi Arm and Phi Pol will eventually leave you and choose to live their life together" Chay added that causing Khun No to turn his face into red.

Later on, the table remain silent waiting something to happen. And to be expected, Khun No cry in a loud high pitched.

We all laugh in success to make Khun No cry. But eventually we approach him to coax him.


Venice is busy reading and signing the papers on his table, with the glasses on. He massage his temple.

Venice took a deep sigh as he dropped the pen he was holding and looked at his phone. It's already five in the afternoon but Pete hasn't massage him.

They already talk to each other that Pete must message him when he wants to go home, so Venice can pick him up together with Tankhun and their companions.

Venice took his phone and dialed Pete's number but he can't reach out. He send voicemail and a missed call but still Pete didn't replied.

So Venice decided to change clothes and pick his fiance in Yok's bar.

As Venice half running, half walking towards the main door. His Pa saw him asking him.

"Venice son, where will you heading?" Kan asked.

"I'm going to pick Pete, Pa" Venice stop infront of his Pa.

"Pete is with Tankhun, right? Aren't you supposed to let him go with his friends for a mean time?" Kan said with his monotone voice.

"But we already talk that I am the one picking him up, Pa... It's already dark and I'm concern" Venice said then sigh.

"So am I, I'm worried about you Venice... You know that they are still having an eye on us, right?" Kan patted his son's shoulder.

"I know Pa, but don't worry I can handle myself..." Venice flash out a reassuring smile.

"I know I can't convince you either, but please Venice take care and make an immediate call if you feel something isn't right..." Kan's worried face is enough to let Venice pursed his lips in guilt that he needs to put his father in worries.

"Yes Pa, I will be alright... I'm just picking Pete in the near bar where Porsche is used to work" Venice said.

Kan nodded and let his son leave the house, while the other side.

Venice left the house with his car directing to Yok's bar. As he passed through the woods, his heart felt nervous.

It seems like something isn't right and he can feel something will come up.

Venice speed up the car to make sure that no one can follow him. He gripped the steering wheel tightly and forced the gas to accelerate the car.

In driving fast as he can, Venice met unexpected incident. With full force, his car was about to hit another car and he tried to avoid it by turning the steering wheel hard and it caused him to collide with a big tree on the side of the road.

With his head hurts, Venice force himself to get up and leave the car immediately. He cough from time to time as he left the car and walk away.

When he was a bit far from the car, he lay down on the road and cough. He tried to search his phone but he can't find it.

Venice immediately get up to go back to the car to search his phone but a figure of man standing in front of him caught his attention.

"Nice to meet you Khun Venice" A deep voice greet him.

"Khun J—" Venice didn't have a chance to construct his sentence when the man in front of him pulled the trigger of his gun and shoot him.

Three bullets in Venice's body, and then he finally lost his consciousness. His body collapse as blood from his own started to flow on the road.

The mysterious man who shot Venice just chuckles and turned his back to walk away and enter his car again leaving the body of Venice laying at the floor.


Macau who's working with his homework, suddenly flinch as he saw the picture frame fell off.

He quickly stand up to pick it up only to see that it was his brother's photo, Venice's smiling face.

Macau's heart felt tighten and worried as he felt something bad happened to his Phi.

Macau immediately left his room and decided to go find his older brother without anyone knowing.

Please Phi be safe.


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